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Discrete or discreet infarct?

Posted By: Can never remember on 2006-06-22
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Subject: Discrete or discreet infarct?

Why don't I write this down so I can remember it?  Thanks for any help!

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sm discreet/discrete
Subject: sm discreet/discrete

discreet means: judicious in one's conduct or speech, esp. with regard to respecting privacy or maintaining silence about something of a delicate nature; prudent; circumspect. Discrete means: apart or detached from others; separate; distinct: six discrete parts.
2. consisting of or characterized by distinct or individual parts; discontinuous.
Your QA person is incorrect.
Which Is it discrete/discreet mass?
Subject: Which Is it discrete/discreet mass?

Ever have those days? Just all of a sudden, I'm not sure anymore. Please help! THANKS
discrete versus discreet
Subject: discrete versus discreet

For all of my years as an MT I have typed discrete fracture, and now I have QA telling me it is discreet.  ??????????????? 
When describing a rash, it's discrete and not discreet, right? (sm)
Subject: When describing a rash, it's discrete and not discreet, right? (sm)

Just verifying...I haven't typed that term in a long time.  TIA.
Discreet means secret. nm
Subject: Discreet means secret. nm

I agree the QA person is not right. Never heard of discreet fracture.
Subject: I agree the QA person is not right. Never heard of discreet fracture.

Subject: discrete

discreet means to be low-key. Discrete means outlined very well or having a clear form.
Subject: discrete....nm



I think it should be discrete, but...
Subject: I think it should be discrete, but...

....couldn't a "silent infarct" then be considered "discreet" by definition?

Doctors should think more about what they are trying to say when they dictate.

yes, discrete nm
Subject: yes, discrete nm

discrete ?
Subject: discrete ?

90% of the time MDs mean *discrete*
Subject: 90% of the time MDs mean *discrete*

Got it -- no discrete point of active bleeding. Thanks!
Subject: Got it -- no discrete point of active bleeding. Thanks!

But is the infarct
Subject: But is the infarct

IN the canal?
Try this infarct!
Subject: Try this infarct!

capsuloputaminal infarct
regarding the infarct
Subject: regarding the infarct

Could be temporal or fronto-temporal perhaps?
I believe lacunar infarct - NM
Subject: I believe lacunar infarct - NM

s/l luquere infarct?
Subject: s/l luquere infarct?

There was evidence of a luquere infarct noted on the CAT scan.
lacunar infarct?
Subject: lacunar infarct?

Type of infarct?
Subject: Type of infarct?

The doc says the patient had either a carotid event or a s/l "Borgisone" infarct due to decreased cerebral blood flow, generally to the brain or, more particularly, to the right internal carotid artery.  Any ideas?  Thanks in advance.
'pertaminal infarct'
Subject: 'pertaminal infarct'

How about intracranial infarct?
Infarct and fasciculations..nm.
Subject: Infarct and fasciculations..nm.

apical fixed infarct?
Subject: apical fixed infarct?

possibly pericapsular infarct...nm
Subject: possibly pericapsular infarct...nm

s/l acute 'pertaminal' infarct? CVA
Subject: s/l acute 'pertaminal' infarct? CVA

Context: Acute cerebrovascular accident (CVA), secondary to acute small right ?? infarct.

No, it's not even close to anything related to 'pontine.'
lacuna -lacunar infarct is a stroke nm
Subject: lacuna -lacunar infarct is a stroke nm

frontotemproal infarct with s/l jar-form hemorrhage
Subject: frontotemproal infarct with s/l jar-form hemorrhage

Neuro s/l "stuttering" or "...ring" infarct (sm)
Subject: Neuro s/l "stuttering" or "...ring" infarct (sm)

The neurologist says the patient has facial droop suggestive of a _______ infarct.  All I hear is "ring," "tring," or wing."  Please help.

Have heard of *peri-infarct ischemia"
Subject: Have heard of *peri-infarct ischemia"

MRI of the brain: s/l frontal *periapercular* infarct? Thanks. nm
Subject: MRI of the brain: s/l frontal *periapercular* infarct? Thanks. nm

I think it might be inferotemporal infarct with star-form hemorrhage.
Subject: I think it might be inferotemporal infarct with star-form hemorrhage.

I personally use multi-infarct dementia, but YMMV. NM
Subject: I personally use multi-infarct dementia, but YMMV. NM

An easier way to look at is, white matter isn't a type of infarct... SM
Subject: An easier way to look at is, white matter isn't a type of infarct... SM

it is where the infarct took place.  So you would not hyphenate.
all about fixed infarct... http://content.onlinejacc.org/cgi/content/full/52/3/181
Subject: all about fixed infarct... http://content.onlinejacc.org/cgi/content/full/52/3/181

lacunar? lacunar infarct?
Subject: lacunar? lacunar infarct?

You didn't post what comes after that, so hard to say exactly but that would be my best guess.