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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

Very happy at Medware (sm)

Posted By: BR on 2005-09-28
In Reply to: Does anybody work for Medware? - curious

I am on their Merit platform and it is very MT friendly. They also have accounts using Dictaphone ExText which I have used before, but my preference now is Merit.

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Happy at Medware
I started about 1 year ago and have been very happy.  Work is consistent, pay is direct deposit and the benefits are affordable.  They recently got a new hospital and it must be a big one because I have seen postings where they have openings.  Just my 2c, but it has been a big change in the right direction from my last national.
I am happy with Medware
Started about 1 year ago.  I like the system, my team leader is very responsive and supportive and I like getting my pay on time, especially with direct deposit.  I have been very happy with Medware.  Good luck to you.
Very happy at Medware. (sm)
They have a super training team. Everyone is so helpful and very nice! Pay is always on time every other Friday!! So far I have no complaints. OT is offered often!!

I am sure I have found my home.
Have been happy at Medware
Started over a year ago, I am on their Merit system which is very easy to learn.  I have a primary hospital account and a surgery center for a back up, and I enjoy both.  I like my team leader and also like having my pay arrive by direct deposit, a big change from my previous company.  I hear they now have work available using Dictaphone software, so maybe you should ask about that too.  Good luck to you.
Happy at Medware
I have been with Medware for over a year and have been happy.  Good system, direct deposit and I like my team leader who is fair and really seems to care what goes on every day.  Hope that helps.
Very happy at Medware
I have been with them for over 1 year and have been happy.  I like the system and there is always work, plus my team leader is nice, so that helps.  Good luck to you.  I too came from MQ.
Why I am happy with Medware.
First of all, I am an Editor and am very happy with my account and my supervisor is wonderful. I am paid hourly and get lots of OT. My check is direct deposited every other Friday. Everyone I have come in contact with have been very professional and there are some great people at Medware.

You are trained, and then left alone to do your job. There is always somebody available to help when you need it. They do not call, send e-mails, etc. demanding you to work.

Probably the reason they were voted employee of the year is because they treat their employees well and with respect.

They do not put unqualified people in supervisory and management positions.

They do not put stressful demands on their employees.

I left OSi for Medware and have been totally happy about my decision. I left a horribly run company for a company that I will more than likely retire from
I have been very happy with Medware

Started almost 2 years ago and from the start I have enjoyed the people and my accounts.  I am on the Merit system and training went well, they use direct deposit and I also have their insurance (United).  Good change from where I was at (MQ).  Good luck to you.

I have been very happy with Medware
I have been with Medware for over a year and they have been a good decision.  I like my account and always have work.  I do have a schedule but that is nothing new for me.  Pay is direct deposit and that is a huge plus from my old service.  I have their insurance and it is very affordable.  Last, but the best part, my team leader is very personable, professional and I feel like she will always be there for me.  She's kind of cool for a supervisor.  They have been a good choice for me.  Good luck to you.
Very happy with Medware. (sm)
I would be happy to answer any of your questions if you would like to email me.
Very happy at Medware
I started almost a year ago and they have been a good company to work for.  Their software is easy to learn and I have always have work.  I was looking for more consistent pay too, and Medware pays every 2 weeks with direct deposit.  Don't know about the shift pay but I do make the incentive and also have their insurance (United) and it is a pretty good plan.  They have been a good decision for me. Hope that helps.
Happy at Medware
I started 2 years ago, like my account and the Merit system.  I needed insurance for my kids and they use United Healthcare and I really like them, I had that provider before Medware.  Cost is not too bad but all family insurance is too expensive if you ask me.  Medware pays their fair share I guess.  All in all I left the big guys to work for Medware and no complaints.  Lots of work even over the holidays. 
Very happy at Medware
Medware has been great to work for, they are a big change over my previous service.  I like my team leader and have plenty of work.  Hope to stay with them a long time.  Best to you.
Very happy with Medware
I started at Medware 2 years ago and have been very happy.  The work is always there and I like my team leader and pretty much anyone I have been in contact with.  Insurance (full coverage with United Healthcare) for me is $17 per week.  I also like the direct deposit which is a big plus from where I came from, chasing checks and looking for the mailman was no fun.  I heard Medware is starting some new hospitals, they were hiring alot of MTs a few weeks ago, maybe they still have some positions.  Good luck to you, hope that helps.
I am happy at Medware
I have been with Medware for two years.  My team leader is very professional and really seems to care about me.  Everyone from training to tech support has been nice.  My benefits are from United and cost $17 per week, I have paid vacation and I really like having direct deposit, something I did not have where I previously worked.  Work has always been there, it was a little slow just before Christmas last year on my account but they gave me some other work that was just fine for a few weeks.  It is shift work but they let you set your schedule and there is some flexibility during the day to get other things done.  I'm happy to be with Medware, hope that helps.
Happy at Medware
Plenty of work and DD every other Friday.  Very happy and I really like my team leader, that is a big change from my previous company.
I am also VERY happy with Medware...nm
Medware people seem happy sm
but I guess it depends on what status you are looking for.
Very happy at Medware the past year
I enjoy my accounts and have work.  The best things I like about Medware are my team leader who is very professional and understanding, and the regular paydays which are direct deposit.  Those were two things I did not have with my last service.  Medware has been a good company to work for.  Good luck to you.
Not at all. I'm very gleefully happy NOT working at Medware.
My company rocks! Just because I don't like Big Brother breathing down my throat and overwhelming me with unimportant distractions makes me unhappy? Uh, don't quit your day job.
Happy current Medware employee - sm
I have been with Medware for a while and I find that the communication  is great, I have great team leads, and have no complaints.   I am very happy at Medware! 
Happy New Year. May we all have happy home lives (sm)
and do whatever it takes to make our work lives work for us too. 
Right and told we should be happy we have jobs. Not too happy right now.




I can't say enough nice things about this company; very flexible, you area a statutory employee. That means that they pay the employer portion of your SS. Great on time pay, tons of work. Do your lines and you are left alone! Expect to be responsible though. Pay for your phone; rent a Lanier or a C-phone if you don't have one; BayScribe platform. Anything that is a bit of an inconvenience is more than made up for. You will know to the minute how much you will make and how many lines you have typed. Check it out!

She's giving work TO Medware, or is Medware giving work to her company? Medware has no work. nm
no message
Does anyone have any comments on working for Medware?  Thanks!
Thanks for your input!! I'm job shopping and want to make a better decision this time.
Does anyone know what Medware is paying these days? They seem to have a lot of ads for help in transcription and for the Dictaphone platform.
medware pay

I went through their whole testing bit, got called twice for interviews, once with a guy and then once I passed the test, some lady called me.  They said I did well on the test, but they only offered me 7.5 cpl (5 yrs exp).  I need more than that so chose to not go with their company.

Medware for me
Love my account, direct deposit every 2 weeks and the insurance is affordable.  My supervisor is really cool and understanding, we get along great.  1 year and counting, hope for many more.  Good luck to you.
Hi! I just started with them last week and so far it has been really great. They are all really nice and I have had wonderful training. You get paid by the hour for the first 4 weeks so you have time to learn the system (which the system itself is excellent and extremely easy)Your rate is determined by experience so I don't know other than my own. I guess you have to ask them about the schedule, but mine is just what I need. The staff is very, very nice. I think you would really like it. If you will notice, there is tons of negative stuff about all the MT companies on this board, but Medware has a lot less negative than some of the others (I looked through it before I started.) I think you should try it.
I am with Medware
Easy platform, good pay, good people, flexible schedule. Just what I need.
Osi does and I think Medware nm
Has anyone out there worked for Medware?  I have gotten a job offer from them and just wondered how they are to work for.  Thanks for any help
Medware which one?
Which Medware are you all praising? Where is it located?
They are located in Florida.
Hi, am thinking about Medware.  How do you like it?  What is it really like.  Do they have a good training program.  I was very impressed with the marketeer.  He seemed very accommodating and willing to work with me.  Just wondering what the scoop is.  Thanks in advance
ty so much for your response. w/ so many companies out there unsure of what to do. I have been transcribing for 3 years and just getting my line count up. Plus being fairly new on the block was unsure whether I would fit in. Just how easy would it be for a fairly new comer to fit in. I need a little encouragement and a small amount of TLC, but just for a short time.
Does Medware pay for spaces, headers, footers, etc.
You probably should ask Medware
accurate rate. They are a very good company however. Good luck.
Medware pay
I had 16+ years experience and Medware paid me the same as a newbie because I didn't have my CMT, although I was considered a Level III transcriptionist.  Also, having your CMT, you are still maxed out on the pay.  I had heard that Medware wasn't really hiring anymore MT because they were outsourcing to India and they were only hiring editors or turning MTs within the company into editors.  At one time, they were a good company to work for.  I have been gone for a year so things may have changed.  This was just my experience with the pay scale. 
Medware is still hiring MTs. Only one area of the company deals with the Indian transcription. Everything else is still done by US transcriptionists. There are 6 levels of pay -- level I, II, and III for both certified and non-certified MTs. A recruiter could better give you an idea what those rates are.

... a happy MW employee
Looking for opinions on Medware from current employees. Can anyone tell me how many transcriptionists they have, are they flexible at all, do they offer part-time, positives and negatives? Most importantly, are you making any money with them? Thanks.
MedWare? Can anyone tell me anything?
I have been offered a position and am hesitant to take it, can anyone give me any insight?  Thanks for any info you can provide.
They sound almost too good to be true! How many ESLs do you have to do, on average?
Does anyone have any info on the job posted today by Medware for MTs with ExText experience? Considering applying and am wondering if anyone who works for them part time can tell me if there is any flexibility with them, line rate range, pay for headers, spaces, etc., and can anyone "in the know" tell me what account this is starting up? Also some general info on the company - how many MTs they have, do they offer any benefits at all for part time? Thanks in advance!
Medware pay?
Anyone know approximately the starting pay at Medware for IC and employee?  Does anyone know if they are hiring for psychiatry or therapy accounts? 
Medware or OSI
Offered jobs by both, appreciate any help.
Medware or OSi
I worked for OSi for 2 yrs and recently left to join Medware. Medware is a better run company. Their people are more professional and knowledgeable. It is just a great place to work!!

There have been a lot of OSi people leave and go to Medware in the past month.

I tested for Medware 2 weeks ago and have not heard from them. I know I did well on the test. Anyone know if they are really hiring?
Anyone know what Medware