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Squibb? (Sur-Fit ostomy or urostomy) pouch

Posted By: nm on 2009-03-23
In Reply to: urgen help for clipped pouches - paige

Subject: Squibb? (Sur-Fit ostomy or urostomy) pouch

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Ileal conduit urostomy?
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I agree. It's definitely not prostate, and urostomy makes sense. nm
Subject: I agree. It's definitely not prostate, and urostomy makes sense. nm

Subject: ostomy?

J-pouch?? nm
Subject: J-pouch?? nm

J pouch medicine
Subject: J pouch medicine

Doc is saying S/L sulkofate one gram 3x a day

for J-pouch associated diarrhea. 



I believe it is bead pouch.
Subject: I believe it is bead pouch.

Morison pouch has one "r". sm
Subject: Morison pouch has one "r". sm

Not sure "launch" is correct. Are you sure it is not longitudinal incision?

2-0 silk suture

#10 JP drain (usually French measurements, it means a 10-French Jackson-Pratt drain).

Stoma or ostomy.
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..."through ostomy there has been more..." ? nm
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pouch? rectal stump? sm,
Subject: pouch? rectal stump? sm,

Identification of the rectal stump after a Hartmann procedure.

Identification of the rectal stump after a Hartmann procedure. Palkar VM. General and Hepatobiliary Surgery, Mater Hospital, Belfast, United Kingdom. ...
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve& db=PubMed&list_uids=11025464&dopt=Abstract - Similar pages
[ More results from www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov ]

Laparoscopic restoration of intestinal continuity after Hartmann ...

The technique of laparoscopic reversal of Hartmann procedure was first ... Exposure of the rectal stump can be a difficult step, especially in case of local ...
www.websurg.com/technique/en/163/02en163.php - 27k - Cached - Similar pages

Search > Laparoscopic reversal of Hartmann's procedure - on ...

02'12'', Mobilization of rectosigmoid stump. 03'58'', Preparation of rectal stump ... Laparoscopic reversal of Hartmann's procedure Sequenced Video ...
www.websurg.com/ref/ Laparoscopic_reversal_of_Hartmann's_procedure-vd01en1742.htm - 68k - Cached - Similar pages

[PDF] Identification of the rectal stump after a Hartmann procedure

File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat
rectal stump; stitch; Hartmann procedure. A Hartmann procedure is usually done as emergency ... the rectal stump after a Hartmann procedure. Indeed, it ...
doi.wiley.com/10.1002/ 1096-9098(200009)75:1%3C59::AID-JSO11%3E3.0.CO;2-6 - Similar pages

ostomy was then matured using interrupted...
Subject: ostomy was then matured using interrupted...

sutures in a s/l brooke-like fashion...


Koch incontinence pouch?
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"...had a revision of her end ileostomy to a Koch's (?) incontinence pouch" ? 


karius seal on ostomy device?
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The Karius seal on her ostomy device will not sit appropriately, and it is leaking.

s/l Ekin ring for ostomy care
Subject: s/l Ekin ring for ostomy care

Thanks for the help!
Can find Eakin seals and Colly-Seel adhesives. Search for '*seel + ostomy' for others.
Subject: Can find Eakin seals and Colly-Seel adhesives. Search for '*seel + ostomy' for others.

Sigmoid colectomy with Hartmann's pouch and end sigmoid colostomy Op.
Subject: Sigmoid colectomy with Hartmann's pouch and end sigmoid colostomy Op.

There was a large perforation of the sigmoid colon present in an area markedly filled with stool.  There was large s/l skivus stool present both in the colon and into the peritoneal cavity.