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I am white but my hair is a total 'fro!

Posted By: Hayseed on 2007-08-28
In Reply to: Maybe you can try adult conditioner. My daughter SM - Gabby Haze

Always has been and I can relate to your distress!  I would use any conditioner but only lightly rinse it out after shampoo.  I also use a wet my hair with a spray bottle of water and use a little bit of conditioner straight on my hair before combing it out...and I always use a pick--just like you would if you got a perm or had an afro.  Seriously!  The bigger and wider the teeth, the easier it is.  Or, if you absolutely hate the idea of a pick, use a vent brush.  The trick is to not comb through or brush out dry curly hair because it will only frizz and boof, know what I'm sayin?  If a hairdryer is necessary, like for wintertime, get a diffuser so no direct blast of air hits the hair because it will frizz out.

During my school years, a braid or ponytail was my best friend.  I wish I could do it now but all I can manage are Pippi-Longstocking braids and they look kinda gay on a 35-year-old chick. 

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Hummus in a wheat pita pocket is great. Get them off the white bread, white crackers,
I was referring to my own hair, people hair. nm
Total shock
That's all I have to say. 
I am in total agreement with you.
I have been working today and just thinking about not ever having to do any business with anyone who talks like the ones I have done today. I laughed the other day when 1 on here asked when did she go from Transcriptionist to interpreter. You may not know this, but years ago we got a difficulty factor, just for dictators like we have to do day after day now, unbelievable, isn't it? None of those dictators could even approach what we hear now. It is irritating. Some days I have taken off a little early when I know I am having 1 after the other, can make up that time another day- just too irritating and getting on my nerves to continue.
I am a total believer and do believe that
kids see things before they are old enough to think they are not supposed to. I still will smell my dad's aftershave every so often. I just think of it as he is coming around to see how I am doing. (My BF thinks I am crazy by the way.)
total witch
you are a stalker and i am reporting you
Thanks. I am total IC and work for one company..sm
and I have worked for them for 3 years. I do have a FED ID #, as my employer requested that I have one when I first started. Hence, I also have a business name, but I file under my SS# and my personal name, not my business. I thought maybe that would make a difference. I still have the letter, as I keep all of that stuff *just in case.* I know that being an IC, we are *suppose* to file quarterly and I did read somewhere that there may be fines involved if you don't, so I did not think too much about it when it happened. I file in April and everything is in their officed prior to the 15th, so that could not be a reason why the fine, either. Needless to say, I am confused. Maybe I will seek out an accountant this year and leave all that stuff in their hands. It is getting to be a drag and too time consuming for me anyway. just trying to save a buck, even though I know it is deductible. thanks for answering me. I appreciate it.
My stepmother and father (a total man's man)
just had their bathroom remodeled and had a big sunken tub put in just so he could take baths. He is 64 and in very good health, but finally realized how good a tub soak feels. My step-mom tends to light candles for him and add bubbles and he loves everybit of it. BTW, she often joins him as well. they also have weekly at home massages by a masseuse. Men need to slow down a little sometimes and enjoy the gentler things in life.
This Southern Gal is in total agreement with you! Nothing else need be said.


This will be total and much needed catharsis....

I am almost 54 years old and the permeating thought in my brain is that I am "a monstrosity," something my mother called my sister and I because we were tall.  My father is still alive at 86 and says about some "pretty little thing."  THAT drives me INSANE because I am not.  He asks when I am going to play piano for him, and I laugh, but I think, "Never, because you have always criticized me."  Still does.  God help us all.  That's the thing that has totally messed up my brain.  I am a "monstrosity" and will never be a "pretty little thing."  There.  Now I have said it on the internet. 

But, FYI, I am not a tall humongous woman, I am just tall and not a "pretty little thing."  There, I typed it and that's almost like saying it out loud. 

This thread ROX!

My husbsand is a total embarrasement

He thinks boxer shorts are shorts to wear at home when company comes over.

I bought him a nice denim lined shirt/jacket that he took to our seamstress and had 2" round buttons to replace the "normal" looking buttons. I swear, all he needs now is a Tonka Truck to complete the look of a properly dressed 2 year old.

HELP!!!! I think things need to start vanishing when I do laundry!

Those total sons of you-know-whats.
My situation was not QUITE the same.... It turned out I was the other woman; the guy I was dating and thought I was exclusive with turned out to have a fiance he didn't bother to tell me about. Looking back, there were a few hinky things I should have noticed, but they weren't the usual things, so I was thrown off my guard.

I do have a very good male friend whom I call my adopted big brother. (He's married, has been for decades, and his wife is aware that we are friends/business associates.) I asked him flat-out why men cheat, and he said (a) because they can, and (b) the thrill of the chase, or some bullhockey like that, that we testosterone-deficient females can't seem to understand, I guess. He also bluntly told me that I probably was not the only one, i.e. the only "other woman." I would not be surprised if that were true, but I never actually found out, since the SOB (and I do NOT mean 'short of breath') married the fiance and left town.

My best friend put it rather succinctly, when we were discussing another topic:

Men don't change, and women just learn to be abused gracefully. (Because this too is a form of abuse.)

Aw heck, I'm a total hick and even I know to call...

on an RSVP to let them know that they can count me in or out.  It just seems like one of those common courtesy things...at least call whoever to let them know you got the invite for sure and it wasn't lost in the mail.  

Smaller total amount of more feedings?
Have you tried feeding him more than 2-3 times a day and just putting a smaller overall amount in the dish? He might think he's actually getting more.
you need to buy the brush to put it on, total price for the first time is $28
you can apply it in two different ways, one way in which you let your moisturizer dry and the put it on and another is use a bit of moisturizer to get that "dewy" look. Also you should always start off with less (at least with our brand) because it is layerable for a fuller-coverage. Also there are 6 different shades to choose from so you should be able to find a perfect match.
I saw it. A total hoot. My teenagers loved it
and so did I. 
I was a total cougar til my prey caught ME, lol!
My boyfriend is YEARS younger than I am. Started as a one nighter that turned into a 4-day sleepover...I thought he was totally hot but also totally dumb as a pet rock.

Fast forward 2 years...He's sitting on my couch watching the news, and we've been living together 1-1/2 years. He's still totally hot, but not at all dumb as I had initially suspected and, in fact, handles our finances, etc.

Yeah...being a cougar totally rocked, but it turned out even sweeter than I expected when my prey caught ME!!!

Takes a total of about 10 seconds to click
on every site. I sincerely hope anyone that visits this site would want to help all of them.
Dave Ramsy, The Total Money Makeover....
His message, "Live like no on else so later on you can live like no one else." Budget is not a bad word and saying no to the kids is not wrong and does not make you a bad parent.
I am in total agreement. 13 years old and wanting to date - no way!!..
One of the problems is, as a previous poster write, is DRAMA.  Some girls live for the DRAMA (i come from a family of six girls).  These kids (but not all) want to and in some ways are forced to grow up too danged fast and it can lead to life-long problems if they do not have a strong mom/dad or just an extended strong family support system.  The media has played and contuinues to play a role in the evolution of our teenagers as well (MTV, etc).  That is why it is important to keep these kids busy and involved in activities because it is helpful,.  JMO..
The Illusionist - total chick flick! Great movie!
Ooooooo! That's an awesome theory! I'm a total Lost freak too. SM
I can't believe I missed this thread! 
Make your own income, hire a plumber. Total unnecessary. Men are useless in the family plan.
Is it a white frosting? could this be it?

I don't know if this is crunchy, but it does get sort of a crust on the outside after awhile.  If this isn't it, maybe some more info?
1 1/2 cups sugar
2/3 cup water
1/8 teaspoon cream of tartar
3 egg whites
Pinch salt
1 teaspoon vanilla

In a heavy saucepan combine sugar, water and cream of tartar. Slowly bring mixture to a boil, stirring sides of the saucepan with a brush dipped in water to remove any sugar crystals. Cover and boil for about 3 minutes or until a candy thermometer registers 245 degrees.

Beat egg whites with pinch of salt until glossy and peaked. Slowly pour in syrup as you continue to beat the whites. Beat until cool and frosting is soft and fluffy. Fold in vanilla

She was the white girl with the
kind of "punk" look.  Dark hair, large red highlight in front. 
Thanks to you & others who let me know. Beautiful looking with the white
Red, white and blue . .
Found them on Netflix and added them to my que - can't wait.
No , they are white and after knowing them
all these years, it was very suprising. Like I said, we all grive in different ways, but I never would have believed that some of the adults would need to be medicated. It is just tragic and painful to see.
You want the truth or a little white lie?
I ate 3 great big peppers and that is the truth. No one else here, hubs told me he does not like. I usually do not cook but decided I wanted some and got all my ingredients together and they were really, really good. Double burp....
Is everything always black and white?

I'm not sure if I'm missing something here or what, please tell me what your thoughts are - believe me I'm ready for anything anyone can tell me.

Situation - dad is out of work.  He's 72 years old.  He's going through the employement agency, applying to at least 3 places a week, if not more.  He can't retire and live off social security and military retirement because they don't pay enough.  He has been living with his girlfriend (which I consider wife) for over 25 years.  They live in a moderate size house, but it's a little strange arrangment.  He has 2 bedrooms and a bathroom upstairs, she has bedroom/bathroom downstairs but everything else they share.  My mom told me years ago that she believes he proposed to her and gave her an engagement ring but she couldn't be sure (mom and dad stayed friends after they divorced - as long as they weren't together for more than an hour :-o)  Anyway...unemployment office set him up with a free email so he could apply to places and give an email address (it was through something called ymail).  Dad said he was going to go through 2 days of computer training per the employment agency, that way he would at least know how to turn on a computer.  He's got a good sense of humor, is in just a bit of a rut but he keeps applying and hoping he'll get something, but he did tell me he has to be realistic and what place is going to hire a 72 year old man.  He's had a long history of injuries, had his ankle pinned years ago and every once in awhile will need to use a cane, but for the most part he gets around very very well.

Now...here's the deal (oh yes, I forgot to say he lives on the other side of the country from me).  Anyway...yesterday my sister calls and said dad was there (at her house) and asked if he could check his email but she didn't know how to get on.  I tried to see if I could help but we could not pull up anything and I was on my way out the door.  So I called back and this is what she told me (which is why I'm wondering if I over react or not react enough or what, or is my sister just a cruel-hearted you know what).  I told her I was sorry I couldn't help more but I had to be somewhere before they closed.  She said it was okay because it was taking forever and he couldn't wait around.  Then she said "you know dad is going to have a hard time finding something because he is so particular".  I asked what she meant and she said he's being too picky.  I again tried to figure out what she meant.  She said there are jobs he could do but he won't.  She said that he told the agency that he needs a job where he can get home at night because he has some animinals he has to take care of (in other words he can't be gone for days like driving truck).  He also said he couldn't do a job where he would have to be running up and down stairs and running from building to building because of his ankle and being 72 years old.  He said most everything esle he would do. Except that he doesn't want a job where he has to drive so far that whatever he makes would just be paid in gas to get there (which there were a couple jobs like that).  He called me and said if he wanted to truck drive he could get a job, but the places want him to relocate across country (and not near us), so he told them no.  Well my sister got upset and was telling me that he could relocate cos he has no ties there (which I was surprised to hear because she is close to him and I would think she wouldn't want him to move).  I told her what does she mean no ties.  I said he's been with his girl (thank goodness I didn't call her a wife) for over 20 years, he has a house (even though his name is not on the ownership papers he takes care of it, repairs, etc), and he has about 7 cats.  I told her he's 75 years old (to which she about bit my head off and said he's 72).  Then she proceeded to tell me he has no ties to his girlfriend.  She said he lives in 2 bedrooms upstairs, and the house is hers and she need to learn to live on her own.  So from that I took it she doesn't think highly of his girlfriend, which I happen to think she's a very nice lady.  I remember a few years ago after my mom died my dad told us what his wishes are (he has papers, a plot and all that stuff so if anything happens its all taken care of), but at one point something happened to him and my sister (who happens to have joined a mormon church) told me that if he died his girlfriend should have no say in what happens (service wise).  I knew what she was getting to because the same thing happened when my mom died.  Mom had cancer and I talked to her often in the hospital.  She asked me if I had strong feelings about what kind of funeral service she had.  I asked mom what kind did she want to have.  She said she was a strong episocopal, but my sister really wanted to have her church do something.  I told her don't worry about me just do what you want to do.  She said she didn't want to hurt my sisters feelings.  Anyway...she didn't have a mormon service, but a guy from my sisters church came and spoke at the funeral parlor about my mom (even though he didn't know her - kind of was uncomfortable listening to him, but at that point I didn't care and my sister was really happy).  However, afterwards one night my sister asked if I was upset about him talking and I said no of course not (which I wasn't).  She said she was glad because she had talked to mom before she died and mom was so curious about being a mormon and said she had wished she had time to become a mormon before she died (which I knew was a lie because I had been talking to my mom all along).  I just said that was weird because whenever mom talked to me she said how strong she was in the protestant faith.  Anyway...sorry for the side step, but I think what my sis was getting at was that when my dad dies my sis wants to run the funeral and have a full blown mormon service (which I know for a fact my dad doesn't want - he's catholic, but just doesn't go to church, but does cite the rosary and knows more about that faith and that is what he believes (he comes from a long line of catholics).  Anyway...sorry for that detraction too, but I was just shocked to hear my sister say she think my dad who is 72 years old should box all his belongings up and move across country and try to start a whole new life in an area he doesn't know. 

So, are things black and white or does my sister just not have any sense.  My aunt (mom's sis) told me one time that my sister doesn't have one shred of compassion for anyone.  My aunts dog died and my aunt cried for days and days and days and my sister never called her to see how she was doing.  Also sis's MIL was very sick and sis treated her horribly.  Sis sees things in black and white and she will say things that I think to myself how can she say that, that is not how we were raised.  Yet she always has compassion for those in her church, just not family.

Okay, sorry to drone on.  Just felt frustrated.  What do you think  Believe me you can say anything you want, you will not hurt my feelings.

black and white
Your sister and my mother should go bowling.
I am wearing white socks
Me, too! Socks for sleeping have to be white! :) nm
why do "socks for sleeping have to be white*??

Yes - white boards that you write on
the very thinnest you can buy as they are lightweight so not hard for you to take up and down and not all that ugly really if you don't cover them!! We decided on white wall as when we first started shopping we were going to try and hang white boards that we had purchased at Staples/WalMart but realized so much cheaper to buy pieces of wood and cut ourselves - plus will hand down to kids/grandkids when we no longer need so they can draw on them!! I use a fan also in the summer as I have ADD and any interruption noise interrupts my concentration so totally understand the fan - just way too cold for me in the winter and son who works for power company noted they are not exactly energy efficient :( Good luck - let us know!! Thank you also because I never thought about actually covering with fabric until your original post - it would also protect the corners as concerned I might drop on my leather couch at some point and poke a hole in them - although they really are not that sharp - just being cautious I guess!! :))
Love white bread. nm
That's for sure. I once heard Betty White SM
say that when the show ended and Bea Arthur left the Golden Palace, the spin off from the Golden Girls, just did not make it because in her words it was like someone took a leg off a table. The four of them were perfection, and what nice people in their fight for animal rights!
Or White Shoulders or any of those very heavy
I think you are trying to make this black and white
First off, the girl is still a child. Second, her parents gave her the pepper spray and she takes it everywhere with her. It just so happens one of those places is school. She was not trying to *disregard rules* as you put it. Next, the teacher found it and was a little nosey IMO, I mean its not like she had it out in class and was playing with and showing it to everyone. Also, the mother stated she did not realize it was considered a weapon. A mistake was made on their part and not intentially disregarding school rules IMO, but someone has to come up with a solution to protect this CHILD, so her parents will feel secure in letting her go to school. And I agree with below, parents cannot be with any child 24/7 until they are home school.
I have an all white cat who has a cat door and is free...sm
to go in and out at will. We live in the country and he loves to hunt all night and sleep all day. One morning last spring he came in while I was working after a night roaming and had a chunk of hair and some flesh taken out of the eyebrow area just above one eye. I am thinking either a hawk or an owl thought he could carry Zeek away (He weighs about 18-20 pounds) and he was too heavy.
Letterman Red or White wine
White. Big Band or Disco
white gold. Lay's or Ruffles?
white cheese sauce

Our family frequents a mexican restaurant and they have this awesome cheese sauce.  Wonder if anyone has a recipe they use and would be willing to share.  I tried something yesterday evening and it was a disaster! 

Saw someone one year in white sweats...
top and bottom, with crumpled up items all over them.....white trash. It won the contest at the hospital I worked at.
I would love to mee Betty White and do a day with her at the
Los Angeles Zoo.  I know she volenteers there and helps as many animals as she can.  She is such a lovely person and such an animal lover!  It would be such a thrill for me.  Also, the Golden Girls is my all time favorite TV show, so the combination of the two things makes it fabulous!
White Shoulders is a very light floral,
a very feminine scent. Not heavy at all. Beautiful smells wonderful, but I think it is heavy. I wear Amazing Grace & LOVE IT.
The one I bought was like a white cream with aloe
where they sell burn ointments or bug bite ointments.  He's probably freaked out by the way it looks as well as the sting.  Once it pops though, it will just be water that comes out, but then it will look red.  Try putting the ointment on the gauze instead.  Then, put the gauze over the blister and tape it down.  You could probably get away with a Band-Aid, but the Band-Aid might irritate his sunburn. 
Princess (Mom) and Cinderella and Snow White
I hate their names but I have 3 daughters who of course insisted on these names. All 3 dogs are females. I am looking for a Silky Terrier for myself if anyone knows where to find one.
Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome
Does anyone have this or know of someone that does.  My 13-year-old daughter was having trouble catching her breath and has a very high heart rate, up to 220 when she was running in gym.  I took her to the doctor's today and they did blood work and did an EKG, which he said was normal (the blood results will be back in a few days).  He said that it sounded like she either had a thyroid problem of Wolff-Parkinson-White.  I look it up quickly in my medical dictionary and understood it slightly.  I wondered if anyone knew what the treatment for this was.  I know her doctor will let us know, of course, but she's very anxious as are her father and I.  Heart problems run in our family.  My husband had open heart surgery for an aortic valve replacement two years ago. 
My son had a white elephant gift exchange
at his youth Christmas party. He got a can of beenie-weenies. He was like "Totally cool". LOL!