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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists


Posted By: jf on 2005-07-21
In Reply to: Thanks for the heads up. I've been talking - with them.

I have written to the Attorney General in South Carolina where the company is based out of and I have also contacted the US Government Waga and Labor Division and I don't even care if my whole name is on here because I have nothing to hide

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    All right people, listen up.  I was hired by Accuscribe.  Let me tell yu about their practices (I have already contacted the Attorney General's office in South Carolina). I tested, then they sent me a thing saying they were setting me up for training and was going to be paid $9.75 an hour (for training and for any work).  I had not even received a letter stating I was hired until two days later.  I trained and the Director of QA was supposed to and I called her two times, left messages and finally 3 days later she called me.  Her name is Monica Haddox. She explained to me that and I quote "you are paid for 40 hours and you better be on because we check", ok not a problem.  She then went on to explain that if you don't meet youro minimum line count, they take money away from you.  She also told me that she would send me a letter by email in the mail that day.  Never received it. 

    So I started to work on Saturday, the 16th of July (now mind you I had training hours of almost 16, which I was to be paid for).  There was no work.  I called the office and told them and talked to several people and finally the supervisor on call called me.  We got into a heated argument and then calmed down and I was to log on to their system on Monday, which I did.  I sat there for 1-1/2 hours and no work.  Finally there was work and I was doing it.  I was told that when you start there you can ONLY do a clinic account, which I was doing.  So I am typing away and I get this account I know nothing about.  I call and their response was "This is a brand new account. We are trying to figure it out."  DUH.  So i wrote back and asked them why I was doing a new account that nobody knew anything about, when I was told I would be working on this certain account.  Monica calls me up and asks me if there was a problem " and I said yes".  I explained to her that all the things she had told me about this job were not the same as what the HR person told me.  So she said " well I have backed you out of the system and you are fired for insubordination.  I said " YAY.  Thank God".  she asked me to send her my hours, which I did, which were 30.  Today I get a check in the mail for $6.68 cents.  I am appalled.  I even talked to the owner.  She was very indignant with me and said she didn't like the way I talked about her company and i said " perhaps you need to talk to your staff and make sure they are all on the same page".  I have, in the meantime, put a call into Accuscribe from South Carolina and told them that I would be contacting the Attorney General in South Carolina, which I did.  Doesn't make a difference if they fired me or not, they owe me for 30 hours at 9.75 an hour, which is also clearly stated in the advertisment on this board.  Beware People.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Watch out what companies you are dealing with.


    Accuscribe - sm
    You Go Girl!!! Finally, someone who posts EXACTLY what happens and doesn't make vague statements that leave us wondering. I admire your post and the guts to do it! Good luck getting your money, and I hope your actions teach them a lesson.
    there is no need to make vague statements...facts are facts.. I would want someone to tell me the truth about a company.  This company is ridiculous.  first of all, I should have gone with my gut feeling when they wanted me to be trained BEFORE i even got a job offer.
    I just talked to the accounting department today. The lady said well you didn't send me a timesheet, which i was again told by Monica Haddox, that they didn't require one. So Ms. Haddox told me that TODAY was payday for hourly employees (another thing I couldn't get out of anyone WHEN payday was). She told me the $6.68 was a check for going over my minimum. That was not explained either that you would receive a check for your hours and a check for going over the minimum. I just thought I would mention this just in case THEY do happen to pay me for the 30 hours. I have never seen such a disorganized company. At any rate, in fairness to the company, I will re-post here if I do get the check they said they are sending today.
    In all fairness, I am writing to tell everyone the problem has been resolved. I will be getting a check for the 30 hours I worked; however, this does not make this company okay.  They way they operated was absolutely ludicrous.  Hopefully, everyone searching for a place to work will diligently research companies and ask lots of questions and above all GET EVERYTHING IN WRITING before you accept.

    It is August 2nd.  I inquired about my paycheck that Accuscribe owes me.  Well they send it certified mail to the WRONG address.  So Accuscribe gave me a tracking number. I notified the post office that something was sent to me as a certified mail at th wrong address.  They sent notes to other post offices so they would be aware of what the real address was.  So now the post office and I have been dealing back and forth about this issue.  they call me today and tell me that Accuscribe requested that the "certified " package be sent back to the company.  Need I go on?  Well i will anyway...LOL


    I call the accounting department and tell her what the post office told me.  Her response " I don't know anything about that".  I only do payroll for the company.  So here is what I said " Put a stop-payment on the original check and send me another check overnight".  She said " Dont you threaten me".  I said "Oh honey, this is not a threat", and I said " I have already contacted the Attorney General for South Carolina".  Next is the BBB (Better Business Bureau).  I am my sole support and it has been since July 18th that I have been waiting for this check.  Need I say how P'd off I am.  And I don't know why I am surprised about, this is how the company operates.  When I was hired (finally) and started, I no idea what my days of work would be, I kept asking when is payday.. They GIVE you no answers.  In my estimation, ladies, Please stay away from this company.  The right hand does not know what the left hand is doing.  I really am upset and don't even know what to do now.  Any suggestions?

    Any information out there on Accuscribe (company)?
    AccuScribe in CA?

    anyone know anything about Accuscribe in CA run by someone named Susan Rojo?  What is the pay like?  Pay periods (weekly, monthly??)  Work load any good?

    Thanks all!


    AccuScribe in CA
    I worked for her briefly. I liked working for her. I was paid by paycheck, but was told paypal could be set up.

    Work was coming in too late in the day for me,so I had to leave.

    Generally a great person to work for and I did get paid.
    Disorganized isn't the word for it!! Is a place where people change positions like changing clothes a good company to work for?

    I think not
    Accuscribe (sm)
    doesn't pay for spaces. Used to use DocQscribe; heard they were changing. Owner very supportive of MTs, supports exchanges of info, very professional. Read paperwork/contracts carefully. Someone told me she had to sign a noncompete agreement just to test. That seems out of line to me.
    does anybody have an opinion about accuscribe?  they have offered me a job and i want to be careful, but how careful can you be when your bank account is screaming for money??
    oh thank you!  i need the money really bad.
    Have a relative who works there.  Said they're nice folks, but they don't pay for spaces.  Use DocQScribe platform. 
    AccuScribe SC (nm)
    Anyone work for Accuscribe? I got an offer from them and I'm wondering how they are to work with.

    Any word on them?

    Thanks in advance for any input.

    I work for Accuscribe out of South Carolina for almost 3 years now and love it. They are very flexible and easy to work with. They have an awesome training website and are quick to provide help and feedback. They hire IC as well as employee status with benefits. They do require E & o insurance to be carried by the IC MTs, however. Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions.
    I worked at Accuscribe for almost 3 years.  I found the company to be a great place to work.  They do require MTs to provide E & O insurance if they are independent contractors. The people were very nice and helpful.  The supervisors were great as was the CEO.  Work, for the most part, was very steady.  I worked part-time in transcription and eventually went to QA.  Very supportive and accommodating.  They also have a great training intranet in place. I took another position with another company due strictly to a misunderstanding.  I wanted to work full-time in QA and I was lead to believe those positions were based strictly on production and not hourly.  I wanted hourly with benefits. In any case, I would recommend this company to anyone interested in looking for a great place to work without the drama and backstabbing.

    Information regarding Accuscribe Transcription in South Carolina.  I worked  parttime for Accuscribe for almost three years, first in transcription and then QA.  I found Accuscribe to be a great place to work without all the drama and backstabbing that exist in other companies.  The supervisors, employees, and CEO were wonderful people, supportive, friendly, and caring.  The work flow, for the most part, was very steady...mainly slow just during holidays.  They have a very creative training intranet site which makes it very easy to learn their platform (which is DocQScribe).  They are very accommodating and will work with you to accommodate your needs if necessary.  There is mutual respect ....if you give them your all, they are there for you.  They have fulltime as well as parttime IC and employee positions, benefits available for fulltime, and pay every two weeks.  They do, however, require Errors and Omissions Insurance for the IC transcriptionists.

    I only left employment with Accuscribe due strictly to a misunderstanding.  I wanted to work a fulltime hourly position with benefits and I was lead to believe that all positions were based on production. (A misunderstanding based on a lack of communication with e-mails on my part as well as theirs.)  I would highly recommend this company to anyone, MT or QA, seeking a place to call home.

    Questions on AccuScribe in SC
    I've checked the archives and found some input. Anyone currently or recently worked there who can tell me what it's like, ease of platform, pay level and for spaces and/or headers, etc., flexibility. Thanks so much!!!
    need info on accuscribe! help!!
    please tell me anything you can about accuscribe, preferably some recent info.
    Info on Accuscribe in SC
    Anyone have any experience with this company.  I have come across postings for a CA co., but nothing in SC.
    Is Accuscribe still out there or have they been bought out? nm
    Accuscribe website
    You can check out Accuscribe at www.accuscribe.net. Their telephone number is 866-797-1337. If you have any questions, please feel free to e-mail me.
    Does Accuscribe in SC pay for spaces?

    Looking at Accuscribe in SC --good? bad?

    Hey All,

    I am looking at taking a job with Accuscribe Transcription in SC.  Heard anything good, bad, or indifferent?  It looks like a good solid company with good pay.  But when I mention I am checking it out, I heard the ethics are not up to par and the Supervisors and Mnmgt will have you dismissed just if they don't like you or if you talk to someone they don't like.

    Heard they have a big knife and shouldn't turn your back too quick.


    Any of this sound true.  I don't see it in their hiring process, but chatter knows best.  Need to know ASAP.  Can't sacrifice morals for money.

    Accuscribe in Portland??
    Anybody here currently working for Accuscribe?

    The one in South Carolina?  Don't see much recent info, curious about the E and O insurance, pay, etc.  Thanks much.

    Anyone have any info on Accuscribe out of SC or Cymed...

    good or bad, any info would be of help


    Accuscribe, INTouchMI, and VanBelkum do. nm
    Accuscribe, DSG, InTouchMI, and VanBelkum. May be others. nm
    Liability insurance. I see that Accuscribe
    requires it, which I actually think is a cool idea, but on researching it thru the AAMT website and insurer, I can't figure out exactly what the premium charge is. Is it around $84 a year? Or $84 a month? Do you have any rough idea of how much you pay as an IC? Thanks for the help!
    Accuscribe out of South Carolina. nm
    Also Accuscribe, InTouchMI, and VanBelkum. nm
    Accuscribe, InTouchMI, and VanBelkum, so far. nm
    Accuscribe, DSG, InTouchMI, and VanBelkum. NM
    Info on AccuScribe LLC out of South Carolina, they

    have offered me a job at 9 cpl part time.  I would appreciate the good or the bad!  TIA!

    I never see any postings about Accuscribe of SC. They evidently don't advertise (sm)
    for help much, that could be a good thing.

    Any info?
    Accuscribe-Does anyone have any current info on this company out of SC?

    Don't know about ASR but Accuscribe So.Carolina, InToucMI, VanBelkum,