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He is literally squashing

Posted By: Trigger Happy on 2009-06-05
In Reply to: But Obama is trying to take everything sm - not an Obama supporter

the middle class right now.

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We are literally paying for their
countries defense.  We are ultimately paying for our own self destruction.  China doesn't like us.  They have been civil because the US has controlled the seas for so long and we had an awesome military and great defense.  Now Obama is wanting to cut back on our countries defense and sit down and talk with countries while China gets more of our money to go towards its own defense.  If they take control of the seas and have a greater military force than we do.....do you honestly think they will still play nice?  He!!s no they won't. 
Ron Paul exposed, literally!
This is priceless! Ron Paul being backed by pimp Denis Hof and traveling with Tucker Carlson. OMG! Could this get any better? Per Huffington:

It literally gives me the chills. The thing that is so...sm
amazing to me is that many of these radical hateful statements come from people who shout loud and clear what good Christians they are. It makes me sick to my stomach.
Actually, literally freakishly bad losers
They scare me.........
I literally cringe every time I see
Nancy Pelosi.  The best thing we can do is get her out of the position she is in. 
Yeah, like I literally say that was the most ridiculous statement.

Obama is the child. Literally printing money so