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You do understand, don't you, that Ƌ hrs.' overtime

Posted By: on PAPER comes out to -sm on 2008-09-25
In Reply to: I'd take the $63 too. - nm

a lot more than that in actuality. We're paid by the line, not the hour. We can only put so many hrs. on our time logs based on how much lines we type. So in order to get '5 hours' worth' of lines, I had to work roughly 10 extra hours, over and above what I normally work.

Sorry if I didn't make it entirely clear. But that IS chump-change, and I was a chump for working my @$$ off all night for it.

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What is MQ considering overtime? sm

Is it anything over 39 hours?  Or if you are PT is it anything over what you have committed to work (ie 16 hours a week?). 



Anything over 40 is overtime
must be approved.  Same as when I worked for a VERY large company, it's time and a half but must be approved.  MedScribe does not limit the number of lines you can type but if you work on your day off you have to email first.
Yes, we have been on mandatory overtime for many months.  The money is always nice, but it does wear you out.
How much mandatory OT for the part-time employees?  I already work full time.
They require at least 1 hour per day.
This thread in the Transtech bashing is by far the most ridiculous I have seen to date.  It is just as ridiculous as a Wal-Mart employee saying, hey I need to make some extra bucks, I'm going to put in some overtime.   Think they would pay for unauthorized overtime?  For those who are so unhappy at TT, why don't you spend the time you spend on these message boards sharpening up your resume and go somewhere where you can be happy and leave the rest of us alone?  As a TT employee myself, I would never dream of just deciding I wanted to put in overtime and then expect the company to pay for overtime whether it was justified or not.  And justification of overtime is NOT that you can't get the required lines in your allotted hours!!  Perhaps if the collective we stayed off these boards and actually applied ourselves to working, we wouldn't have to worry about putting in overtime either on or off the clock!!   Go ahead and report your whines to the labor board, you won't get anything but do remember you can't throw mud without getting mud on yourself.
I don't get overtime either
What I've been told is it all works out in the end. I get paid if I don't have any work on a given day and I get paid if I finish my work in less than 8 hours, then again there are times when I work extra hours to finish up my work when it's a particularly busy week. This week is very slow so I've actually only worked six hours the past four days but I still get paid for a 40 hour week.
It's not actually overtime - sm
When we work the 3 holidays for MDI-MD they are generally on a regular work day, so we are not working overtime so to speak, only our regular committed number of lines. I consider working 3 holidays to be fair in exchange for having the other 3 holidays off. Workloads on holidays are generally pretty light anyway, and you have the whole 24-hour day to get your lines done, so you can work around your personal needs for the day.
I've being doing a lot of overtime and have been on -
Mandatory overtime
Yes as of a few months ago when I was there they had mandatory overtime. I think it is better for a company to offer incentive. Mandatory overtime is on a par with home slave.
no, getting overtime 2 weeks out of 4.
Better ask if they still have mandated OVERtime!! nm
Can anyone say if they still have Mandatory overtime??? nm
Mandatory overtime would keep me FAR away from them. nm
I put in 5 hrs. of overtime last week, and

    That's the last time I bust my butt for nothing but chump change!  I could make more standing on a street corner with a cardboard sign...........


be grateful you actually have overtime
I'd give anything to be paid for overtime at my job - I get the same base hourly rate, regardless of how many hours I work, so be happy you have the opportunity to make extra instead of complaining about it.
So, how does it work into overtime?
Since you have all the facts, please explain.
I can work all I want, but don't get paid overtime. I don't
have to clock in so I don't know how they would know how many hours I worked anyway. 
a question about overtime and the legality of this...
I am an hourly employee.  How can a company get away with not paying time and 1/2 for OT ?? just paying however many hours worked as hourly pay?  i am fearful of losing my job to even ask them but i've been with them for 5 years now with no OT pay
Overtime out my ears at WebMedX (sm)

I get 9 cents a line and there's a tiered incentive plan.  It's something like 150-160 lph they add 0.5, 160-170 lph they add 0.75.  The top is 300 lph, where they add 2 cpl.  I've consistently earned the top incentive pay, making great money.

I was a little worried the work would get low when I saw all the ads lately, but maybe the ads are because they got new accounts.  It gets maybe a teensy bit light around the holidays (like 5 minutes without work).  I have tons of backup accounts and almost every day I have the opportunity for overtime.

I'm a FT employee with benefits.  I'd rather have someone else take care of finding accounts, setting up benefits, etc.  Couldn't be happier, really.

They used to have mandatory overtime. Can anyone address this? nm
Used to start off at 7.4 cpl and they had Mandatory Overtime! Don't know
Question about Amphion overtime
I have been with Amphion a couple of months only and hardly getting used to their system.  I have been told to do mandatory overtime a lot and this is messing up my scheduled with picking my kids up etc.  I have to make other arrangements to pick up my kids.  What is the best way to get out of mandatory overtime.  I never worked for a company with mandatory overtime, it was always my choice. They said no nights or weekends in the beginning and then they go and pull these shenanigans. 
Why has Amphion overtime been stopped?

I was thinking of applying with them mainly because of that.  Like the person asked below has the overtime policy changed or are they just caught up?

My accounts are crying for overtime. What's up I wonder? NM
What other job would you work overtime and not get overtme pay?

Could be that they got into trouble for not paying overtime in the past, had slacked off on watching for that, there isn't enough work to go around (ya got that right), etc. and they should get in trouble for not paying overtime cuz it is not legal. 



I have a lot of work and actually working overtime
I guess it all depends on your account. I like the communication I get from my TL. It is a great change from my previous company. Good luck to you in your job hunt!
Production incentive meaning overtime
Then it would be legal.
Mandatory overtime's not gonna scare you away, huh? nm
Beware the Mandatory Overtime with them! Was discussed
Do they offer any overtime or strictly 40 hours?
You can email me if you like.  Thanks for info.
No mandatory overtime on my team. In fact
work is low.
That was after I left that co, they must have had to go through records and pay all overtime owed
it was a pleasant surprise - I don't know what the penalty to that company was but it was money I hadn't expected but they must have had to pay all transcriptionists if I got one. This was a few year ago. Evidently whether the overtime was authorized or not, the company was aware the Transcriptionist was over 8 or 40 hours a week and had to go back and pay all of them.
IC/Overtime Court Case in Texas

There is an 'opt-in' federal labor law case in the Texas courts naming a midwestern MT company as the defendant for nonpayment of OT and IC/employee status violation.  If you Google full company names, the case will come up in the results. 

Opt-in means that if someone wants to join the law suit they need to contact the defendant's lawyer or the courts.  This information is public and easy to find.  I paid only $0.64 online to get the legal papers filed with all of the contact information.

**** This thread is being locked.  All replies need to go to email. ****


Overtime is calculated in Elabor, in compliance with federal law....
We enter our hours into Elabor each day, and OT is calculated. Right now, with a slow workload, I doubt overtime is approved. As a matter of fact, it is not approved.
Wage-hour takes nonpay of overtime very seriously

3 people have just last week reported a large national company for requesting people to work without recording hours in order to avoid overtime. They have moved on to better things but had all documentation they needed.  They were told this is a serious offense.  Note if your company asks you to work without recording hours or that overtime is not approved it is against the law and you can take legal action. This is true for any company.


Post here in Jan. 2007 said they have mandatory overtime. Is this true?
So, you need mandatory overtime to reach your line requirement, huh? LOL
I hear that Amphion is back on mandatory overtime again, so
they must have plenty of work if you can stand tons of emails.  For IC status, Advanced Transcription out of Oregon also seems to have plenty of work.
that was union and they STILL made us work overtime, etc. Depends on where you
are.  Personally, count me OUT!  My experience is HORRIBLE and getting worse.  I am now union free and tell everyone I know about my BAD experiences with the union!  Companys do what they want anyway!  When you start starving and no one will hire you because you are on strike you will get the picture
And mandatory overtime (they don't tell you that 'til after you're hired). nm
Ditto to Queenie. My accounts have Overtime as well. Don't spread lies. sm
You need to ask for more work or another account. I have NEVER run out of work, but, I also have 15 accounts in my profile. Don't complain about running out of work when you can ask for more and get more.
Does Axolotl provide computers? Do they call for overtime or offer it?
I have heard they are a great company to work for. 
Has anyone turned them in to the Labor Board abou not paying overtime?
Recall WalMart asked staff to work off clock for overtime, remember? sm
It was on TV, newspapers, it took a court thing to resolve. Guess people will try most anything (for the moment) and just pay a fine, i.e. the cost of doing business.
All nationals I work for you only work 40 hours unless they approve overtime.
Legal or not legal overtime question.
My friend works for an MTSO who assigns dictators.  You are supposed to keep up with your assigned dictator whatever that takes.  She is overloaded and working 50-60 hours a week.  She is an employee.  They say they do not pay overtime and do not have to pay overtime but she is expected to get those dictators current and keep them current.  I say because she is an employee the federal law of a 40-hour work week and overtime apply.  She has asked everyone from her team lead to the HR person and they say they do not pay overtime.  I say that is not even legal if she is in fact an employee.  What is correct? 
What I don't understand is this-

But I still don't understand

They never have anything positive to say, except about themselves.  I guess we don't need to ask anymore questions after we come to that conclusion.

So, let me understand (sm)
That this is your first career/job out of high school and you are getting 8.5 cpl for clinics and they are mentoring you?  Did you hire in at that?  How long have you been there to be offered QA with such little background in MT? (no offense)  I have 10 years experience and they are talking 8 cpl to me.  Hmmm.....
I think we can all understand
The typo police don't have to come out every time.  Get a life.  We all work with words all day long and when you get on here, you might be a little tired.  Give 'em a break.