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A friend sent them to me in an email....sm

Posted By: LOL on 2006-12-02
In Reply to: Good one! Where did you find the pictures? nm. - Mimi

and somehow was able to get the original shots with nothing blacked out. OOPS, she definitely did it again! In a big nasty way. Ewww. LOL

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a friend's b/friend died last year, drank, took vicodin...

I use AOL.  i've tried drag and drop but that didn't work.
I would just email them and say
Thanks for sending the work early, I will get on it first thing tomorrow. Enjoy your holiday!
Would you like for him to email you?
I don't think he thinks of himself as a poor kid. He is 21 now and is a real estate agent and in his last year of college. He is one of the best young men that you would ever want to meet. If you had a daughter, believe me you would want him for a son-in-law. And that's no joke.
Well, can we just ask WHY you don't take it to email?
I think there are way more of us that find it more odd than cute. lol
TLR-look for email!!
Hey!!  I must have missed something here,but I'm glad becauseI wouldn't want it to mess up a good morning I'm having.  I would love to read your lyrics!! Oh, you know who and I just got back from having cappuccino on the patio at one of our favorite hauntings!!  When I say these 2 words to him in the morning "coffee and cookies" he goes crazy and then he starts barking when I pull up to the coffee shop!
Cat - regarding your email to me...sm

Hi Cat:  You emailed me but I'm not sure why.  You don't know anything about me nor if I have currently any connection to the VA.  I have been fighting for this govt to take care of our veterans for the past 20 years.  I used to transcribe for the VA in Miami 20 years ago.

I did LOVE your post about sending in the politician's kids to fight ANY war - like that's ever going to happen!!  It's a rare politician whose kid(s) go to war.

Have a GREAT weekend!!

Keepin' the faith!! 

I just sent you an email.
We are so alike, and I see the poster below is going through the same thing.

Just sent you an email.
sent you an email...:)
Been there/done that. You can email me if you'd
like but what you wrote sounds almost exactly what I lived for years. Sometimes I'm surprised I didn't just leave. I'm still here; stepson is still in the picture too, and I've grinned and beared it since he was 6 (now he's an adult).

Email me if you'd like.
i tried to email you sm
i tried to email you but i got an email back saying they couldn't send it, probably your spam blocker or something. anyway, i always heard that giving a dog a bath once a month was plenty. so that's what i do.
good luck with your new baby!!!
you are welcome. I am going to email you
you can add me to your friends list. Good Luck!
well just email me through here if you want some
Me too, have gotten this in my email - sm
before, it obviously struck a nerve though. Political correctness rears its ugly head again, guess jokes are out on this forum.
what email program are you using? nm
I just answered your email *S*
Please check your email.
Know anyone can send email...
I said sent in error and that is what happened, not that you had anything to do with this, you did not. Apparently by saying independent and asking about how to send in taxes, this person thought I was maybe owner of a company. Maybe rereading the post I held no one accountable, no one. I would never respond to a post like this because of it being from India and just too many scammers out there for me. The first sentence says - - I don’t know where they got my email unless this site is giving it out - this sentence did not come from me.
I sent you an email with the URL of a website that
email me for answers
My son is a realtor and has experience in this sort of sell. I don't know where you are located but I'm sure he will have some good information for you. You are probably sitting on a goldmine. Where we live, the same thing is happening. Older homes on the water are being bought and torn down to build mansions - just feel lucky that you are probably going to make a mint when you do decide to sell.
THis is so weird because I had an email
from Paypal this morning confirming a purchase and I don't even have a Paypal account!!!  I checked my bank account quickly but that seemed all in order.  I sent the email to spoofpaypal.com for them to look into it.
Hayseed! I sent you an email!
I love your ornaments!  They are awesome!
Would you like an email pal to correspond with ?
If so respond to me by email and we can chat through email. God bless!

Jan Setzer

I would email him, as this seems to be part of (sm)
his modus operandi stating: "I cannot afford to go out with you anymore, so, it is OVER! OH...I forgot the "You're a liar and a cheapskate!!!!

I am dead serious. Get out of that....whatever kind of ????ship you call it.
I don't mind at all that you sent my email along.
There is plenty of training material available to scout leaders on the transition period and how to help the boys stay in scouting. There are videos, training sessions run by people like me, written material, etc. It's out there. It's just hard to get it through some of the leaders' brains that the boys need to be treated like boys in transition, and not like army recruits. I really applaud you for being willing to go out on the trips with the troop. That is also a hard thing to do with so many men around. I looked very carefully when my boys were crossing over to scout troops. We are fortunate in our area to have many troops to choose from. We found a great troop headed by mostly even-thinking adults who had no problem with a woman joining them. It's not perfect, and every now and then, some sexist fool says or does something stupid, but nothing is ever insurmountable in that regard. Know that having women leaders is a unit option, which means that the chartering organization can decide that no girls are allowed, so to speak. This is sometimes done for religious reasons. Other times it's just sort of a tacit tradition. I didn't have to overcome that issue, and in fact, when it was discovered that I had been camping all my life and was an avid solo backpacker, I got the job of teaching the boys about backpacking, too. Our troop welcomed all volunteers who were willing to be trained and who could commit to helping the boys.

I do hope it works out for your son. If you do join as a leader, be sure that you take advantage of all the training opportunities available to you. Your troop should have a training coordinator or advancement chair who knows when training is offered. (By the way, are the adult leaders of this troop fully trained? That's VERY important.) As a GSUSA leader, you should understand the value of training. The Girl Scouts really do a great job of requiring leaders to be trained. BSA councils and districts, however, sometimes vary on how strict they are on training requirements. Don't be afraid to help out. You're doing this for your son, and that really is a great motivator. And what's really cool is that most of us start out wanting to help our own sons, but in the process we help so many other boys and parents along the way.

Good luck!
Please Check Your Email.
This thread is locked.

MTStars Support.
i am a coward, so i won't email you
I'm really not posting to get at you. I don't think you know who I am, and I'm sure I don't know who you are.
Check Your Email.
I tried to email you and it wouldn't let me
Everything sounds pretty obvious on what to do, but can you send me the recipe for the peanut butter kiss cookies please? Thanks!
yes, still in touch, by email. also, a really, sm
really good friend to both of us. best man at our wedding and whom I loved very much. died Nov 2. I am still mourning the loss.
I sent an email to someone on here today, on just how bad off are you
and I really mean this from the bottom of my heart. This person said they were having trouble paying their house note or rent, not sure right now which one. I never got an answer but let me just say sometimes there are people out here who want to help you, me being one of those. I asked about her situation, how much she owed and to tell me something about her family. I might get hateful postings because of my saying this and you may not think I mean it but I do things like this a lot. I love to give but … I pick and choose the ones I feel could really use the assistance. I now will not be answering any emails but I just wanted to let people know sometimes there are ones around who care. I have gotten so much from helping others. Stories that I read, things I see on television that touch my heart and from what I do I get so much more back than I could ever give away.
She just sent me a LONG email
basically saying how we're trying to screw her over when she has always been there for us and telling us how "irresponsible" we both are. WHATEVER! I didn't even respond, but I soooooo wanted to, but my husband and my parents told me that a response is probably what she is looking for and to not reply. This email was well over a page long. It was ridiculously insane!
If I were you, I would rebut her email, because
if you don't she might see it as her victory.

State in your email that she 'verbally' agreed to the amount of $ 400.-- and her husband agreed $ 500.-- for the renovation of the basement = total $ 900.-- and you gave him $ 1,000.--.
I got your email, sent you the recipe, ...
if you don't get it let me know will resend.. :D
Hi Patty - I just sent you an email
Thank you for your message.

email the moderator, they may have some suggestions--sm
It may be your browser or some such techi thing. good luck.
phone call, email, when there's a will.....
Muffaletta. Want the recipe? Email me.
Pardon me fo answering her email
but what is odd is your obsession with this. Get over it and get on to something you consider valuable. You must be reading our posts and no one else's. We have been supported by many people who have called you on your comments. Read all of em, kid.
Hayseed was kind enough to email
and post a pic for me above.  Post back and let us know when you bring Cedric home!
You sent her an email? Is there some reason you didn't

If if had been my child, I would have been at that school talking to the teacher in person. I don't like to be critical, but I think it would be better to take a more direct approach in dealing with something like this. An email can easily be ignored - both by the teacher and by school administrators. A parent standing in front of the teacher or principal or superintendent is not so easily put off.

I am glad you are advocating for your child but I would encourage you to take a much more active role.

Yes, specifically on my company email.
nope :( but that email was neat! I got it too
you email admin@mtstars.com
Because you keep putting xx inside your email. That is your name. nm
Certainly! Feel free to email me. NM
Also, I have email friends who are online only (sm)
People I have never met and don't really give a lot of personal info about myself - have to be careful. But there are MANY lonely people out there. I have met lots who work at home and just want an email buddy to talk with some during they day. You can answer or post an ad in the platonic section of Craigslist. Also a few years ago I met one of my now best friends through Exercise Buddies. com. She also works at home and we both wanted a walking buddy - it worked out great.
Thanks! Got the email, and going to check out the site! nm

I copied and pasted it to my email and sent it. nm
Sounds good, email me too!
and/or post a link on here. :)