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When this occurs, where exactly are you (sm)

Posted By: giddy pc guru on 2008-07-12
In Reply to: ChartScript/Instant Text - Rita Wielatz

are you in Word, or is it running remotely in the background?

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Actually the reduction in SS benes only occurs.
UNTIL you reach full retirement age. In other words, if you take SS any month prior to your full retirement age (in this case 66), then the reduction in SS benefits is affected by your income. Also, if you are under normal (or full) retirement age (FRA): when you start getting your Social Security payments, $1 in benefits will be deducted for each $2 you earn above the annual limit - this is directly from www.ssa.gov, the site regarding Social Security.
cherry picking occurs pretty regularly. (sm)
I had to do my shift this morning and got H&Ps (which is extremely rare there are any of these left) from the day before. Guess what, they were all ESLs. Actually several of them were long and excellent dictators, so I got the last laugh on the cherrypickers on that one.

I worked for 4 hours and got NOTHING but out of sequence ESLs that had obviously been kicked back. By the time it was time for me to get off line and go to my hospital job there were enough of us suckers in there cleaning up the mess that good things were beginning to pop up.

May those cherry pickers shit bricks of thorns.