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No Krogers near me.

Posted By: nm on 2005-09-29
In Reply to: Go to Krogers and get Incredible. It got ink out of my carpet. NM - TM


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Go to Krogers and get Incredible. It got ink out of my carpet. NM
Just one thing. I have Krogers and Meijers where I live.
Double coupons and all that good stuff. But they built a Super Walmart here and people flock to it leaving Krogers and Meijers in the dust. I don't really compare prices that much but obviously those who are shopping at new Walmart find something to draw them there rather than Krogers and Meijers with their double coupons. I am only going on what I see happening in my community and there is something going on that keeps people going to Walmart and I don't think it's high prices. Walmart cannot compete without offering low prices or people would not keep coming back and Walmart would not be able to keep building stores. I personally will go to Krogers or Meijers for the convenience (and somehow they have become less crowded these days) but I don't buy massive amounts of groceries like the Walmart shoppers. If I did, I would probably compare prices and based on the crowds at Walmart, I suspect they may have cheaper prices and I would shop where I could get the most value.