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Not naive at all

Posted By: Exactly on 2009-05-24
In Reply to: Obama is criminally naive. - IMPEACH OBAMA NOW

but criminally calculating in his agenda to *remake* america in his own image.  everything he does (especially where it appears he has not considered the consequences) is a move toward fulfilling this agenda. 

he was not naive in releasing the initial memos on gitmo detainee interrogation. these made the previous administration and national security agencies look bad. his decision not to release further details came about because he now realizes how this would boomerang back on him as president, not out of national security concerns. 

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Are you really that naive? SM
Cindy Sheehan wants Bush to bring the troops home...NOW.  Oh, I forgot, the left doesn't care about the people left behind.  We know this how?  Can you say Vietnam?
maybe they let the naive
I am not naive enough to think that this is

just dems.  I know that there are a lot of people in our government who have found this loophole and that loophole and aren't paying what they should either.  I personally think it wouldn't hurt for all of them to undergo a little investigation just to see who is paying up and who isn't, but that won't happen. 

I do have to admit that I get tired of dems wanting to raise taxes when it is the rich that always have loopholes to get out of paying taxes.  All that does is hurt the middle class and the lower class.

I personally think that we should get rid of all of these silly deductions and have a flat tax.  You made X amount this year and you pay X amount in taxes.  No loopholes.....no nothing....that is it....PERIOD. 

That comment is very naive. sm
Things are deleted from the Internet all the time. I've even done it, had posted once on a medical site, and went and deleted what I posted a year later....the link was still there, but nothing will link to it.

Obama campaign/backers/DNC have been practicing obfuscation on a daily basis.

Do you think it is just the dems? That is a little naive - nm
Another thing. And call me naive (sp), but sm
I think there is a big difference in liberal and Democrat. I mean, what happened to the Democrats of long ago? In my neighborhood I have a wonderful old-lady friend who is in her 80s who is the most godliest woman I know. She is just amazing. She said she was born a Democrat and will die a Democrat. A lot of her friends are the same age and they vote Democrat because they are still living ithe days of Kennedy and the "good ole Democrats." You know, the Zell Miller type of Democrat.

I think that liberalism is an extreme sect all on its own. I don't view my neighbor as liberal at all, in fact more conservative if anything, yet she votes Democrat. These are the ones whom I believe are Christians and believe in God, but they are not liberals.

The liberals I knew were the Yale, Harvard or Brown University liberals which my Democratic friend is not.

In fact, if you ask my friend she is adamantly against abortion and homosexual marriage.

If the old Democratic party would return I would probably switch to that party, but you will never see me voting for the liberals who are in office today. Big difference. I think JFK is turning over in his grave over what has happened to his party.

I am always amazed at how naive some people are....s/m
He's doing this to enable his admistration, and Congress, the ability to take this country as far and hard to the left, and as fast as he possibly can.

He has a purpose, and it's not for the good welfare of our country.

It's to put our entire country "ON" welfare, and grow the government. This is a major takeover, and you're right about one thing.

He's as transparent as glass to the rest of us.

And we don't want what he's about to bring us to, to our knees with government control over every aspect of our lives.

At least I have the comfort of knowing I didn't vote for him.

They are this naive. That is the scariest part.
Obama is criminally naive.

"Upholding our values will protect us from terrorism." 


Hello?  Wake up, you dipwad.  It is precisely our values that terrorists hate.

Umm...and even if they didn't, please explain just who was being waterboarded prior to 9/11, Mr. Obama?  Or, putting it more precisely (since we know now from the 9/11 Commission that the attack on that day was in the making long before Bush even took office), just which of the numerous American values that Clinton violated was it that led to that event?  Was it the mess on the dress perhaps?  Or do ya think it might have been failing to get after bin Laden when he had the chance?  Huh?

Your reasoning abilities are so pathetic that they amount to a crime against your office, in fact.  You obviously do not know the first thing about either terrorists or terrorism - or else you think we don't.

Impeach Obama now.  He is utterly unfit to serve.

your view is naive, short-sighted and simplistic
I don't want to get caught up in a debate here. Americans can buy whatever they want. You are right. But then when your job is gone, don't complain about it because you fed the problem instead of solving it. If you don't support American companies, you are supporting some other economy instead of your own. How can the American economy ever survive if Americans do not support it? There is a bigger picture here, and I believe you are missing it. The failure of the automakers would affect every other business and service in this country, including ours, by a ripple effect. So when you lose your job because the number of hospital and physician visits is reduced since none of them has insurance anymore and no one can afford medical care anymore, remember what you said here. If they fail, we all will lose from it.
Obama is criminally naive. "Upholding our values

Umm...and just who was being waterboarded prior to 9/11, Mr. Obama?  Or, putting it more precisely, we know now from the 9/11 Commission that the attack on that day was in the making long before Bush even took office.  So which of the numerous values that Clinton violated was it that led to that event?

Pathetic reasoning - a crime against your office, in fact.  You obviously do not know the first thing about either terrorists or terrorism - or else you think we don't.

Impeach Obama now.  Unfit to serve.

Obama is criminally naive. "Upholding our values

Umm...and just who was being waterboarded prior to 9/11, Mr. Obama?  Or, putting it more precisely, we know now from the 9/11 Commission that the attack on that day was in the making long before Bush even took office.  So which of the numerous values that Clinton violated was it that led to that event?

Pathetic reasoning - a crime against your office, in fact.  You obviously do not know the first thing about either terrorists or terrorism - or else you think we don't.

Impeach Obama now.  He is utterly unfit to serve.

You lefties are so naive. Obama has plans for worse for our nation.

I throw it right back at you: Blind, in denial, naive, conservative pub...nm