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No, the supers are very easy to talk with (sm)

Posted By: sm on 2007-09-24
In Reply to: I'm one of those new hires, and... - soon to be ex-MQer

Mine responds to any E-mail or phone call within minutes.

Sometimes other employees have info to share without calling into the office and sometimes people don't want to look silly to management so they turn here. Sometimes people just like to reach out to co-workers and questions and conversation about work being common ground....

Then again, some people just like to complain. Just don't read the posts if they have TT in the heading and leave others to enjoy this board just the same as you are allowed to do.

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It is pretty easy. I would call them and talk to them. sm
Start with HIM Coordinator (starts with B). She's the best.
Anyone know of a company, easy clinic work, easy Word format, dependable pay? Help!
go over the supers head to the head of operations. sm
Any STM that does not reply to her people is a jerk and the head of operations needs to know.
I love it. It is fast, easy to learn and easy to use.

Platform very easy and quick - easy to get used to. :)
This is Ms B. - Talk all you want, I
You drove me to drink.  A six pack just won't get it anymore.  I am on the hard liquor.  Just kidding.  Get back to work. 
You would have to talk to them about that.
Sorry. I believe that is confidential information as far as pay but as far as their requirements, it is my firm belief that 5 years is needed to be a good QA person.
I can tell you this because I still talk with MTs that
work for them currently, my name is still on the mail list, and I have not been there in over 2 months. I'm not doubting that they have hired people, but keep in mind that they have brought down the 3-5 year minimum experience, now down to 2 year minimum expeience. So that accounts for A LOT of the new hires.
lp talk
I think they pay very well.  Correct about turnover on QA managers.  Pay is 1st and 15th, but once in awhile, they change it to 7th and 22nd, and you wait an extra week to get paid, which is quite horrible.  Is your new job Emdat?  Did you find the job through here?
Like to Talk More to You


You have an interesting name, something like HappyWithoutPS?  Anyway, I see you know a lot about Precyse, the true straight skinny, eh?  That's what I wanted to know about.

Do you mind telling me what company you are now working for?  Do you like it?  I am looking for a good one.  Thanks.

Linda D.

No talk?
They also cannot  control your rights to freedom of speech, as long as you are not spreading lies.
So, let's think of something else to talk about
thanks for pep talk
I appreciate it. I was feeling like I just shot myself in the foot. I will check them out. From what you say, they sound okay. Is this one people refer to as MDI? I saw there is also MD-IT. Which is which?
before you talk yourself out of it,
you'd be wise to consider the future of MQ in this country. I left there after a long time and long time being their cheerleader. All the red flags of concern are in place.
You might be able to talk...
MDI-MD into that one. They seriously need weekend coverage.
Talk to your STM about it - she or he can sm
set your choices as ASR vs non ASR if you want to opt out. They don't just let you know, you would have to ask. Also what I was correcting what that you said ASR pay would drop to 35%; your pay remains at 70% of non ASR rate. Did you know other companies pay a flat rate of as little as 2-3 cpl for editing?

As for what is not on ASR - it's not always the crappy guys who are left but the people whose formats can't be mimicked by the ASR engine. (Guys who say - Oh go back up and do THIS, etc)
Talk to HR

You need to talk to HR, because I do believe the other poster is incorrect when she says that most companies pay in full for one employee.  Rarely does anyone do that any more.  When a company advertises paid insurance, they are probably meaning that a portion of it is paid and not the entire premium.

Some employers pay more of the premium than others do - it depends on how generous your employer is.

Believe me they DO talk
They will find out. Whether its okay is up to your company and whether you signed a no-compete agreement. My company found out and tried to make life miserable for me and continues to do so. I won't quit
no I don't talk to anyone like that sm
except comments like this. I have heard enough complaining about this profession in 35 years. Its very obvious to me this person has not been paying attention to what has been going on. If she had had experience working for a national she would KNOW that this has been going on and will continue to go on until people stop it. I do not see how anyone who says they have been doing this for as many years as she has can not know this is happening. Its happening and people need to get their head out of the sand!
nobody else would talk the way sm
his/her messages appear on this board. Easy to figure it out.
to MTs in such a rude and demeaning manor?  Whether or not you're mgmt, I don't give a rodent's behind ... they are entitled to their opinion just as much as you are.  If something is affecting their ability to make a decent living, they also have a right to speak up without your high and mighty attitude.  You're happy at TT? Well, bully bully for you!!  But your rude tone and the way you talk down to your fellow MTs ( if that really is the case) makes one think that you are also a very UNHAPPY person. 
Transcend talk

I read some posts below about Transcend that were disturbing to me.  I work at Transcend and I love it very much.  Being an employee at Transcend, I have access to the forum for all employees there.  I have not found one thread on there that supports for one second what the unhappy ex-Transcender was saying. 

My question is this, however, what if  high producers are treated differently than others? They are kind of like the employee who is always at work, on time, positive attitude versus the employee who calls off, is undependable, bad attitude.  Which one do you think would get better treatment?  That is pretty much a no brainer if you ask me!  There are also those MTs who are great employees and do the basic line count required of them.  They receive the basic pay that they were offered.  What is so wrong with that?  That is the effort they put into it.

I will say exactly what I do there.  I scored 100% on all my tests for hire with Transcend.  I have 9 years' experience in clinic transcription.  I was hired in full time, benefits, etc.  I work on a clinic account and have a secondary that is hospital.  No, I did not have hospital experience when starting at Transcend.  Being the great company that they are, they were willing to train me and enhance my experience for both our benefits.  I make 0.0850 cents per line.  The incentive plan is so great that I try to produce more than 11,000 lines per pay period so that I can benefit from it.  I have asked for days off and have always gotten them without hassle.  I have a schedule, however, do not always work my hours but different ones according to what is going on in my life.  I dont ask if that is okay, I just do it.  If I cannot work in the morning, I do it at night.  No one has ever said anything to me about it because I do my lines. 

I work also on VR.  Everyone will be.  Let's face it ladies, it is the future.  You can hate it, fight it, but in the end you either do it or get a new career.  Every MT in the future will at least have to know how to do it.  I plan to learn all I can and become better and faster at it so that I am assured a job. 

There will always be some people who are bitter when they leave jobs.  Some people seem to have a sense of entitlement.  However, it all goes back to the good old days where you get what you give.  The more lines you type and the harder you work, the more money you make.  There is nothing wrong with an honest day's work. 

Talk to your manager about it first of all. Then...
...if that doesn't work, most companies, depending on how much they are hiring, can find you a spot if they want you bad enough.

Sometimes recruiters are really restricted on what they can hire for, but if there are a lot of openings to fill I can hire a M-F person if it's a deal breaker and I absolutely don't want to lose them.

However, it doesn't happen often, the person typically has to have a spotless track record and reputation in the field, and they possibly will have to fit into a potentially difficult-to-fill niche (oncology or very high ESL, for example), but it's not unheard of.

Good luck!
Can we talk - about this MQ letter!

The first sentence that sent me tossing my cookies was "...we would like to thank you for your continued service and support.  we know the key to our success is the people who work so hard for our customers every day".


PLEEZE......I have not had one centilla of a raise in over 5 years!  So we know what that sentence was all above.  Your thanks and $1.25 will get me a bad cup of coffee at Huddle House.


Next - that's the whole reason for this letter if you ask me - the little ditty from WINSTON AND STRAWN, attorneys at law.


They wanted MQ employees to cough up DOCUMENTS (document preservation).  Of course the attorneys for the MTs' class action suite are also searching out those very same documents.   How quaint.


And that graph about "over the past several months with your help and input we have been working on developing a pay plan and comprehensive benefit program that will enable us to set the standard in the industry."  Nowhere in that whole paragraph did it mention statutory MTs.  It addressed them in the salutation of the letter, but never in the paragraph about the pay plan of benefits if you notice.  and lord help us if MQ is going to set the STANDARD for the industry (which they have single-handedly devastated all by themselves).  They did not make profit through solid  business means, they made their profit off the BENEFITS we as MTs made previously and which they through smoke and mirrors merely shifted over to their profit column.  That didn't take a genius - just underhanded business.  I could do that too, take what used to be benefits and change it to the profit monies. 


And in this letter they further have the nerve to claim:  "While we believe that the claims raised by the three transcriptionists appear to lack merit..."  How about the thousands of other MTs who also believe it to be so, and the hospitals that back them up?


I have to go pour me a drink. 

You did talk to the person about it too, right?
I have had some rude ones in the past too, but I usually am very upfront and candid with everyone. They know right away if there is a problem and we clear it up right away. Otherwise, I move on quickly. And because this can be such a high turnover job, the MTSOs can become a little rough around the edges over time, expecting way too much and getting very little in return. A lot of people say they can do more than they can. Not that it's right but I take all of that into consideration when dealing with them. Try to go smaller family oriented company if you can.

--It's good you are venting but try not to let yourself get that upset...just let it roll off your back--
There was talk about them recently, but again (sm)
They are notoriously bad about paying and have been for years. They misrepresent whether they pay for spaces or not, and they pay when they feel like it.  I waited months for payment back when I worked for them a few years ago.
Did you talk to them about it? I had the same problem, went sm
directly to Lee, and she had someone fix it. She might say to go to the proper person and not to her directly, but I have found that if I do, she takes care of it and points me to the right person. Hate to say to go over your supervisor's head, but it worked for me. If not Lee, try Karen or Martha or Becky. I am really glad that I did as now I have plenty again!
Why would you talk to owner?
Perhaps she is an account lead. That, or a buttkisser.
Me too. They sent me 3 emails that they want to talk to me..but..sm
I emailed them back 3 times and have not heard from them. 
Talk to Dictaphone
They will tell you the method of counting varies with each company so there is no standard measurement.
Maybe talk to your lead and ask....
how it works? Don't you see the job numbers and what order they come in if it's in a pool? What kind of account is this for, acute or clinic? I would honestly ask and let her know you're not happy about with this.
7 accounts?? Why?? Did you talk to D about it?
Call and talk to them. They have a few.
I am sure they will help you if they can. Unfortunately, most systems require high speed to run properly.
Still there, but would like to talk to ex-MQ for their input (NM)
Can you talk to your doctors and let them know the
How about talk to them? Every situation...
is different. Funny how when the company wants us to adhere to a schedule they are roasted over the coals for not being flexible but when the MTs expect certain things the company is supposed to go out of their way to accommodate them. If most transcriptionists worked in the real outside world they would be surprised at how flexible they would have to be, work when your company needed you, not when you wanted to.
There was some talk here about that when the OSI stuff was
You, too, need to talk to your STM. I find only 1 or 2 sm
accounts EXTREMELY boring. Why not ask for another account? Things are slow this time of year most of the time. Webmedx is getting new accounts all the time. I say hang in there!
There may have been a glitch. Talk to your SM
supervisor and HR on Monday. I don't think any company would stop your insurance without advanced warning.
Pay NOT confidential. My pay, if I want to talk
again talk to the supervisor
that is their job to let MTs know what the work volumes are and where they are at.
If you want to talk about this further, email me please.

You said talk to the people at
Medquest, cannot do that as you see no posting unless you work there. Having said that, I have read scores and scores of posts on that board. No way would I ever stand around and see my work dropping down pricewise and having the cesspools they talk about all the time. Why in the world would anyone work like that when they can do better? I know not all platforms the same but I also am not going to work for a place that seems so disjointed like the one you mention. My platform has changed lately - was an excellent one before but here lately I have done more corrections- I have been doing this same editing job now for about 5 years. You tell me, why do the Medquest people stay?? I find it utterly ridiculous to go down the drain with the company. I do make lots of corrections here lately and still make a very decent salary in editing. People should look further than staying in the same ole job and not getting anywhere.
There was talk a week or so about sm

companies hiring IC and expecting a set schedule.  There is a position posted for rad editing currently for an IC that states -- Candidates must be willing to adhere to a set schedule, which is M-F 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.   Isn't this blatantly breaking the IRS rule out in the open for all to see?

Actually there are quite a few of us happy there; I talk to others sm
all the time. We like being treated with dignity, not to mention a decent pay plan with incentives, as well as good benefits (medical, dental, vision, life insurance, PTO and holidays paid). However, your mileage may vary - no company is a good fit for each and every MT.

PS - I've been with Webmedx for approx 8 years and I am not a recruiter either.
Talk to them if you don't want all three. They will work with you!
Please talk to your supervisor...SM

Every situation is different for every individual.  I would suggest you talk to your supervisor. 

What are you, a first grader? Why don't you talk to your STM rather than sm
posting in an anonymous forum? You will get yours?? BWAHAHAHA. Lord, you guys crack me up.
All the talk about VR, are you sure the MTSOs are the ones?
I notice time and time again people are upset about the possibilty of having to do VR, asking which companies do not do and then the complaints about it. I worked for a hospital and they instituted VR while I was there, not an MTSO. After that time the work was outsourced and now the company where I work is doing the same hospital . I know for a fact that my MTSO was not responsible, in any kind of way, for the VR from this particular hospital. How are the people here sure the ones they are holding responsible for their plight, as they say the MTSOs, in bringing on VR?
There is so much talk on offshoring that I ... sm

Decided to go and do some research on my own, something that I have always tried to avoid because I knew it was going to make me depressed.  Well, here is something that I found on an Indian MT forum, very much like MTchat. 

Accuracy range 85% to 90% 90% to 94.9% 95% to 97.9% above 98%
Production line per day Rupees Rupees Rupees Rupees
1 to 275 0.50 0.60 0.75 0.90
276 to 500 0.55 0.65 0.80 0.95
501 to 625 - 0.70 0.80 1.00
626 to 750 - - 0.85 1.05
751+ - - 0.90 1.15

Calculation of the potential payment given:
Total no. of days per month : 26.

Accuracy range 85% to 90% 90% to 94.9% 95% to 97.9% above 98%
Production line per day Rupees Rupees Rupees Rupees
275 3375 4290 5362.5 6435
500 7150 8450 10400 12350
625 - 11375 13000 16250
750 - - 16575 20475
800 - - 20800 23920

In short, the 23920 Rupees for working 12 hour days for 26 days and is the equivalent of earning $496.99.  I have always been told of the Indian Transcriptionist earning 0.01 cpl but in some cases it does not even come out to that.  It is just amazing to me.  And what is even more amazing is, if you go to this site, the spelling throughout this forum (in a lot of cases) is a joke, as well as the English.  Also, a few of the Indian MTSOs that I saw advertising were only looking for 85% accuracy and yet we are expected to perform at 98-100% all of the time. 

I do not really know where I am going here with this, most of you out there are probably already well aware of this information.  I have been a medical transcriptionist for 23 years but have only worked for 2 services so a lot of this is really surprising to me.  Anyway, the information is here in case anyone else wants to see it and wants to vent about it.  Below is a copy of the link for the Indian MT Forum as well.



There is so much talk on offshoring that I ... sm

Decided to go and do some research on my own, something that I have always tried to avoid because I knew it was going to make me depressed.  Well, here is something that I found on an Indian MT forum, very much like MTchat. 

Accuracy range 85% to 90% 90% to 94.9% 95% to 97.9% above 98%
Production line per day Rupees Rupees Rupees Rupees
1 to 275 0.50 0.60 0.75 0.90
276 to 500 0.55 0.65 0.80 0.95
501 to 625 - 0.70 0.80 1.00
626 to 750 - - 0.85 1.05
751+ - - 0.90 1.15

Calculation of the potential payment given:
Total no. of days per month : 26.

Accuracy range 85% to 90% 90% to 94.9% 95% to 97.9% above 98%
Production line per day Rupees Rupees Rupees Rupees
275 3375 4290 5362.5 6435
500 7150 8450 10400 12350
625 - 11375 13000 16250
750 - - 16575 20475
800 - - 20800 23920

In short, the 23920 Rupees for working 12 hour days for 26 days and is the equivalent of earning $496.99.  I have always been told of the Indian Transcriptionist earning 0.01 cpl but in some cases it does not even come out to that.  It is just amazing to me.  And what is even more amazing is, if you go to this site, the spelling throughout this forum (in a lot of cases) is a joke, as well as the English.  Also, a few of the Indian MTSOs that I saw advertising were only looking for 85% accuracy and yet we are expected to perform at 98-100% all of the time. 

I do not really know where I am going here with this, most of you out there are probably already well aware of this information.  I have been a medical transcriptionist for 23 years but have only worked for 2 services so a lot of this is really surprising to me.  Anyway, the information is here in case anyone else wants to see it and wants to vent about it.  Below is a copy of the link for the Indian MT Forum as well.
