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I used to be a stripper!

Posted By: how's that grab you? on 2009-02-02
In Reply to: Something you didn't know about me - GabbyChick

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How many of you know your stripper name?

In order for you to know your true stripper name add the name of your first pet and the name of the street you live on so mine is:  Friskie Willow


And you?

stripper name
Shawn Labo...I think I like it!
Oh gee..mine is Francois Lamar. I see a future for me in dancing. UNLIKE transcription where I see no future for any of us. So sad.
i think yours is the best stripper name!

Stripper name
Sheba Montclair.  I kind of like it.
I have a good friend who used to be a stripper....sm
She was still a good person. You would never know she was a stripper just by meeting her. She didn't look the type. But she was. She said she made good money. She quit because she got tired of perverted men. She said they were degrading to you sometimes.
Shakie Carolina is a really good stripper name!