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They were so awesome! nm

Posted By: independent on 2008-08-15


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that's awesome- I know
if I ever find a man that is anything like my dad, I'm snapping him up!
I think that would be an awesome gift especially if he is the only grandchild! I know my parents would love it!

Go for it!!!
that is truly awesome - nm
That is awesome!
I'm being a smartass of course.  Kinda creepy but yet sadly somehow not unexpected.   
We have that on our Wii. It's awesome!
LOL awesome! :)
Good memories. Thanks for sharing! And how about sharing the recipe? Sour cream in cole Slaw? that's a new one I would be interested in getting. I love cole slaw!
Awesome! DO IT! DO IT!
reminds me of my daughter
However, this chicken HATES open heights -- nebber in my life would I be able to do this but kudos to your kidlet!!!!
My guy is awesome too. sm ....
OP, you say overall he is a "good guy"; really he isn't or you wouldn't be asking about his behavior. "Good guys" beat their wives and emotionally abuse them too. Sounds like you are married a selfish, controlling man with a lot of problems.

Congrats on your success, and thanks for the laugh. 

Funniest part is I can actually see MYSELF doing exactly those things:-) 





And so this free software and a foot pedal and spell checker is all I need??? I just can't believe that Express Scribe is free!!!
THAT"S AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!
we are super broke this year so that sounds fantastic!!! my 5 year old is crazy about legos so this sounds wonderful, thanks
that's awesome
what a thing to do for something you believe in!!! i think they are amazing little creatures... and i agree with the laugh and cry... at the same time!! :) have a great weekend
You are awesome! - thank you. I'm actually
going to take several of your suggestions and put them together. A bird house kit, a garden kit that you start indoors during the winter, and a subscription for some puzzle books every month! THANK YOU!!!
I have two musicians in my family (BF and oldest son, both guitarists) and these would make awesome gifts! I think the E-bay idea is an excellent one!
Sorry if I was quick to jump to conclusions or offended you.

That's awesome!
I have to wait until next year to have a garden. Long story, don't ask. LOL I'm going to definitely try that next year, though.
That's so awesome - wish I had family like that! nm
awesome verse. Tell no one anywhere. Keep it between you and God (nm)
awesome products
Just wanted to say thanks for trying to recruit me, but I am already in Melaleuca and I just wanted to tell you that I think these are also wonderful products and I buy them faithfully also, and I have to say that my favorite product is the laundry detergent. It gets my husbands greasy work clothes clean with just one squirt of detergent.
The stuff is awesome!
Works when nothing else does.
Thank you! Awesome post! nm
Awesome!!!!! You did the right thing actually!
Even though new is good, fixing things up on your own is even better!  Anyhow, each new project will make you feel so productive!  Good luck on your new endeavor and lovely new home!  Here's to ya! 
Awesome and lame
Awesome: Traveling Wilburys and their re-released albums. There is nothing better.

Lame: No more new Traveling Wilbury albums. Ever. What's even more lame is how underrated George Harrison is. But that's my opinion, coming from me, Apple Scruff. :)
awesome addendum
I already know I spelled awesome incorrectly.
What an awesome idea!
I never thought of doing that!  I grew up with a mom who thought cooking meals was opening a can of something teach myself how to be a better cook.  I may try that this Christmas with my crock pot!  That sounds wonderful.
Congratulations! That is awesome.
Tell him great job from me. You must be very proud.
That guy is awesome. My sister got a new dog -
2 years ago, and after her previous dog was kind've a head-case, she got his book and followed his methods. (She also started off with pupply obedience group classes.) It's a huge dog - half Husky & half Golden Retriever - and she is now the best behaved and most wonderful dog imaginable. I attended a pet parade with her and her dog that she was photographing, and some people's dogs were behaving terribly, but her Dog-Whisperer-technique dog was a total lady. She can take that dog ANYWHERE. But of course the secret is she is dedicated to training, and works with her at least twice a day on their long walks through the neighborhood.
Awesome information
Thanks for all of that. Very interesting. I am going to send it to friends. Wow, lots to know and working at home, I would have never known...we would have missed it! Plus, now I will be on guard for lunacy all around me! LOL.
Awesome Idea!
Great way to make a kick-@ss living! :)
Awesome snacks...(sm)
Crackers topped with cream cheese and pepper jelly.
you're awesome :)
I'm having my 28th birthday in less than 2 months and am getting so depressed about it. I just feel like im not where i should be at this point in life, but I HAVE a great life and an amazing family and have been able to do so much (whether that be going to professional sports events, disneyland, vegas, visiting my new niece regularly, etc.) and I know I am blessed. I just feel like I should have a home and a husband and a child... I know it will come when the time is right, but I am SO glad for this post because I feel like the older I get the more depressed I become about my age (even though I'm very happy). Thank you again and keep having fun!!! :)
Those are AWESOME names...sm
Our pastor gave our group the name The Lighthouse Gang, but I like you suggestions much better!!!
That is awesome advice...
Wish you were MY mother! ;-)
this is an awesome site!!

thanks for posting that.  That's a great site and it's going in my favorites.


That is an awesome site! s/m
I've only glanced at it for 5 minutes, but will be back to look at it more.  Thank you so much for the link!
You guys are awesome!
It totally breaks my heart that animals, not to mention the planet in general, are so victimized by our wasteful, gluttonous lifestyles.

I've turned into a fanatic about recycling but never knew about fusing those plastic Walmart bags! I usually gather a couple million of them up at a time and drop them off in the designated recycle bin at the store. I can't seem to remember to use my cloth totes when I shop, even though I keep them in the car as a reminder.

We have virtually no food waste as I have all kinds of animals that love leftovers, and what they can't have I compost. We have free weekly pickup of plastic, glass, aluminum and paper, but I try to avoid lots of packaging when I shop anyway. I make fire starters out of empty toilet paper and paper towel rolls by stuffing them with rolled up newspaper ads and inserts that show up in the mailbox, or with dryer lint. I used empty yogurt containers to start vegetable seeds in this spring and will re-use them again and again in the future.

We have a trash compactor, and this is kind of sick, but I find myself sifting through it to make sure no one has tossed something that could be reused or recycled. My biggest frustration is probably those plastic six-pack soft drink and beer holders that get caught around the necks and mouths of sea creatures and other animals. Those things should be illegal! I even pull them out of my friends' wastebaskets and cut them up.

I know I'm no help answering the original question, but the topic was too exciting to pass up!
Awesome game
Loved it, loved it, loved it!
AWESOME movie. One of my faves.
Such a great movie and you're right, it did not get the credit it deserves. It's one of those movies that we will always watch (when the kids aren't in the room) whenever it is on. LOVED it.
Awesome!!! Keep up the great work! nm
a cat named Dogfood - that is awesome! nm

Awesome! I would have done the same exact thing!
Way to go! You did the right thing!
Thanks for the treat...awesome photos!! nm
That sounds AWESOME!!!! (salivating...) - nm
I so often agree with you! Thank you for your post! That was awesome! nm
Awesome!! Normally it doesn't drop below 100
until February right? LOL... Enjoy!!!
your daughter sounds awesome
Swearing can be a good thing!
That was awesome sodiepop! Last one brought tears
I think that is an awesome idea for a speach therapist! NM