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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

yes, it is doable

Posted By: stephanie on 2005-12-16
In Reply to: 2 jobs? - working

I do it. I have accounts that I do all the time at the first place, so it is easy to get my lines in quick in 5 hours. Then, I have about a 4-hour break before I hop on to do my second job's work around 3 and I finish at 9. I only do it for 4 days and on have a half day on Friday, done by 11 a.m., off Saturday, and pretty much all day Sunday until 3 p.m.

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It is doable, but...

it depends on how comfortable you are with the account itself, the format, the dictators themselves, the platform and how many templates/expanders you can utilize. If you get a bunch of 1-2 minute reports on a slow platform, forget it.  If you get crappy dictators or have to switch to multiple different accounts with different formats, forget it.  If you have to look up too much information, cc's or demographics, not doable either.

I used to get 3000 lines in an 8-hour shift with ER tapes.  I had done the account for a couple of years and had lots of expansions/templates and was very comfortable with the docs.  I didn't have to use any platform or fill out any bloody demographics.  Just regular old WP5.1.  I didn't have to wait for anything to upload or download or just plain not load.  I think we were on a 65 cpl though and not a "line is a line," so it still would have been somewhat comparable to today's transcribing, except for today's platforms.

If this was doable, everyone with income limits
FLmt, it's extremely doable. Copy the positives! nm
44 pounds in 1 month is doable when you start out at over 400 pounds.
It still counts, though, so Martha, you are doing a wonderful job. Keep it up the diet and exercise especially. Those pounds are going to melt away! You can do it!