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Compudex NJ

Posted By: Dee on 2005-10-18
In Reply to: Anyone with Compudex out of NJ? Any comments? nm - Sad MT

Compudex out of NJ....She is a very small company working out of her home. Very very fussy. Not a really good company to work for.

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Any information?  Amount paid (aprox), pay on time, good feedback?

I'm a new poster on this board, looking for a job.  I applied to an add with Compudex.  She emailed me with what the account pays per line.  It was a little less than I had hoped for, but I was still willing to consider it.  I emailed back and asked for approximate number of hours/lines per week that would be required.  This was the response: 

I can't promise that.  I have other girls working on this account and I gave the work to who gets it done and back to me.  As I've found since being in business for 12 years, transcriptionists aren't exactly loyal to who they work for so promises mean nothing in this industry based upon that.


Puhleeeeeze!  I was a VERY loyal employee to my company and I got burned.  (Cymed/SPi).  I wrote back and told her I was no longer interested (much kinder than what I wanted to say)!   


My search continues.........can anyone recommend an employer who is loyal to their transcriptionists and rewards hard work? 


Just wondering if anyone else has had a bad experience with compudex?

Anyone with Compudex out of NJ? Any comments? nm
Info on Compudex?
Hi!  Anyone have any info on Compudex?  I responded to their ad here, and they have emailed me back, but not with a lot of information.  Does anyone out there have any experience with this company?  Thanks much!
Anyone heard of Compudex? nm
Has anyone applied with this Compudex that is hiring OR MTs. nm