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I could not have 2 VPNs...

Posted By: wise1 on 2009-05-23
In Reply to: I work for two different companies and - tt

I work for one company and had VPN on my desktop, and wanted to set up for another with a VPN and would not work on already existing VPN machine, and had to install that on laptop, luckily had the laptop already... I tried every which way, and the tech guy said can't be done... so if anyone else has two dif companies that use a VPN.. and it works on one maching, would like to know how...BTW  one was Cisco, and the other Nortel VPN.

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I cannot have 2 VPNs....SM
I work for one company and do 2 accounts that both use Cisco VPN.  I cannot have them on the same computer because then the VPN wouldn't know which account it is looking for.  So, I use 2 computers hooked together with a KVMA switch and it works just fine.  So, that is probably what the problem is/was.  I also have other platforms on one of the computers, but cannot have more than one VPN (or at least in my experience, not 2 Cisco clients) on one computer.  Hope that helps!
satellite does not work well with VPNs. nm
I do not understand. I have used 2 different VPNs, and everything worked fine. sm
In fact, I used ExText also for 2 different clients, when some said it would not work.  Perhaps your tech just did not want to take the time to help you with it.  ?