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I don't know about you, but I am glad I am not getting flown halfway across the US to sit in a di

Posted By: Seriously? on 2009-05-13
In Reply to: Webmedx misuse of money - Aubrey Lanes

I would much prefer to stay in my PJs at home :)

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About halfway down the page
there is a back and forth about the Spheris Cornerstone platform and other info.  Also, search the archives on this board for further info and opinions.  I liked the company back in 2000 when I started at Edix.  IMO it started changing for the worse in 2004, 2006, and 2008 when going to speech rec.
There's a post about halfway down this page
It's titled SoftScript posted by oldtimer.
Look about halfway down this page, there is a recent thread. nm
I posted about halfway down this page about foot pedals
and how I get them to work for online tests usually. The heading of the post is foot pedal. Hope it helps.
there are a couple of recent posts on the main board, bout halfway down...
Also check the archives, you could do much better for yourself...
I am so glad, so very glad that finally I have reached
the age that if we are low on work, I just take off. No problem at all and love the extra day or so off. I now have worked since the 70s and finally made to retirement age, get SS plus other retirement money coming in and thank the good Lord do not have to worry about if there is work or not. BTW, when I worked inhouse never ran out of work ever, only when transferring out to company do they run out of work. If I had to raise a family now I would most certainly cross train on other accts at my place but only have 1 that I work on, by choice.
Thanks! I'm glad to hear that, I didn't think anyone used it anymore! I'm glad to hear so
I'll definitely check them out!
we will be glad to use our
after we find another job
I'm glad I could help.
I am an MT, before I get accused of being in a managerial position. 
YW...glad I could help :)

I'm glad I'm not the only one
When I was hired two years ago, I gave a set schedule as an SE (with every intention of following it), but right from the beginning I had to adjust it because of no work being available.  Since then, I pretty much do what I want to.  Thank goodness I work for a good office and they don't bother me much, but all the talk about the changes coming are worrying me.  If they make me work a set schedule, I may just fly the coop, because I know there will never be work available during my shift.     
I am glad you think so
You must be in management and not an MT or ME.

I have never had so many problems with MQ since being transferred to Amherst. Yes, there it is again, AMHERST. I am exhausted after my 40 hour week and feel like I have been typing for 2. I just do not get anywhere. All crappy dictators, and jumping from account to account and running out of work.

You must not do acute care or as it used to be called, medical records, and you must have easy, easy reports. I am making squat for all my aggravation.

Even if the grass wasn't greener on the other side, I would never come back.

I am just holding on until I can find another job and I am looking.

I can't take this garbage anymore.

It is not worth my health, happiness or my family. They all come before this company. It used to be a good company before FRANK came on board.

Can't wait until I can get out of here.

Oh, do you have to work on Thanksgiving and Christmas, if you celebrate that holiday? Just another one more thing to annoy me.
well glad you think so
I want to say I am so glad that (sm)
I am not the only one who cannot stand the company. Every time I post elsewhere (will not say where) I got flamed for saying this is not the absolute best company to work for. Believe me, it is about the worst. Any time a company claims it is the best, that is a red flag IMO.
I am so glad....
I am so glad to hear that! I just got my work computer and am scheduled to start on the 30th :) I have been so nervous because I have had 3 different job offers and chose Spheris.

Glad it is not just me
I thought maybe it was me, but I know I'm able to do more than 150 lph. Been there since summer 05 and wondering how long to stick this out. Demo screens can really slow you down and no compensation for them either. There are so many MTSO out there, where to go??? I don't want to hop from this one to that one again and again.
I am glad I went with them too. I have been there sm
two years. The first year was a little rocky but everything is great now.

My account has only one ESL but a handful of ATROCIOUS American docs. I would prefer a nice accent to speed-demon mush-mouth at this point. I am glad I do not get them often or I would be bald from pulling my hair out!
You will be glad...sm
Pay is on time every other Monday, never had a problem. They are very flexible, as long as you work your scheduled day. I work whenever I want during that day. They never bother you once you're out of QA. Very nice people!
Glad to know this about them
Sounds like stinky pay IF and WHEN you even get paid. I tend to gloss over the too happy to be true posts. That bubble will burst in short order. Things for the realistic info on this company. DELETE!!
Glad for you
Sounds like good news for you and your friends and relatives, but have been here for awhile and so have some others and it has been the same with them also, not just me. Bounced from account to account. I just received an email saying, Congrats for saying what others past and present have not said. That is a fact and says something. I am not making this up to slam anyone. It is the truth. I am sure there are those that a happy, some do not know the difference especially the new ones. It is just a matter of time. Everyone has to decide for themselves, but I can guarantee many just keep on looking.
Welcome!! We are glad to have you.
I really think you will like MDI-FL.
Glad to help. nm
Glad I could help!
I just got my computer today. I'm excited about starting.
Glad to be gone

You are one of the lucky ones to have been paid!!  They like to play games with your money, first by holding it as in your case for weeks after you have gone.   She does not care about payroll being late - and actually sends out emails that she is tired of answering emails, and then her and her manager will literally turn off their IMs, or just not answer.  They are also famous for making you stick to a schedule - regardless if you are an IC, and has her shiftleads call and ask why are you not working - you are on the schedule.  Needless to say - this was a joke of a company, and many people that have gone are still waiting on that final paycheck.  Her favorite comment is it is company policy like she is such a big company, yet she operates out of her home!!.  And her so-called company policy seems to change along with her mood - which is daily.  If you need a paycheck - I would advise to stay away from them.  

Sure am glad
Since the administrator has now removed the ads until confirmation from the company, about the only thing I can be glad about is that my resume does have my name and phone number but that is about all, I omitted the name of the company I currently work for, offered to provide for reference at a later date and also did not list reference phone numbers or addresses, just available on request. Unfortunately, I am still naive enough to hope this is a legit ad!!
Am glad you like it there
Some have not been given the promises made. That is why there are some problems, re: vacation pay and I could go into more detail about what happened to me when I told them I was quitting, but no need to bring up old wounds. Obviously they are now starting to appreciate what they have. I worked countless weekends besides my M-F work because I liked what I was doing, but never compensated for it. That is all it would have taken is appreciation and compensation.
Thanks!! Glad to from a KS Rad MT

I too am glad to know I am
not the only one. I have almost 20 years experience. They kept telling me they were going to whittle down my pool at first to 3-5 hospitals and then at least down to 10. They never got below 20. No way to make lines that way. Plus the line counter was set for low line counts.
I'm glad it's going well for you. NM
I'm glad I got out of there!
I can't believe that anyone will even still work for them after all of this. I got out of that hole about a year ago and went some place much, much better, and I'm so glad that I did! From what I have read, it's even worse now than it was when I was still there! I can't imagine not being paid for spaces, headers, or footers. Back when I was there, I was at least paid for headers and footers. That's just robbery!
I'm glad to know there are a few (sm)
of us KS here - just to have the relationship with each other - that's all, but I know what you mean. I don't know of any other boards, if anyone does, let us know!
Wow, so glad to know I'm not the only one.
I actually just sent out a resume myself and I'm hoping to hear back. This is so stressful. I don't know what's going on. I have been with Keystrokes for a year and have never even come close to being in this situation until this month. In fact, I have always had too much work up until now. I have had to use PTO days to cover me. I called the office to see about another account, but was told that there is nothing else available right now. This is way beyond frustrating.
Glad to know it isn't just me. I can't

understand why she is in that position. 

I'm glad....
you're busy today, that must be a relief. I wonder if your acct is (I won't say the entire name, but eye and ear....), because my acct mgr told me today that they had four docs on vacation at the same time, and had wanted me to QA some overflow at the beginning of the month....but then everyone went on vacation. That made me wonder if that was your acct, and would certainly make sense, if that many docs were on vacation at the same time.

My acct isn't on VR yet, but I worry that it may soon (so I've been told), with less for me to do. However, I also do GT for a company, as well as have my own small acct doing medical manuscripts, so I don't have all my eggs in one basket, in case something happens with one of them.

Anyway, again, glad to hear you're working today, with lots to do. Be sure you call your acct mgr next time (don't email, as sometimes they get bogged down), and I find that if I phone, my questions get answered much faster. They've always been quite up front, with anything I've asked.

Best of luck to you!
Glad I saw this. I'm just getting
I guess this explains why I haven't seen any money for the 3 days I got in before the supposed pay period ended.  I also haven't heard from my TL.  Why do these companies do this?  They were screaming for help, made it sound like such a good situation and then nothing.  Oops, they all do that, huh?  So long Cardioscribes.
Well I'm glad you did
stop by this board before sending them money. Years ago I knew an MT who found that out the hard way ($450 later) earlier in her career. There is no such thing as free MT training these days, because on the job training is very rare.
Glad I am Gone
I quit Transcend in Sept of last year.  My account when VR and my check was cut in half.  They said that VR could be done twice as fast - NO WAY!  I miss the people but not the VR!!!!!
Thank you. I'm so glad someone else
gets where I'm coming from and knows what I meant. I know the women libbers did a lot of good, but they always played a big part of the need for 2-income homes and women having to do it all!

Thanks again for offering up some support! I was regretting ever opening my mouth and wanting to crawl inside a hole.
Glad to see there are others out there
making at least decent money out there besides me. I agree with you 100%.
I'm glad to see that....
Since I've never worked for them, I can offer no first-hand info, as I said in my other post, but I figured checking the archives and seeing what other MTs who did work for them went through would help you make your decision.

Good luck in your search, and I hope you find a terrific fit :-)
I am so glad....

I am so glad I am not the TTD lady.  I would be drinking an entire bottle of wine tonight trying to forget what is happening to my little so called business. 

To all MTs

When you think you are having a hard day, just be thankful you are not the TTD lady.   

I'm so glad you said this.
So you're really happy there? Can you tell me some things about them? This is encouraging.
Glad to be of some help, GB.
Good luck. I hope it all works out for you.
Glad I'm not the only one!!!

I'm glad to see I am not the only person who has had problems here.  Wendy is the name she uses now and she hired me knowing that I had no experience with Radiology.  I guess she was desperate to fill seats.  She gave me a test that I passed with flying colors so she hired me and told me she would train me.

I have worked MT off and on - at home and on site - for the last 9 years so I thought I could handle learning this new Rad stuff.  Instead of training me on the Rad she trained me on the equipment and software. 

She sent me cheat sheets for the software, that was fine and I learned fast.  She sent me the name of a person who had a dictaphone that I could buy fairly cheap.  I set it up but it didnt' work because I was using Magicjack for my phone service.  So it took me a week to get my land line setup and in that time she pointedly ignored me. 

Once I started I followed the formatting she had sent me, but apparently it was all wrong.  I typed out the acronyms instead of the full meaning and marked them because I didn't know what they meant.  What I got in reply to her QA was: This isn't going to work, you obviously have not transcribed before.   Well, duh!  I haven't done radiology!!

Anyway, I'm glad to see I am not the only person who had troubles with this.  Constructive criticisim is one thing but the blatantly rude attitude this Wendy has is very poor.  I know I am new and I am very open to making changes when necessary, but not if you are going to insult me personally rather than criticize my work!!! 


Am so glad you came in
I have repeatedly tried to say above what you have but I have been called a newbie, with over 37 years of working in this field, a slow person who could not cut in in real MTing (do 137 wpm on straight), nonAmerican, a manager plant (I don't even work for the company they work for) and so on. I do very good at VR and would hate to go back to straight ever although some of mine is still straight, majority on VR. I had thousands of shortcuts and had Expanders so I know how to work with those but gosh, to have the ESLs almost 100% perfect, how sweet is that? For some reason people not doing VR seem to think we just let the reports fly thru without editing, how far from the truth is that? Email me if you would like and we can compare war stories, so to speak.
So glad I could help
Thanks for your reply. Good luck to you. Let me know how you are doing. It there is anything I can do for you to help your transition become easier, please send me an e-mail. My e-mail is Liz.McGrogan@trcr.com.

Glad to be out and have new job
Well, I am the OP and I am certainly glad I left there! sm
I did not have enough work on 2 different accounts and now the side I did work on is being shipped over to another company, so thank God I did leave. I never should have went there to begin with. Is it just another large company worried about one thing, MAKING MONEY and lots of it. They may "act" like they care about their MTs, but they don't care how it gets done, just that it gets done in TAT and they do not care if all the MTs have work. Also, did you ever think about the fact that when you jump on and work when it is not actually your scheduled time to work, then you are taking away work from those MTs that are actually working their scheduled. I also did over 20,000 lines this payperiod and only have 1 main account and work is NOT slow!!! If you like Transcend, fine, but there are certainly a lot of people out there who believe they overhire and overstaff to keep the TAT's shorter. Like I said, as long at TAT is being met, they don't give a hoot if there are MTs who do not have work. They still make their money, no matter who types it! Keep cheering, one day it will come back and bite you in the backside!
Glad to hear
you have another job already. Flossie is definitely a backstabber who will pretend to be your friend and then stab you when you least expect it.
be glad you turned it down (sm)
The Baltimore office's "big" oncology account is MD Anderson Cancer Center in Texas. To be cleared to work on the account you have to train for weeks with this PA person (not MT, no background in English, etc.) who is comma crazy and keeps changing her mind. Reminds me of OmegaWorst's QA -- people who have never properly learned grammar and syntax, provide no printed style guide, and nit-pick to death. Think the docs care whether there is or is not a comma after the last item in the series?
I am glad you see her point
but obviously do not care about our points. No there is not a lot of hysteria here.

You do not know our situation so don't make comments about what you do not know.