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Tell me point A to B, where starting and where ending?

Posted By: Gloria on 2007-11-30
In Reply to: I have a situation regarding my DH's job... - I need advice please...sm

Almost certain other routes I know he could take.

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What a happy ending for this little pup!
Thank goodness she will now have a good home life, what a cutie pie! I shudder to think if no one had come to her rescue what might have happened to her. I don't think a year in jail is long enough for the owner for that kind of abuse. It just breaks my heart.
Yes, the ending of life is never easy but....

those animals are getting the best of care during their time here on earth and to me, that says a lot about the character of these people who are proud to show off their animals.  The small farmer really does care for their animals and they treat them incredibly well...usually the best feed, veterinary care, and really the best quality of life--they are allowed to graze and get sunlight on their faces.  It's the large-scale farming (aka factory farms) where the animals are suffering and living in horrible conditions.  That's nasty stuff right there.

I'm with you though.  If I had to eat my animals, I'd be a vegetarian...which is why I have a 4-year-old pet "bacon" pig and get laughed at by the locals on a daily basis.  ;-)

My sentiments exactly! Wasn't that ending just TOO much! SM

How about the INGREDIENTS for those meat pies!    

Johnny Depp has yet to let me down. There is nothing the man can't do. I thought he looked just sensational, and the cast was impectable. Thanks for sharing.  Are you have a MEAT PIE for dinner tonight? 

my list is ongoing and never ending!
It seems I spend all my time working (and playing a bit around here on the internet) but I actually just cleaned out my closet and took my clothes to the Salvation army and felt very good about it.
Organizing has NEVER been my thing and i wish so much that it was.
I have loads and loads of paperwork to sort out, file, etc.
I try every day to go through my mail (you wouldn't believe the amounts of junk mail that accumulates, that i then "save" to shred)..

I need to send some baby gifts off to my baby sister -my niece is now 7 weeks old!! - i have attached a pic because she is the new love of my life and i like to show her off whenever possible :)

I would like to organize my desk, clean my kitchen, get my carpets cleaned.

Rearrange my room (maybe it's my life i want to rearrange?!)

Oh it goes on and on and on!!!

This is Allyson Ayn! (she is in North Carolina, I am in Nevada)... A lot of the things I want to get done revolve around me being able to go see her for the second time ever soooo wish me luck on my tasks ahead!

Romeo and Juliet Ending?? nm
I'm afraid the show might be ending (sm)
Seems like House is getting way out of control and losing his touch. I'm also expecting that his kissing Cuddy is just a hallucination. Boy, I enjoy the show. Usually watch it with my son who is a rad tech student and we predict when they are going to have to intubate!
Hope you have a happy ending to your story....sm
Feedback, anyone?

Sure, read on...

Okay, I just had to have a safe place to share this. Can I tell you a story?

Thanks for sharing, but actually this is one of the oldest stories on earth....

Forty-one years ago, when I was thirteen, I got my first kiss. I lived on an American base in Germany at the time. He was a sophomore and I was an 8th grader.

Well, you're 54 now and remembering your first kiss. That's a memory and an adventure to always treasure. He's around, what, 60 now? You both sound ripe for personal crises to me...

I had asked him to the Sadie Hawkins Day dance the next Friday. He really seemed to like me.

Hm...you were bold and took a chance. You "thought" he liked you...you were young and innocent...

Then on Friday, at the door to the dance he suddenly decided to go stag.

Hm...perhaps he didn't like you as much as you first thought...

I was absolutely devastated, but for some reason didn't think of him as a Jerk.

Perhaps you should have thought of him as a jerk; he acted like one...and he still is by trying to lure you away from your marriage and family.

I figured it was something I'd done.

I don't know why you would assume it was something you'd done when HE DUMPED YOU at the door of the dance. You were young and innocent.

I moved away less than a year later.

...and he let you go without a word, didn't he?...

Fast forward - It's forty-one years later. I'm married, content, two kids in high school.

Key words here...MARRIED, CONTENT, KIDS.

I get a message on Classmates.com that he's trying to locate me. I email him, say hi - my husband flakes out.

Key words here...MARRIED, CONTENT, HUSBAND, KIDS. Of course husband "flakes out"!!

I promise I won't anymore.

because of key words here...MARRIED, CONTENT, HUSBAND, KIDS. Not so young and innocent anymore but still able to see the error of your ways...

My curosity gets the best of me and I set up a secret email account and email him.


He lives 900 miles away but on the same coast, but the connection is immediate and strong and irresistable.

Of course it is...because it's forbidden fruit and greener grass, and a DECEPTION AND A LIE AND SELFISHNESS ON BOTH YOUR PARTS.

We've agreed not to meet yet, that I should not mess up my marriage.

Key words here being MARRIED, CONTENT, HUSBAND, KIDS, right?

There's no kinky stuff going on. But we're falling in love.

No, you're not; it just FEELS like it but LOVE is not a FEELING. LOVE is an ACT OF WILL. You are in LOVE with your husband. You are in LUST with Mr. Same Coast.

So now I'm leading a double life. Half of it is by email, half of it is reality here at home.

Well, like I said, it's really one of the oldest stories on the planet. I can GUARANTEE YOU that you will REGRET living this double life. It will suck your soul dry...

I've never been happier or more conflicted.

You're happy because you love the ATTENTION and feeling DESIRABLE but deep down you are conflicted because you know that the key words here are CONTENT, MARRIED, HUSBAND, KIDS. Any man who would tempt a married woman to commit adultery cannot and should not be trusted no matter how "honey coated" their language is.

END IT, DUMP HIM, and channel all those "feelings" back into your current relationship WHERE THEY BELONG.

That's the only way your story will ever have a happy ending.

Good Luck!
If so, and you are just starting sm
you should know that the newbies do not have first choice, and you should be ready and willing to work the holidays.  People who have been around much longer have first choice, as it should be.  Wouldn't you agree?
Its 20 but sun is starting to come out in OR
I actually am starting to feel better, and
I really appreciate the prayers. I still have not heard from my brother, though he promised to call me. However, even though he and his family are going through a terrible time with the loss of his wife's mother, at least she has now said that she thinks they should make the long drive and visit us. That will be wonderful.
LOL! I also go to the gym every day before starting work
It gives me tons of energy so I don't need as much coffee!
I am so tired of being fat, I am starting something soon
I am glad to see your post because I am having trouble getting into those size 20s and I am not going any higher, that is too high like it is. I have some problems that I am sure are associated, the main 1 now being incontinence and I mean it is not just a little. My blood pressure is a little elevated and I am sure that would come down with the loss. My feet also give me some problems, probably tired of carrying all this extra stuff. i had heard some about this and glad to know available right up the street. Thanks again!
That's how i'm starting to feel
That's exactly how my hubby wants it. I ALWAYS have to be the one to initiate sex and he will either say things like he'll do it just do i'll hush which ticks me off or he'll flat out turn me down. I told him the other night that he doesn't have to worry about me ever bothering him for sex anymore b/c i get tired of his little smart comments about how i bother him and he's gonna start doing it just so i'll be quiet. that just makes me so mad. so i'm not gonna say another word. we'll see how long he'll go without it.
Girl, you got THAT right! I was starting to wonder
if MTStars wasn't an MTSO 'feedback' (i.e. 'spy') vehicle for ADHI and the like. Still possible, I suppose, but to be able to be a bit nasty & sarcastic (when it's deserved) is truly cathartic. Then we can get back to work with at least a small bit of relief from the annoyance lots of us feel at this profession
Don't know what starting this p-ing match
It's pretty funny really, because I never thought agreeing with another poster would get anyone so fired up. I have friends and family that I can depend on, but there are things I expect my husband to do for me that I would not expect from a friend or even my family.

I think if I would end up widowed, I'd have no problem being alone. I really don't know that I would want to get back into the whole dating thing again. I only stated that when being married works, it works well.

However, I get a definite hostile vibe from you, which I really don't understand. I don't know you, I don't know your situation and if you say you're happy, that's fine. Just don't try to make me feel like an incomplete human being because I say I'm happy being married.

Yes, me since 2006, so I'm starting

to be an old pro at trying to make ends meet. Hang in there. I doubt it can get any worse????

I've been the main support for DH and me since 2006. I'm tired of doing it but have to keep going.  A lot of times, I would love to take off work for a day and/or just "retire" but it's impossible. I am now working 7 days a week instead of the 5 days  just ot make up the difference in pay checks.

We're all in the same boat this year. It can't get any worse, I hope. At least, hubby's pay did take care of the mortgage and taxes for this year but we have no idea what will happen next year. He doesn't even know if he will have a job to go to,  but is looking into other possiblities 'cause around here, there are no jobs.

I think the honey is starting to help....at least (sm)
it is temporarily soothing. Thank you all for your suggestions
Im starting WW today !!! I have done it before and it works. (not OP)
deal with too well and gained some back (emotional eater). This time I am going to concentrate on the mind as well as the body. I am excited!!

To the OP - I know its an old saying, but You gotta Love You first. Ill keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Hope you are starting to feel better Just me seeing that you are not alone
I think everyone has at least one narcissist in their lifetime to deal with. As someone married to one I know how disheartened you feel. They can strip you of any/all self-esteem that you ever had.
I almost always have a cup of coffee right before starting work!
Sometimes I even have another one mid-shift for a pick up!
My sedums are just starting to flush
with bloom color. My Plumbago is in full bloom, but not sure if you can grow that as a perenniel there. Little pink groundcover is blooming, possibly rock cress. The coleus looks great. Impatiens still going strong. Pentas and salvias are beautiful, as is the white vinca. Many goldenrods are doing well. But I'm down here in NC, zone 7b.

Yep - I think it is consistency and starting early! (sm)
I am not 100% opposed to spanking them if they were to just refuse to listen to me, but it doesn't come to that. It did a few times when they were very young and I taught them off the bat that they were not going to win. I'm the mom!
American Idol is starting soon and I
am hopeful this year it will exceed what we saw last year. I have been a faithful watcher ever since it first came on several years ago. I am disappointed to hear that perhaps some of the contestants might be able to do other things, such as playing guitar, piano, etc. as part of their act. This started as and should remain a singing contest. I always make sure my getting off time corresponds to the time AI starts. Sooooooooo excited.
I'm actually starting to think that is could be hard water.
It's very strange. Some days, my hair will feel thicker, and then some days it will feel really thin. This has never happened to me before! It literally just started this past fall after I turned 26. Maybe it's just stress, although I don't have that much. I do take a multivitamin every day and have for the past several years. I also tend to eat really healthy and drink a ton of skim milk! I'm starting to think that maybe it is just stress. Also, I'm wondering if it could be hard water in my house causing it when I shower. When I first noticed this around October, it was while I was washing my hair in the shower and I started pulling strands of hair out like never before. I guess that is really something to consider. I do live in a much older house.
Age of starting depends on a lot of things sm
My husband's cousin started when she was 10 while my niece, who is 6 months older than her, did not start until she was 13. Family genetics make a difference; if her mother was younger, she would likely be younger. Body fat makes a big difference also. DH's cousin is not fat but a little chunky while my niece is very slim. My own DD is 11 and has not started yet and is built more like my niece.

As far as what to have on hand, I would ask her mother what they have at home so she has what she is used to there.
Glad he's starting to act like a human being. :D nm
The recommended starting dosage for adults is 25 mg (sm)
3 to 4 x daily with a maximum of 150 mg daily.  The medication is prescribed for depression, but with alot of those antidepressants, they are also prescribed for their sedative effect, and thus also prescribed for insomnia.  Pamelor has been around a long time, and in my last 10 years of transcribing, don't recall any physician prescribing it as a sleep aid.  The usual standard now seems to be trazodone, starting dose 50, but may increase in increments of 50 mg up a max of 300.  I am not questioning your doctor's reasoning for prescribing this, I just find it unusual.  I would not be concerned about increasing the dose you are taking.  Most medications, in order to cause deliterious and life-threating potential, need to be taken 30x the normal prescribing dose.  Hope you feel better. 
it's okay, none taken, I feel bad for accusing you of starting trouble.
It's snowing and starting to stick in Birmingham!
My 4 yo is in layers of clothes with socks over her little hands lol! I asked her to wipe off a leaf (over my waist high off the ground) to see what snow tasted like...she said it tasted like yellow! LOL! I told her not to get any more snow from that bush! This really beats Winter Storm of 1993 when we got snow, but had no electricity for 6 days! Like the OP, I have tried making trip plans for my little one to see snow and it has never worked out, so this is the first time for her :) She is having a blast...I like it too!

Hope you get your snow down south!
I'm starting my own line of kid's soaps, hoping it will take off
Starting the first week in November, so tomorrow
there are two radio stations in town that plays Christmas music 24/7. I like Christmas music, but I think it's a little early to listen to it all day every day. Although, my daughter watches Christmas videos all year round.
Computer starting to freeze up every now and then. Any suggestions? It is
only 3 years old and not sure what is causing this.
All of Adam's songs are starting to sound exactly
alike. I think he peaked too soon & that's all he's got. The same predictable screams in every song... I think it's really getting boring.
I think Lakesha started out strong but is starting to fizzle
I really don't have anybody giving me that spark this year. I like Melinda, but the wide eyed wonder thing was starting to get annoying. I'm glad Simon said something last night. Like I said, I think Lakesha started out strong, but she's just lost her edge and may be one of those upsets to go around now or next week, since she was considered an early favorite. Sanjaya was bad last night.. urgh, he was off on the voice, but really, if not for the drama of Sanjaya, there wouldn't be much reason to watch this year. I think what's his name.. the bald one.. Phil? He sang well last night, but he kind of creeps me out. I doubt anyone is going to really catch on or do big things after the show. It's going to be one of those fizzle out years.
Normal. I think jealousy is involved & also that his hormones are starting
I'm starting to hate this southern weather, seriously. It was in the 90s this week. I don't kn
keep my tanks out. The other night I went to bed in sweats and woke up drenched in sweat. EGAD!!

I used to live in Upstate NY/VT and I miss those winters something terrible. Don't go on and on and on about how lucky I have it, because believe me, I MISS THOSE WEATHERS!! I owned my own John Deere snowblowers and LOVED every minute of it. I loved being snowed indoors. I loved making snow angels. I loved actually being able to eat soup and not sweat like a hog.

I miss it, miss it, miss it. I'm really beginning to resent my husband who has never left the south. I fell in love with him and we've never left. He won't even go up there to visit. He'd live in the Miami keys if it weren't for me. I haven't seen snow in 10 years! Please, someone send some my way.................

South AL is where I live - look up Orange Beach..
Burn Notice starting it's new season on Thursday
that is one fine man.... yummy...oh, yeah, love the show, too.
I have told people starting to leave the restroom without washing
"Oh, wait, ma'am, there's soap in THIS dispenser." as if she might have thought ANOTHER dispenser was empty.  Just about gets em everytime. They'll begrudgingly come to the sink and wash their hands and I play it off like it's nothing.  Sometime, I'll say, "Don't you wish they would fill the soap dispensers more often?" 
We have berber and it catches dog toenails and loops are starting to come undone. Won't use
It's weird, but I'm a brown rice fanatic and weight starting to come off (sm)
I bought a little rice cooker because me and my guy were hungry some nights after working out and we got hooked on rice as kind of a lowfat, low cost, no frills snack. I've gone crazy for it for some reason and eat it sometimes 3 times a day. I guess it's the complex carbs, but it's also seemed to reduce my craving for simple carbs; I'm eating less bread, much less soda, and craving fewer sweet things. I make a batch and keep leftovers in the fridge and reheat if I have a snack attack. I figure, it's better than most of the alternatives (processed, high fat, etc.)
One year really punk rock station starting playing Barry SM
Manilow, Sammy Davis Jr., The Carpenters and goodness knows who else. I never listened to that station, except for that day, only to hear stoners waking up at 2 pm and calling the station asking what was going on.
Many ferries are around the plane, but plane is starting to sink.
They think a bird had hit the plane.
and yer point? - many MTs are 55+...in the USA....
However, to the Jean Stapleton responder, Jean isn't Jewish *lol*
E-Bay will never help at this point. Way too
soon. Most sellers do not write and let you know its shipped - the old days, perhaps, but not now. E-Bay and Paypal both use 10 days out, I believe, as the earliest you should start to fret at all - its only up to the seller to ship immediately and/or let the buyer know. I've been dealing with E-Bay since its inception, and we are also Power Sellers - unless the seller has a lot of negatives, I would just chill. If they did have negatives, you should not have dealt with them. I am assuming the seller didn't have negatives, and just is not going to be rushed. Its really lost the personal touch of the old days, and you are nothing more than an invisible entity buying something thru the mail. Not the way we do business, but the way most business is done now on E-Bay. Good luck!
And your point would be??
Any drug company whether Merck or another making the drug would, duh, naturally make a profit. I think that is why pharmaceutical companies are in the business or am I missing something here?
I think his point was that
for things like STD's or perhaps a vaccine for boys to keep them from giving girls STD's in the first place, MAYBE keep them from getting prostate cancer. He just wondered if the drug companies are working as hard on these things for young boys or if, once again, they are putting the burden on females.
She's got a point though!
You cannot hold a job down and have a child on one knee.  You need both hands to type.  Time and time again, these posters get on here and ask how to do it?  I don't think Minnie is too way off track here.  I mean, you have to set boundaries.  You can't expect to coddle a toddler or infant all day and type at the same time.  She'll have to make some changes if she's not getting the support from her hubby.  Not everyone has family to fall back on for babysitting needs, but the OP sounds like she'd be better off getting a job on-site and taking her children to daycare as they may receive better treatment.  Sounds like a lot of hostility in that household, which cannot be very good for the children.  Some changes need to be made and quick before it escalates into something worse.  It is not fair to the children. 
I think you do have a point, but sm
the same goes for married people.  When I got married my coworkers wanted to know when we planned to start a "family".  So once we started the "family" they wanted to know if we planned on having an only child or having more children?  It never ends.  Some people are, well. "nosey".  They like to know everyone's business.  It gives them something to fill the voids in their lives I would guess.  I wouldn't worry to much about mixing with this crowd too much.  Sometimes I wonder if being single isn't more "hip" now than it was in the past.  Have fun and enjoy.  Life is too short! 
my point exactly--sm
by the way this person keeps pushing this stuff about koreans teaching anti-americanism, it makes you think that this was the reason this kid did this, which is just not the case. I'm glad to know there are others that feel the way I do!
my point exactly! nm
You have to look at it from their point of
If you loan out money/credit and someone promises to pay, and this happens with several borrowers, you cannot afford to give much in the way of leniency.

They are in the business to make money.

I feel for you. Unfortunately, too many people live check to check or beyond their means and it only takes 1 foul up to do this to them.

Your best bet is to work hard to put yourself into a place where you don't have to worry about it.