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etrans payday

Posted By: entrans-er on 2009-07-30
In Reply to: My bad. Pay date the last day of the month, - wannie

haha...I've been thinking the same thing all morning! Duh!

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We people? If they want to put it in early, that is fine, but payday is payday. If it is late sm
many of us are in deep trouble particularly folks like me that live from payday to payday because I am the sole support of my son and cannot afford a company that does not put the money in on time. Those companies that do that should be run out of business or banned from the MT community. They give MT a bad name.

I bet you are an MTSO who does not pay on time....you people? Gives me an idea as to the part of the country you are located too.

I know my company would die before they put it in early and heaven forbid if you complain because it is late! You are lit into like a light to complain if it is late by the owner. It will never happen that it is in there early and I doubt seriously that it will happen that it will ever be right either. It is never right and yes, I am looking for another job because there are too many good companies to work for to put up with bank charges in excess of $50 for paychecks that are not in there on time or are wrong.

According to the info I received there is a two-week lag from when you turn in your time card and when you receive pay for that time period.  It shows that on the list of pay dates and also in the Email info. 
I don't think there's a problem with the pay, just that maybe it has moved in house now and is not as automated as it was with the company that handled it before and there is a new payroll person handling it, experienced, I hope, so. . .

My pay has always been in on Friday mornings. I check my account every day before work and I start at 6. This is the first time in my 1 year with TT that it was not in on Friday morning, so I have changed my budget planner to reflect TT paydays based on the payroll sheet they sent out. Sigh. Friday paydays were great for us because my husband got paid on the opposite Fridays, so it always seemed like we had a little bit of money between pay periods. HAHA. Guess it had to come to an end sooner or later. I just hope this doesn't cause serious problems for people. I pay bills electronically so I was able to change some dates luckily.
I am a new KSer also, and am figuring on Tuesday at this point, with nothing in my account. The paperwork does say if it falls on a weekend or holiday, then next business day. I forgot this was President's weekend, and this is my first paycheck.
Tomorrow is payday
Are you saying that you have not received your check from last pay day? If you have not, please call HR immediately.
When is the next actual payday for TT?
I will be starting soon. When does the current pay period end, and then when will the check for this pay period be paid? Is the pay period Monday through Sunday, then it is paid by the following Monday? I will have DD and want to plan my finances this weekend. If I can get a pay date for the next check, I can plan ahead for every two weeks. I forgot to ask the recruiter and don't have my packet yet. Thanks.
Next payday at Transtech?
I start there soon and wonder when the next paydate is and what calendar days it covers? I just would like to determine when I will get my first check. Thanks!
Payday is Monday and that is when I sm
anticipate being paid. My check is always there on Monday, never sooner. You are lucky your bank floats it sooner. Most banks don't.
DON'T do a payday loan!
You will borrow around $300 and end up paying something like $900 back! That happened to a friend a while back. I know that our state is trying to outlaw these payday loan companies. It was on the news and in the newspaper not too long ago. Their interest rates are also illegal.
payday loans sm

The problem with these is that a lot of people don't pay the entire amount back plus the fee and that's it because they're short again on that paycheck so they roll it over and the cycle begins.  Sometimes they go to another lender to pay the first lender, then another to pay the second lender, etc. Storefront lenders at least are regulated.  Most of the ones on the internet are illegal and are more expensive.  In my state they passed a law last year limiting the amount of interest these places can charge.  A lot of them went out of business.  However, if you can use it once, pay it back and that its, you'll be fine.

$100 at a payday place near me is $120 sm
on payday.  $200 is $239.  Come on, we are not talking about exending a payday advance for months on end.  If she needs it now and absolutely pays off the $120 on payday, not borrowing more, it's an option.
Keystrokes, payday
Isn't today payday for keystrokes?  I had no direct deposit and no email yet.  I sent an email, but have yet to hear back?  Seems like the dates of getting paid aren't consistent.  Sometimes the 1st, sometimes 31st, sometimes 14, 15, 16.  What gives?
Payday supposed to be 1st and 15th.sm
Received it 10 to 15 days after that date. I do not think we are talking about same company. I worked for BTS, not Sten-Tel.
Yes, tomorrow is payday at TT, every other Monday. nm
PS This was Saturday the 15th, payday
Mine has always been in on Saturday and not before. Since payday is not until
TT has it's faults but they've never been a single day late on a paycheck and have paid early for holidays many times. I don't think they can be blamed for not paying us early.
Stay away from Payday Loans if you can (sm)
I'm the poster child for what can go wrong with payday loans.  Because of the constant situation of low work I turned to payday loans.  I had every intention of paying it back on payday, which I did for the most part.  But because my paychecks never made it back up to where they once were, it turned into a fiasco, robbing Peter to pay Paul, or borrowing from another payday loan place to pay the first one back.  I got into a horrible situation with them.  I have paid them all back except for 2 which, now that I got a second and third account at work, my checks are getting bigger and I will be able to hopefully pay those off by June.  Some people can get PDLs and pay them back on time and move on.  But for people like me who used them to pay bills for too long it got out of control.  Last November my state (Ohio) did vote to lower the interest rate drastically on the loans and give people at least 30-40 days to pay them off.  But that would have put them out of business. Some of them closed down but the others found loopholes around the law.  Instead of calling them Payday Loans or cash advances, they simply renamed them, calling them Short Term loans or whatever. Plus they started buying and selling gold.  So even though they were all supposed to be put out of business, believe me, most of them found ways to stay open by finding a way around the new law that was passed.  If you can get one loan and pay it back and use that to supplement your income, fine.  But watch out, because you can get sucked into a never-ending vortex of re-loaning over and over.  I can't wait until these last 2 are paid off!   
I have been at eTrans for 15 months now and I like it. You have to produce to get the good pay so I do not recommend it for part time because the rate is not good for that. They lack communication sometimes is a bad point and can get very irritating. They pretty much leave you alone and are flexible with your schedule, which for me is a plus. If you do adhere to your schedule you get extra to your line rate so it is pretty much your choice. I have been on a radiology account since August but did acute care before that. The account I had was pretty easy. I love the radiology account. They have good insurance with normal rate. I know some have the same insurance cheaper, but in the world today what we pay for our insurance it is pretty average. You do get net reimbursement and PTO. I am sure I forgot some things, but maybe I helped in the process.

I've gotten a job offer from eTransPlus but I just don't wanna jump into another fire and end up hating it.  How are they to work for?  I truly just wanna be left alone and allowed to type and not get bogged down in politics.

thanx in advance

eTrans Plus
Any feedbackon eTrans Plus???  Thanks!   
anyone know about Etrans Plus?
Have any info on this company?  Is it a good place to work?  Stable work flow?
I worked for etrans for 6 1/2 years since the day the doors opened.  In the beginning they were awesome.  Over the years, they have turned to crap.  Me and other veteran employees were recently laid off for making too much money.  Then they denied our unemployment, got caught with that and then tried to deny our PTO, got in trouble for that.  They are losing more accounts then they are getting.  I have a job now where the owner actually cares about her employees.  Loyalty and dedication means nothing to Etrans.  They will hit you when you are down.  I have many references to back it up.
eTrans Plus...RUN
Hey everyone,

Just wanted to post my most recent experience in my hunt for a good place. eTrans-Plus is the company, located in Nashville TN. First of all they use DVI Voicewave which is a very old system which has not been improved upon in ages mixed with a virtual desktop which you have no control over to do your transcription in. They provide ShortHand software, but if you want to have what you're used to you're just out of luck. I also would like to comment that their HR person there is EXTREMELY out of order. They also have some of the highest insurance rates I've seen.

Welp, just needed to vent...Hopefully tomorrow will be better.
ETrans Plus
Can someone tell me what medical ETrans Plus offers and the requirements are to get them? TY
Does eTransPlus offshore?  Do they have ASR?
I have been at eTransPlus for several months working on the ExText platform.  So far so good except for the QA person assigned who I find ill-prepared, unclear, defensive, and has no interest in carrying on a 2-way conversation.  Get past her and everything else seems to be fine ...so far.  I have learned, however, that these companies are often not what they appear at the beginning so I hesitate to give a rave review with my 4 months of experience.  Can't speak to other platforms.  This one is wonderfully easy.
I work for Etrans and feel the tiered pay is very unfair. The quality of work is the only thing that should matter when it comes to compensation. There have been days (almost a week) at a time when work was low and I had my pay cut to 6 cents a line for the entire pay period. Also, while I was waiting for training to be set up on a new account, which they forgot to schedule, I sat for a whole week with no work, my pay was cut. This has made me ineligible for benefits also. There are many reason a line count can occasionally drop temporarily. Why should I have not only less work but at a lessor rate?

They have no problem calling me asking me to start work early or to work over when there is extra work. I don't get paid extra for that nor is there any overtime for working extra days. I don't know how this is legal.

I like eTrans and the people there are nice. They don't bug you a lot, but I still need to make a decent living which I am not. Again, I think the quality of work should matter more than quantity. For some of us, we can only type at a certain speed, and after 20 years transcribing, I think I have reached my peak, so this is it. I am not going to get any faster.

Thanks for letting me vent.
I kept getting job offers from one of their recruiters thanking me for contacting them....which I never did. I thought that was weird.  I appreciate the work offers but have your information together before you contact me.
Amanda...Just wondering...Were you able to collect unemployment after you quit Etrans? I've never been on unemployment, but I thought you would not be able to collect if you had quit a job....is that not right?

I haven't noticed the line count, but thanks for bringing that to my attention!


As of this moment I'm employed by EtransPlus. I didn't know there could possibly be anything worse than the program I use which is Mongoose!  

Have you been able to reach your line counts lately? I have been having a terrible time for the last 3 months....it's not getting any better and I'm planning to throw in the towel soon. I can't sit here for 8 hours and come away with less than minimum wage! I also see there has been a major rearranging of staff...do you know what's happening there?

Mine is always there on Friday, but Monday is payday.
If my payday falls on Saturday we are usually paid
on Friday, if Sunday, then we are paid on Monday. We also have a pay schedule that is published at the first of the year so we know when our paydates are.
If your company hasn't paid you come payday and

promises it will either be overnighted to your or in your account by the end of the day and it isn't, and the next day the money isn't there and they wait until the end of the day to tell you they don't know when you'll get paid doesn't that sound very fishy?  I think the CEO should have issued a statement and outlined exactly what the issue is.  If it isn't a matter of money (like they don't have it) then why not say what the problem is. 

Someone mentioned this situation yesterday or the day before and got reamed, but I think this is now a MAJOR issue.  Fortunately for me I got a big tax return and I haven't paid all the bills yet so I'm not hurting, but I can imagine there are more than a few who NEED their checks NOW.  

Today is not payday. DD will be in bank tomorrow. nm


Agree with you. Payday is Monday, this is the Friday..

before payday. Some people will whine about anything. As I said before, plan your finances better and you won't be relying on DD. Why don't you call payroll and whine to them, see what they tell you?

I'm with you on the payday thing. That's the only real down side. sm
And I have not noticed a lot of ESLs on the accounts I do either.  The main account I work on, there are 2 woman (American born, I assume) who are far worse than the ESLs I have done.  Still, it is much easier than acute care.  After 30 years plus of being an MT, I was kind of burned out on acute care, so this is a nice change. 
I know that payday is on the 15th, but since the 16th is President's Day, sm

do you think we will be paid on Friday like we were last payday?  This is only my 2nd payday, so I was just curious.  If I have to wait until the 17th, then so be it.  I don't want to be lectured by those I have seen about people expecting to be pair early.  As I said, it happened before, and I just wondered.  Since it is getting late and I have not yet received an email with my paycheck stub, it is looking like probably not. 


You talked about gambling in the payday thread too. nm

Actually you are wrong about the payday thing. It states clearly that sm

the pay dates are 08/03 and 08/17, so unless your bank magically gets money for you, it has nothing to do with posting dates. 

As for the insurance thing, I'm like the other poster.  I didn't even get my new cards until last week and until then I thought I had screwed up and didn't even get the extra coverage.  I'm not bashing Keystrokes.  I just think they could have waited one more pay period and given people a heads up, this is coming thing for those of us not as wise as you obviously are.

eTrans plus is EXCELLENT!
love my job at ETP! Good folks, good benefits, good pay, good accounts, feel like I'm in MT heaven!
eTrans info sm

I am very happy at eTrans. Before this, I worked at MQ, so I know what it's like to work at a bad company. As far as my work load, I never have a problem getting the minimum lines for the day and beyond if I want. I start early in the morning and rarely have to work more than an hour extra on slow days, usually only the last day of the pay period for some reason, and like I said, that is rare. I don't know about overhiring.  I get plenty of work to make the incentives if I wish. I have always been paid on time every time. And as far as demographics, the system I am working in is really easy with no real slowing down for demos.

I know eTrans was called out a few days ago by former employees, but I have to say I have never had any of the bad experiences that were posted. The tech people have been great, even though I've only had to talk to them once. My supervisor is great and has always been there when needed. I have a great account, a great backup account, and a great platform that means I don't have to kill myself to get the lines I need like MQ. I even referred my own mother to this company, and she is about to start with them next week. Do you think I would do that if I thought they were an awful company?

Hope this helps.

eTrans Question

How is the sound quality for eTrans?  I took the test last night and sound was very scratchy, static, muffled.  Is the normal dictation like this or is it just the test?  Also, anyone know what their line rate is?

eTrans and Shorthand
Is there anyone working for eTrans that is having trouble with their word expansions. I have been having a really great lag, and sometimes my ShortHand words expand and sometimes they don't. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to this. I feel like I am typing in quicksand. It is driving me crazy. My line count is really down. There is a big lag and sometimes I will be on another line and look back to see an shortcut that did not expand. My internet provider was just upgraded to the fastest that is available, so I do not think this is the problem. Anyone else have this problem with Shorthand?
eTrans shorthand
I work for eTrans also and have the same problems you are experiencing with shorthand. It is soooo frustrating!
Does eTrans pay for spaces?
I know there was a company I talked with a while back that said they did not pay for spaces, but don't recall if this is the one. Does anyone know?
Etrans info
Feedback on Etrans out of Nashville?  Is the software MT friendly, productive, etc.etc.  Thank you.
Etrans plus sound? sm
How is the sound quality for eTrans?  I took the test last night and sound was very scratchy, static, muffled.  Is the normal dictation like this or is it just the test? 
DD is usually 1 day early. If holiday falls on payday DD may be a day late, but
never more than that.     S/L company could be having $$ issues is problems with DD.
I'll tack it onto your tab which is due Monday 'cause that's PAYDAY.
That's not true, my friend owns a payday business
and if you borrow $300.00 you pay $45.00 for that loan ending up paying back a total of $345.00.  Maybe that was just a very unfortunate situation of your friend.