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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Reminder... (sm)

Posted By: m.e.d. on 2007-05-05
In Reply to: Your work force probably widened considerably with the buy-out. Maybe too much farming - out of work going on now? nm :(

The account you're referring to is overflow, controlled by the hospital and not DRC. It crossed my mind, too, that something was different but my (completely uneducated) guess is that the account was overstaffed at some point when the backlog was so bad and now it's caught up. It's also possible that the hospital added employees. Either way, I very sincerely doubt any of the work went offshore -- it's too big an account for DRC/Acusis to jeopardize with bait-and-switch, IMHO.

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To back up the Administrator's comments below and also those of the subsequents posts, could we please do things this way (the intent of the forum)?

OMIT stuff like:

"Grow up"

"You must be crazy to work for them"

"The reason you don't have a job there is because you aren't good enough"

"The reason you don't have a job there is because you probably got fired"

This stuff just eats space and serves no purpose.

I think it is legitimate if you run out of work constantly, your paychecks bounce, communication at the company is a problem, your payscale is far lower than average, your working conditions are horrendous, your company is deceitful (about pay, bonuses, promotions, outsourcing, whatever), the platform is a nightmare, etc.

This forum can be a lifesaver and provide great information to those who need it if we can just leave out the useless snide comments.
Thanks for the reminder...sm
I've been fretting about this all day long since reading the boards.  I haven't even gotten my packet yet and I'm worried about it.  I know I just need to pray about it and God won't give me more than I can handle.  Thanks for the reminder.  I needed it today! 
Thanks for the reminder.
We all go thru that, it happens to even the very best. Man i can feel the heat with the angry smileys...
Just a reminder - it doesn't matter
It doesn't matter AT ALL what the contract states. An IC sets their own hours, and if the 'boss' tries to control said IC, this person is no longer an IC.

Contracts have nothing to do with the law. The LAW trumps a piece of signed paper EVERY TIME.

In talking to the lawyer I've been dealing with, not a single one of us who work regularly for a company and depend on a company for a portion (or ALL) of our paychecks are really ICs.

By law, we are ALL employees.

Soon, I will get together a thread of people who wish to take this all the way and change the face of transcription for the better for TRANSCRIPTIONISTS.

I hope companies/MTSOs who are knowingly and willingly breaking the law by calling EMPLOYEES 'ICs' read this and take it to heart. There's only a small amount of time to fix things before it's going to get REALLY hard.
MTSO2, you are a very sad reminder of what this world is coming to. sm
Not so much how and where you choose to run your business, but your attitude that sending work overseas is helping someone who might otherwise starve and Americans do not know what it is like to be truly hungry or need shelter. I don't know what golden palace you are living in, but drop by any inner-city area in the United States and tell me no one is starving or without shelter. Get off your pompous high horse and just admit that you are in it for the money, not to save the world.

For your sake, I hope an undertrained Indian MT (or otherwise overseas) never gets a hold of your medical record. Then again, at least you saved some money that way... Good day, Madam.

A friendly reminder, please do not mention MTSO clients by name or initial. sm
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