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do you want fries with that??? (nm)

Posted By: Oh, my side hurts! on 2006-06-01
In Reply to: ESL psych report . . . - Mimi


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Do you have fries with that?
Would U like fries with that?
OMG, this is too weird! Last night I went thru the drive-thru at Arbys, gave my order, the person asked if I wanted a drink, I said what do U have and she named all these brands (one of which I didn't think they had in my area so I excitedly said Wow I didn't think that was available - I'll have that!), got to the pick-up window and the girl said they didn't actually have that particular drink. I told her I was just told they did and she said "Oh, well, the order taker is doing that job remotely from India, I think." So its come to this...
About those fries....
Bob for French fries!!
How do you make your fries?
Great analogy to you want fries with that

Often I "find" things in IT that I did not realize I had in there by just glancing when I am typing something that I feel should have an expansion.

The marker keys are a challenge to get used to, I couldn't use spacebar because I was using DQS when I got IT, so I also have my old Autocorrect still active and that works on the spacebar.  I use semi and backslash for my markers - I think.  The muscle memory is so old that I truly can't remember, it just happens.

I agree with the poster who said to work on one thing at a time and once you notice that it has become easy to do without any thought then move onto something else.  I started with working on the phrase side because it is the biggest bang for your buck - more characters with fewer keystrokes. 

I think the key to being successful with IT after the learning curve is finding a rhythm and just keep filling it up with expansions that make sense to you so you don't have to search for them.  I often use the first two words of a long phrase as the short form because it will show up if I start typing it and I can just marker the rest of it in.

I wish you good luck figuring it out and would encourage you to stick with it and find your own tricks to it, as I think it really makes a difference in the fatigue factor, which is more important some days than line count.

I think someone mentioned Productivity Talk and the IT website, which both have lots of tips and tricks too.


Hot dogs and homemade french fries.
Burgers and fries...kids game tonight..nm