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Posted By: Polish girl on 2008-11-22
In Reply to: how does unemployment work? do they pay - a percentange of what your salary was?

Once they calculate how much you will get, it is put into a fund for you to take from.  It is supposed to last up to 26 months, but if you work part time, they keep the first 55% and you get to keep the extra 45%, which also extends out the amount of time you can receive as you are not using all of your money from the fund.  My position was eliminated back the end of February and I still have enough for two weeks yet, and now have been contacted that I can extend it another 13 weeks due to the bad economy. 

I recently started in a multinational marketing company working with the advertising dollars from Fortune 500 companies and the money I am making with them may get me out of this dilemma by the end of my 13 weeks, hopefully making as much as I was while doing transcription, but working a lot less hours and being my own boss. 

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