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Here's what I have done

Posted By: pxmt on 2008-06-19
In Reply to: ?legal recourse for nonpayment - Dianne

Report them to your state's Attorney General's office, the Federal Trade Commission, then call your and their local sheriff's departments and ask if you may have a fraud situation - make sure you get the company name in there when asking (make sure you get names if speaking over the phone). When finished with this, send the company a certified letter letting them know who you have reported to, including names of individuals you spoke to, departments, etc. and give them a time limit to pay before you continue with further legal action.

You will get a letter from the FTC stating that unless your complaint is widespread and includes a lot of people, they cannot take action but will keep your report and monitor for other complaints. Hello permanent record.

The Attorney General's office will check them out with the state to see if there are other complaints and send you a letter. They may also send them a letter. Hello permanent record.

The sheriff's department may tell you they do or do not think you have a fraud situation, but regardless will keep the company name and check them out for suspicious other complaints. Hello permanent record.

This may all seem futile and time consuming, but trust that when you involve the big guns (which is why you need names), you will be paid posthaste. All of this will be a permanent record tied to their business name. Bad news for them, your owed finances for you. Most of them think we poor little independents have no resources - just not true.

Sorry so lengthy - could go into more actually, but won't bore you. Oh - DO report to the BBB. Future clients WILL look there.

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