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Gotta love it here in GA

Posted By: georgiapeachy on 2008-02-13
In Reply to: We have snow flurries and 20s today. It was 65 Monday...sm - Georgia Gal

They say if you don't like the weather in Georgia just hang around, it'll change, and boy does it ever change!  It's sooo windy out today and COOLLDD...just yesterday it was in the high 60s-low 70s...just peachy!!

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Gotta love The King of Queens! : )
lol, groan not groin!!! Gotta love being an MT!
Animal House!! gotta love Bluto!!
Gotta love duct tape! America's fixer upper, LOL!
Fort Worth, Texas!
gotta do what ya gotta do
I gotta tell you
The way the past few years has been for me financially, I have often thought if I were young, I might just do that!! I can definitely see how it is enticing for young women. (And men will always find SOMETHING to be perverted over anyway!) Lol : )
Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go right now...

So I have been diagnosed with an overactive bladder (you know like the pipes commercial). I thought I had bladder infection or UTI starting this week. I went to the doctor yesterday and had to give the sample, but it all came back negative. Doc. stated clean as a whistle so I said what is going on? All I feel like doing is peeing and when I go most times very little comes out. He tells me sounds like you are suffering from an overactive bladder. He puts me on the generic form of Pyridium (phenazopyridine) and says takes these, but states if I finish and it is still bothering me, I need to see a urologist.

Has anyone else suffered from this before and what can be done about it? I am at my wit's end. I had this a month ago, too. I am terribly uncomfortable! The pills help a little, but still driving me crazy! Doc. stated anyone can get this and there is no real cause they they know of. He did mention stress, and I have been under more lately. Anyone else out there got any advice. My first thought is I have something major wrong with my pipes like a tumor or cancer? Any and all thoughts appreciated. Thanks!

I LOVE love love shallots! I use them in everything that calls for an onion and/or garlic. Mmmmmm. n
I agree - gotta be more than pot...

gotta be sweet!!! nm

Yeah, that's gotta be it...
Cause stuff like the OP refers to doesn't really happen right? You wish...if anything, the media downplays the evils of our society...sorry to burst your bubble!
Gotta be cheesecake,

but my mother's bread pudding and rice pudding had to be the ultimate!  I just wish she had taught me to make them!



Gotta be southern
I know. .. I gotta admit It got the best of me and I HAD to SM

post that. The DEVIL made me do it!!!   LOL!  Thanks for appreciating my humor!

lol gotta have that pumpkin pie!
that's great that your niece is doing that. I'm sure everyone will tell her how perfect they are, even if they are terrible. lol My 10yo "made" the pies this year. I just supervised. I was quite surprised he wanted to help. He was hesitant on making the pie crust and kept wanting me to finish it for him but I stood ground and told him he couldn't possible mess it up and that I wouldn't have given him the option if I thought he would fail. He's very proud of the pies now that they are done. Even said he'd like to try the pumpkin this year! I dont' think he's ever had a bite of pumpkin before.
you gotta make your own
Take it to a mechanic for a full point inspection.
You gotta understand, I have been seriously
thinking of avoiding her, for some time now, not the other way around. I just asked her the other night how she would feel if I was not around her and she said she did not want that. I have been thinking about avoidance now for the past 2 or more years. I am not changing my spots this late in the game. I think the best thing to do, if I am causing distress to her and she feels like that, then for me to go my way and she go hers. On us going on out of town trip her exhusband was supposed to keep their dogs they had when married. Up until the last minute when he called she had made other arrangements for dog care. He told her then he did not call her because of her attitude. Seems like it might not be all mother issues, huh? She was really hard to live with growing up and I thought, and my aunt told me she probably would mellow with age, just aint happened.
same here, gotta burn those wicks!. nm
Constructive criticism...gotta luv it!
What is the song? I gotta check this out. lol
Yay! You GO, dog lover and protector! Gotta
Y'all gotta see this, this little boy is so cute.
Alrighty now "Dreading it," Now you GOTTA...

post this picture!  I think you're lyin' though.  ;-)  You're probably quite beautiful but keep downin' yourself just because.  I have a friend who does that and I wanna smack her! 

You want fugly?  Here ya go my dear! 

Seriously ERMT? We gotta hook up then!
I'm just outside of Bangor in Newburgh, oh Exit 57 I think...I can't remember since they changed all the exit numbers a few years ago.  Gettin old.  I was asked my phone number the other day and I was like, "Um...durrrr..."  Sad scene all around.  Breakfast at Dysart's some time perhaps?
I gotta go with the American Pie movies

Especially American Wedding when Stiffler eats dog doo!  These movies make me pee my pants -- speaking of which, my fav romantic movie is Pretty Woman - that's her line in the opera scene when she tells those old biddies "it was so good, I almost peed my pants."

My best friend loves Grease, too.  She knows every single line (which can get quite annoying).

Mortgage? You gotta be kidding. - sm
Dont know 'bout the rest of y'all, but I live in a very tiny apartment. My car is 13 years old, and is going to have to last me forever. It guzzles gas, but it's paid for. I never eat out, I eat 2 meals a day instead of 3, and I buy my clothes at the Goodwill. A vacation? Fuggetaboutit! A 'vacation' is when I occasionally allow myself the luxury of watching the evening news on TV.
Gotta admit -- I was a little worried

Not because I doubted their abilities, but because it seemed like in the first rotation or 2, they were showing some serious bias to the Chinese.  Shawn Johnson's balance beam was way better than Ying Yilan's and yet her score was ranked higher (not talking about the difficulty value, just the execution score) Even the commentators last night were talking about it.  Nastia's uneven bars got a lower score than it deserved as well.  I'm glad to see the judges got their heads out of their you-know-whats for the last 2 rotations and gave these girls the scores they deserved. 

I do feel somewhat bad for the Chinese girl, though.  I hope she doesn't lose a few fingers or toes over this.  Of course as young as she is, I'm sure she'd recover quickly.     That's something else that seemed strange to me, the American girls seemed very emotional and yet the Chinese - nothing (at least not last nice).  Could that be because our girls have a few more hormones running through them, like any normal 16-year-old would? Hmmmm

Scary - you gotta be kidding
Lol - that's the most ridiculous thing I've read thus far. Scary?? Well, I guess most of the men around the world are scary then - ha?
A gross subject, but I gotta ask --

My son is 11 and the last few days has had a few "wet farts" -- there's no color to it, but enough to soak through his jeans.  He didn't even notice it, said he didn't feel wet, but we noticed it and so did another child at school.  At first, I thought he just sat in something wet, but when he came home from school with it, I took a second look at his jeans and noticed the position of it was more in line with "an accident."  He says he doesn't remember passing gas.  There's a slight discoloration to it and a slight odor. 

I've never had this happen to me personally except when I was getting over diarrhea.  Has anyone else had this happen without being sick?  Any ideas on what could be causing it?  I'm hoping it's not a rectocele or IBS. 

Gotta be desperate for drugs. sm
Probably cocaine, powdered or even crack, but it could even be meth. It's the classic presentation--the insane behavior and desperation to get money to buy the drug of choice after being deprived for a couple of days.

You're right, best to stay away from her for good and change the locks on your doors or she could well come in while you're gone and steal everything that isn't nailed down to sell. Addicts do that all the time. So yes, please change your locks.

You cannot help this woman. She has to want help and get it for herself. Same with alcoholics, but alcohol is benign compared to cocaine and meth, and costs very little.
Oh Lordy, too funny! I gotta tell sm
my son that one! I have some goodies that I cannot post on this board. Maybe I will send you an email? They are pretty gross.
Gotta give 'em credit though, ya' know...
Not many people would take that plunge! 
What a wonderful term!!! I gotta start using that one!
exactly what i was going to say...you've gotta move to the big metrop
Gotta a cat question... what is the consensus on declawing? SM

My cat likes to sharpen her claws on my leather office chair.  I always immediately scold her when she does it and I make her stop, but my chair has got little puncture marks on it which is irritating.  My sister had her cat declawed and he was in so much pain for like two weeks afterwards.  I just don't think I can do it no matter how irritating it is when my kitty scratches on my chair.  My vet offers declawing as a service, but she tells me it is akin to having all our fingernails and toelnails ripped off!  YEOWCH!

So I'm thinking no...

Gotta agree-- I was sweating after just reading that

Gotta agree with the point about smoking! (sm)
I hated it when I was a kid and everywhere you went was smoke-filled. I am so glad that there are rules about it now, although I do think some places go a little overboard with things like no smoking on the premises at all, etc.
Gotta say, Scottie is such a nice person
The guy who is visually impaired is a genuine nice guy with a good voice. I like the way he speaks and you can just tell by listening to him where he is coming from. I say great for him. I am a fan just because...
I gotta agree - great response! sm
There is always someone who will post something sarcastic like that and I can never think of a really great reply...that was a REALLY great reply...lmao too
Gotta vent about a public school situation....sm

There are 2 kids in my daughter's class of 26 1st graders that can't read, and my daughter can barely read.  We have a horrible teacher who basically doesn't care and refuses to spend any individual time with these kids because she tells you she has too many kids to do that, and the principal doesn't care because the kids aren't at least 6 months behind their peers.  The school board leaves it up to the individual schools.  My husband & I are strongly considering home schooling her since she's learning more at home with us since we started tutoring her than she is at school.

Yet, at this very same school, they have 1 teacher per 7 students for the ESL class of kids that don't know English, and of course  I'm willing to bet that these kids are either illegal immigrants or their parents are illegal since they don't know the language at all (in our area of the country).

It's not right that federal laws require we teach these people our language and the schools have to hire teachers to teach them the language, yet our truly American kids, born of American parents, can't get anything but teachers that are overwhelmed with large class sizes.   


GREAT post - gotta be happy in yer own skin!!

Gotta make sure I have that address! Sounds GOOD. NM
Nope, you gotta put your thinking cap on, doesn't apply
If you reach full retirement age, that is what I have reached, no money is taken back from you from SS. If you take early retirement (it was 65, now with my year 66 and increasing)then you are limited as to how much you can make and I heard SS takes $2 of every 3. There is no limit when you get to full retirement and I am there!!
American Idol - Love, love, love Adam!!!
I think he'll make it til the end! At least I hope so!

Gotta put deep wire fencing around next years' crop, underground,
My niece had a Yorkie, the love of her life! We all loved her so. Lots of love in store for you.
Love movie "A Christmas Story" when dogs eat the turkey and they go out for Chinese. We love d
Go for it and just change jewlery, purses, and shoes, or even just jewlery. Gotta save a buck! nm
Chia, Chia, oh you gotta read the posts more carefully
I said getting jackets -not coats and fleece jackets at that, spread over 4 months (from debit card) of $7.50 per month). I don't know of any store I can go in and buy a jacket for around $7 using my debit card and they let me spread over 4 months. Oh, I wear them around my home all the time in the winter to give extra warmth so this is not a frivilous buy. You might say with wearing the jackets actually cutting down on my heating bill. The people who lived in my home prior to me had gas bill of over $300 per month, I keep the overall house lower temperature and my bill now around $140.00 a month.
She's sweet. I think she's gorgeous. Love her hair. Love her sm
smile. I wish I looked that great! I don't even come close, so who am I do judge? I admire beauty greatly in other women...I envy them!