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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists


Posted By: JoJo Lynn Cogbill on 2008-02-03
In Reply to: newbie trying to choose a reputable school - akh

I went to Penn Foster, I do not recommend this, go to a school that is approved my AAMT. My school did not help you with job placement and I am still looking and hoping to find something.

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Forget "approved" schools. AAMT set the criteria, then approved schools that didn't meet i
Stick with Andrews or M-Tec (both of which happen to be "approved") but forget about any others, they are not worth it.
MT schools
Thank you for the advice. I have been researching M-Tec and have decided that it seems to be the best choice. Wish me luck.
Can anyone give me any info on Laird's School of Medical Transcription.
MT Schools


  I am looking to train in this field and have looked into the Career Step Program.  There are soo many programs out there and I'm not sure which one to choose.  Looking for opinons on which programs are some of the best.  Its an awful lot of money and I certainly don't want to chose the wrong one.

MT schools

I am researching MT schools to see which one is best. I am having trouble figuring out who will give me the best training. I am a medicla biller (18 years) and would like to work from home. I thought about PCDI and VLC but I am not sure.  I don't want to spend a lot of time and money on a school who is not recognized in the MT industry.  Also most of these schools start the medical terminology and anatomy, that's great for someone who's new to the medical field, but what about those who know terminology like the back of our hand.  Can anyone recommend an online or correspondence school?


MT schools
Thanks for the information, I will keep this in mind:)

thank you, thank you!!
Just wondering which schools are best.  I checked out a few.  Does anyone know anything about Meditec?  Is it a good online course?
Thanks for the advice. I will check into both of those schools. I presently work in the Administration Office of a hospital, and on occasion when a doctor quits the hospital I have had to type Discharge Summaries, etc. for him/her when they finally return to catch up on what they did not complete. I have yet to figure out why they quit without having all their charts complete--however, they realize there's more time allowed for DS than H&P's, Op Notes, etc. So, besides taking extra terminology courses and practicing with Absolute Experience tapes, I have done a little "real life" transcription.

"career step" is highly recommended, and the gal with whom i've been e-mailing is very helpful. i was an MT in my past life, am now and RN (could you guess from the ID?), and seriously thinking of doing both. i suspect that if i go the course route, it will be via career step. good luck!
The best schools are M-Tec or Andrews. The next best is Career Step. You will need to go to one of those to brush up on your English skills and learn everything else you'll need in this industry. For instance, your first two sentences should have been just one sentence, and the little things are very important in this field if you want to compete. If that is too picky and boring for you, you won't enjoy going to school or working as an MT.
Re schools - please SM
The top 3 are Andrews, MTec, and Career Step. Companies are more willing to hire new graduates of these schools and some have partnerships with CareerStep, in fact.

You can search the archives here for posts regarding schools and get more information.

In addition, ask the school what placement assistance they offer and who hires their graduates. Don't take their word for it, either - call the companies they say will hire you and ask them if they hire grads from that program.
MT schools
I recently heard only graduates from Andrews and MTEC were getting the newbie jobs out there. Well let me tell you what I did, I graduated from HTC Education now called Brighton College and I was educated with a SUM based program. I also took Medical Coding at the same time. I called the director of MTEC to inquire about the program they offer and discovered it was not any better, still the same based SUM program that I took. The tuition cost were about 250 dollars higher but given inflation over the last year that is relatively a mute point. So I paid the same as their students do. I invested 10,000.00 in my tuition and references and computer, just to be as highly educated as an MTEC graduate and so I asked the MTEC director what their job placement was. I was told that their job placement was at 98%. Well Newbie MTs let me tell you this is purely political on the part of the AAMT and those two schools and by the way when I was looking into schools for MT I went to the AAMT and found Brighton College/formerly HTC Education and it was at the AAMT website at that time my school was also recommended by the AAMT so why am I not able to get hired as Newbie. As far as I am concerned and the research that I have done on this subject it is all a lot bull! Just hang in their work for the peanuts, get internships, do anything you can to get the experience it will happen.
As a recruiter, I can tell you firsthand that Andrews School trains the very best transcriptionists. I will look at their graduates before I look at any others.

Ok, I have looked at the different schools, and am good at working on my own.  I am 9 credits away from being a Registered Health Information Tech. So I have Medical Terminology, Anatomoy and Physiology, Pharmacology, Pathophysiology, already among my knowledge base.  I just don't have the $3000 to put into a transcription course that I know is going to just reiterate most of what I already know.  I want to know if Career Step would be adequate enough for me to be Hirable as a transcriptionist?

Thanks for any input that you might be able to give me!


re: Schools
Thank You!

I'm an MT-wannabe and I have a few questions:

What are the "Top 3" schools?

Are tech schools really that much better than online schools?

Does anyone know anything about Penn Foster online?  They're nationally and regionally accredited.  Does this make them a "better" online school?

I appreciate any and all feedback on this.  TIA!

MT Schools
I just want to let everyone and anyone that is looking for a good MT school not to go the TechSkills. When I started with the school there were several things that I was not told up front which could have affected me later. I wanted to pass this information on because I wish someone had informed me. Please pass this information to anyone looking for a MT school. Have a good day!!!

I posted above about schools but I thought I would address you directly. I went to two different schools. My first was Professional Career Development back in 2000 I finished. Had a hard time finding work like others and decided to take a refresher course at TechSkills. I have completed that course and received my certificate but it was more that I expected and more than what I was told. So if you as me do not pick TechSkills. Hope this helps!!

Look at other schools...

I am attending At-home right now.  Almost done in fact but there are way better schools out there.  I attended college first to earn a degree for medical office which would have included med. transcription.  Unfortunatly, I had to move and dropped out. 

I do have a job right now working at home and have two main accounts.  My point is that I had a college education before I started At home.  I would have prefered to finish in school but due to a complicated pregnancy and lack of income due to having to leave my job I could barely afford At home.

There are many many other that are better.  Many will help place you.  At home gives you a book on how to start out but that is about it.

I recently graduated from Career Step and I started working within a couple of weeks. They are now AAMT approved. They do offer a payment plan, that's what I did, it wasn't too bad compared to the other schools. Good luck.

Thanks, I have been looking at Career Steps, but yet again the payment plan is more than I can do at this time. I also contacted M-Tec, and the same thing with them.



MT schools


I have been looking at two different MT schools, and was hoping to get some opinions.  The two I am looking at are Career Step and TNI.  If anyone has gone to these or has any feedback please let me know.  I would really appreciate it.


I went to Everett CC online, that uses Career Step materials, but you also have teachers, deadlines, and lots of interaction with other students. I found it to be an awesome program and have been offered three jobs this week just graduated in August. My testing and good references must speak for themselves. My job right now pays well and I get a very good cpl. So I would have to disagree about the Career Step program.
Top schools??

I am intrested in MT -- So what are the top schools to go to?? I want to try to get off in the right direction.

Only schools I would consider (sm)
Career Step, M-Tec, Andrews. They are the only three that are endorsed by the AAMT (if that really means much) and have proven to be the schools that prepare students to be gainfully employed after finishing the course.
What schools were they?
That you hired from before that did not work out, as I am currently researching on-line courses for MT and need to know which schools are reputable. Thanks

Can you email me your answer thanks.

to: louisem@cinci.rr.com
Would that apply to someone who did this type work for approximately 6-7 years way back all through the 60's? I was trained by 12 physicians in a small hospital and did the "whole nine yards" -- meaning Radiology Reports, Op Notes, Labor and Delivery Records, H&P's, Discharge Summaries, Consults, etc. for 12 physicians (being the only transcriptionist). I've tried to stay current with this field by going back to school to take only the terminology part (in a Community College -- GPA 4.0). And I try to keep abreast of what is going on by checking this site along with others regarding transcription on an almost daily basis. What do I need to do to get back into this career? I did take the PCDI course before learning it was not one of the accepted ones.
MT Schools
This is for any one who is looking to become a medical transcriptionist.  Everette Community College in Everette Washington has an excellent online MT program it is an accreditted school, and offers financial aide.  As we all know, MT schools can be very expensive and all the $ sure helps.  You can live any where in the US and take this couse.  Get a FASFA grant and there ya go.
There are two of these schools...

One is Allied Health Schools and the other is just plain Allied Medical Schools.  I have read all of the info on Allied Medical Schools and also on MTec and Career Step and they are all the same.  They all teach the same thing and are accredited by the AAMT.  So I figure how different can they be.  Is there anyone out there who has went to Allied Medical School?  If so can you tell me if things went OK for you in the job market or not.  I am just curious is all. I am not down grading what you wrote to me.  I just think that not all of them can be bad.  If they were then there wouldn't be so many people out there working doing MT.  I know that not all of them grad. from just those couple of schools that everyone here has mentioned as the best and the only one that you can go to in order to get hired by someone.  Please don't take offense to this.


Does anyone know any good schools in South Carolina?  I've been looking into tech schools and wondered if they're any good.  What about Gatlin Education services, Ed2go, Jer Courses?   And what courses/schools are good if I want to work locally after graduation?
MT Schools
You might start at http://www.aamt.org/scriptcontent/mtapproved.cfm. They have a list of schools approved by the AAMT for MT education.
Top Schools

Does anyone know if any of the top 3 schools have a shortened program for someone with 1 year experience?  I have 1 year of experience in family practice and went through a medical transcription program, but not at one of the top 3 schools.  I already have invested a lot of money, but I know see how hard it is to get another job unless you have attended one of the 3 top schools.  

I did not go to one of the top 3 schools and I got a job as soon as I finished my online course. I'm making good money (though working a lot of hours) and I've gotten a raise already. Also, a healthy quarterly bonus. I love the company I'm with. I work from home.
top 3 schools
Career Step, Andrews, and M-Tec.

I can provide more info on Career Step if you would like. Let me know!

I know Career Step is one of the top three but has anyone heard anything about  Everett Community College, the school Career Step has a partnership with?  

Does anyone know any thing about the school Career Step has a partnership with, Everett Community College?
Hi. I am looking into online medical transcription schools. I have researched and found the AAMT website. I am specifically looking into career step. I am wondering if a school needs to be "accredited" by any certain body/board to be considered a good school by employers out there. Does accredidation mean anything in the medical transcription world? Also, any words from Career Step graduates on their experiences after graduation would be greatly appreciated. Do any graduates feel prepared and ready? Do you have any problems getting a job? Any positive/negative comments about your experiences would be great. I just want to know all that I can before I decide which school to join. Some schools out there say they are accredited, and I am wondering what the difference is.
Thanks for any help!
Career Step is a great school. Applicants I have hired from Career Step are the most prepared and require the least amount of post-hire 'training' to get them up to speed.

So I've been comparing M-Tec Andrews and Career Step. I'm wanting to go back to a well known MT school to get a little extra training. Does anyone know if any of these 3 schools have shortened programs that I could take instead of going through a whole different program?

I wish the best schools would
advertise so that students would hear of them BEFORE showing up here, telling us what awful course they already plunked their money down for.

best schools?
Those schools are a little beyond my educational budget...what about PennFoster...is it any good? other recommendations?
I know that Andrews and others are supposed to be the best and sure do cost a lot but they are sooo strict that you will be going to school forever. I went to the online MTACC. I got a job (sent a 1001 applications of course) after completing it. The owner is named Margery Hinman. Tell her I recommended you to her. (I don't get perks for this.) Just want to share my experience with this school. I loved it. Email address is margeryhinman@cox.net or MargeryMTACC@aol.com. I have not spoken to her in a long time. Everyone there is very helpful and you will like it.
You are not being mean, it is the truth. Penn Foster was not a great selection. I am having a very hard time finding anyone to give me a chance. I haven't given up yet!!
A fellow Penn Foster student, what is going on with the school? Have all the instructors quit? I have begged for my transcripts and they keep giving me the runaround. I guess you and I are in the same boat in finding a job. Good Luck!!!
MT Schools
Check out this website, and take time to contact the people here. They are trustworthy, reliable, experienced, and they know what's out there, what works, and what doesn't. Cheap can be a ripoff. I found out the hard way that cheap is not necessarily best. Hope this is helpful.
First of all, brush up on your grammar. One graduates FROM a school. Second, be assertive and insist on taking their application test. If you pass if, they will hire you.

Rosie, an MT teacher

Dear Toni et al.,

I totally agree with hiring people NOT from the listed schools. Here are 2 reasons:

1. I've been teaching Medical Transcription and Medical Terminology in a technical college in Maine for 7 years -- and 15 years before that in San Francisco. Transcribed early in my career, then ran a hospital department and a transcription service My school uses the approved reference material and the AAMT tapes for training, and we have had
graduates I would have hired in a minute, were I still doing that work. I came from a background as medical editor, not what we call QA now, but published medical textbooks, so you can imagine how particular I am! My first
transcription job was with Vera Pyle. Remember her? So, I guess you could say I was qualified to teach, right? We charge around $220/semester for each class, so it's a real bargain, too.

Best regards,

Rosemarie Danelle

2. I recently tutored a student privately from 1 of the so-called,top-rated schools (Email me personally if you want their name)and found HUGE errors in her corrections, not to mention inconsistencies from Editor to editor working with her. Also found grammatical and spelling errors in the editors' Emails to her. Absolutely horrifying, and it cost more than $4,000 for the course.

What school do I choose?  They all claim to be "the one."  It is very difficult to choose.  Does anyone work with a MAC rather than a PC?
I recently did a private tutoring job for a woman who had paid $3,500+ to that school you want to attend. Saw with my own eyes the conflicting info different QA (alleged teachers and mentors)people gave her. She was bright enough to do the work, but the school was a total ripoff in my opinion. Also, they made her buy hundreds of dollars worth of very poor reference works from them. Yes, I have strong opinions, but I also have the knowhow to back them up -- I have taught for 10+ years, last 8 in an Adult Education program. I use the AAMT tapes for transcription practice and also try to help my grads find jobs. Before this I designed and taught a Medical Transcription Course for the State of California. Talk to your local teachers. Any teacher worth her salt will be happy to discuss curriculum, required skills, where to find jobs, etc. Ask if they use the recommended AAMT tapes for training. Hope this helps.
Rosie -- an oooold teacher

mt schools
In your opinion what makes Andrews School and M-Tec the best for MT training. Have you ever heard of At Home Professions?
mt schools
In your opinion what makes Andrews School and M-Tec the best for MT training. Have you ever heard of At Home Professions?