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Then sit down if it makes you feel better.

Posted By: AO on 2005-10-02
In Reply to: I'm sorry I'm not just going to stand by - Rep

See, the posting was supposed to be humorous.  It made me laugh out loud, several times.  This is called the LIBERAL board and it's provided for us liberals to post our thoughts as well as post serious items as well as humorous items.  Please keep this in mind.  If you have a problem with this humorous article please complain about it on the CON board.

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Rant away if it makes you feel better.
You've gotton so many things wrong, it's laugable.

First of all, saying "people like you" once again shows your lack of understanding of the situation. I do not protest outside of abortion clinics. Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't.

Much like you don't want religion in your politics, I don't want somebody's stinking LACK of morals in MY politics. Gay marriage. Late-term abortion. Did you ever stop to think that THAT might be offense to others? No. Because people like you are so busy beating your chests like gorillas and proclaiming how liberal and open-minded you lot are. When all the while you're trying to stomp on anyone and everyone who has the audicity to display a little faith in God.

As far as "running all over the world" - you're just running your mouth instead of your brain. I go to Russia twice a year. Russia is not "all over the world" but I suppose I can blame the public school system who apparently didn't let you in on that little secret.

And "that perfect little baby" once again shows your inabilty to comprehend the situation. You have no idea about the conditions I've seen in Russian orphanages. They are little more than warehouses for children, so that particular high horse of yours is lame as well. Why don't YOU go advocate for the foster kids in America? Better yet, don't. It wouldn't be fair to the kids.

If you had any capacity for learning, you would have rememberd that I have a WHOLE HOUSEFUL of adopted children. All are special needs, all are from the foster care system right here in the good 'ol USA. So your comment "children here are just too much of a pain in the a$$ for you" is offensive and, once again, totally off base.

I have never rambled about how wonderful I am. Nor have I said how $hitty anyone else is, though in your case I will make an exception. If you think I'm boasting it's because you have an inferiority complex.

I'm sorry if you want me to cry and pat you on your little head and feel sorry for you and how hard the abortion was on YOU. I'm sure there are plenty of P.C. posters who will crowd all around you and applaud your courageous decision to kill an infant instead of doing the right, albeit more difficult, thing and leaving your abusive husband and caring for yourself and your child. Too bad you didn't have the support system of a good Christian church to help you make a better decision. I don't have any patience for people who martyr themselves and then want everyone to throw them a big pity party.
I hope that makes you feel better
Now why don't you just let it go?
Go ahead and spout gt if makes you feel better
however, you are only making a fool of yourself along with the namby pamby liberals who write stuff like this.
Makes you feel all warm and cozy, doesn't it.
If it makes you feel better - but in the real world, indictment is not a joke.
Not to mention, this is an indictment by a Grand Jury from his home state. The natives are restless, it seems.

Happily, it doesn't matter a bit if DeLay is convicted or not. He's finished, caput, out on his butt, a lame duck if there ever was one. Like Gingrich before him he's had his day in the public eye and sure, with his connections he'll do fine in the private sector - but good riddance to that era.
Yes, it makes me feel better, my body is my body
and nobody can tell me what to do with my body or what is in my body till the 120th day!
And to 'sm' or 'm' or whatever she calls herself on this board, I wish the same she wished to 'abc' in her nasty reply 11/16/08.

And I have become VERY thick skinned
and I feel like makin *du du duu du du duu* feel like maaa-k-in love to YOU!

You feel someone should be forced to do something they feel is wrong? sm
Sounds like communism to me.
I do not feel sorry for the 'terrorists', I feel
sorry for those who are (or soon were) held there and are innocent.
Makes me wonder...

... if he truly said that or if Bush forced him to say it, so we can show how *honest* we were when we promised we'd leave when the *Iraqis* wanted us out.  The timing of this is just too ironic, considering it's on the heels of Murtha's PLAN involving Iraq.  It seems to be more of a response to an angry America than an actual plan.

It's really sad to be this skeptical, but unfortunately, I can't take anything involving Bush at face value, considering the numbers of lies the world has been fed from this administration.  By extension, I have to be suspect of things said by Iraqui leaders, who may be spoon-fed what they're *allowed* to say in their new *democracy* (promoting, of course, freedom of speech)!

What makes you think we don't have that?
Makes me wonder if she/they truly
want a free America, or something else.  Someone else in history also liked to ban books, but we don't want to say his name, or even imagine anything like that could happen to America.  There is a very clear choice between two dynamics. Can't understand why anyone who knows their own mind has a hard time deciding on a candidate this year.
Makes me like him even more! (nm)
This just makes me want to cry.

What has our country become?  I always knew that politicians were crooks, but for them to run our country into the ground just to line their own pockets.....it just absolutely disgusts me.  All these politicians who received significant money from these companies......do you think they will suffer.  No....it will be us who pay for all of this.  Government as a whole has royally screwed us all with this.

This whole bail out thing has me so fuming mad I can't hardly see straight.  I'm terrified that if we don't do it....we will collapse.  I'm terrified that if we do it....it will only slow down but the collapse will still come...only later.  I'm mad that they want to bail them out and screw the rest of us.  I truly hope that there is another solution to this crisis other than a bail out. 

I want the phuckers who deliberately screwed us through their own greed....I want them to pay for this.  I want them to be held accountable.  Instead, they lined their pockets, get bailed out, and it is the little people that lose out. 

I am sick to death of hearing politicians getting on TV and blaming the other party when they themself received a substantial amount of money from these banks going under that are currently wanting bailed out.  Stop playing the blame game and just come up with a plan that will benefit the tax payers and not just the big wigs who screwed us in the first place!  Stop pointing fingers, grow up, and think of our country and not your own personal bank account. 

If I see Obama point his finger at another person again instead of taking a good look in the mirror at himself.....I seriously will scream.  He has received so much money from these people and yet he claims no blame at all.  What an arrogant b@st@rd!!!  What ever happened to taking responsibility for your actions?  I guess that doesn't exist anymore....just blame it on the next sucker.

Actually, makes me wonder what is
camp. He is too organized and sly like a fox, there has to be some meaning to the madness.
Makes you wonder...........sm
just exactly what the Pentagon is expecting. They say timing is everything.
Are you serious? What makes you think
that Republicans are to blame for even this? Come on. It is terrible and I think that something like this cannot be blamed on a political party. It can only be blamed on those who did it. I am a Republican who would not be caught dead at a Black Friday sale. I went to one once and cannot stomach another. Many of my conservative friends and my conservative husband feel the same way.
That makes 2 of us...(sm)
bull-headed stubborn people, that is....LOL.
That makes 2 of us...(sm)
bull-headed stubborn people, that is....LOL. 
What makes you think
I have been in this industry for 35 years and I have worked my butt off every single one of those days. Don't even pretend that you can judge me or anyone else.
And that makes you perhaps...
suffer from an inferiority complex yourself?  Pitiful
Sure you were! Now, that makes a big
your head out of the sand! Let's face it, talking ain't going to cut it. Did you see the color drain from his face this week when Iran launched that missile?
It makes me mad because -
I already lost my home (the one that I could
Makes me think of that old saying...

A government big enough to give you everything you want is strong enough to take everything you have. Sad...

It makes you wonder though

as many countries that have hostages by these pirates....you would think these pirates would be taken out.  I mean...we know where they live, etc.  It seems kind of crazy that a group of somali pirates can terrorize several countries to taking over ships.  Maybe if ship crews were taught how to use guns and each ship was armed heavily and they could blow these pirates out of the water before they even get aboard......

You would just think something would be done about these A--holes. 

What makes you think they haven't.
This makes me crabby.

I believe the biggest problem our world is facing right now is overpopulation.  I would think even the Lord would recognize that. That said, I would also comment that this woman's genitals as well as her husband's are under their own personal control, not the Lord's.

My other thought is that it seems likely that you would ever really really get to know any of your children while they were growing up with that many kids.  My boyfriend is from a family of 8 children and he and his brothers all agree that they were basically raised by their older sisters and had no real quality relationship with their mother until they were much older.  I'm not saying that is automatically the case, but simply often turns out to be the case.

That's probably because this is what makes sense to you.
Perhaps you could be a translator for us?

REPORTER: Is the tide turning in Iraq?
DUBYA: I think -- tide turning -- see, as I remember -- I was raised in the desert, but tides kind of -- it's easy to see a tide turn -- did I say those words?
-- White House, Jun. 14, 2006

If one were to measure progress on the number of suiciders, if that's your definition of success, I think it gives -- I think it will -- I think it obscures the steady, incremental march toward democracy we're seeing. In other words, it's very difficult -- you can have the most powerful army of the world -- ask the Israelis what it's like to try to stop suiciders. ...That's the -- but that's one of the main -- that's the main weapon of the enemy, the capacity to destroy innocent life with a suicider. ...Trying to stop suiciders -- which we're doing a pretty good job of on occasion -- is difficult to do. And what the Iraqis are going to have to eventually do is convince those who are conducting suiciders who are not inspired by al Qaeda, for example, to realize there's a peaceful tomorrow.
-- White House, May 23, 2006

I've reminded the Prime Minister -- the American people, Mr. Prime Minister, over the past months that it was not always a given that the United States and America would have a close relationship.
-- With Prime Minister Koizumi of Japan, White House, Jun. 29, 2006
This poll truly makes me ill....sm
85% Of Troops In Iraq Think Saddam Was Involved In 9/11, 77% Think Supported Al-Qaeda.

You can't blame them either. I cannot imagine what it be like to know what they are doing over there is all connected to nothing but BS. The cognitive dissonance would be unbearable.

Makes ya wonder doesn't it? (NT)


And that makes it somehow more palatable? I don't....
think so.
GREAT!! That makes ALL of us!! :-)
This post makes it appear YOU are


oh, that makes it okay then....nevermind....NOT....nm
Ok, that makes sense then
I was thinking when I read the headline that that sounds like something sports players would do to each other (like patting each other on the "behind"). The headline made it sound like he did it in a room full of reporters in the senate. HA HA HA
makes if biased and

not worth reading. Kind of like getting "news" from Faux.  If you enjoy having all your misconceptions and radical opinions reinforced, you are using the right sources.  Me, I like fact-checked info that does not insist it has the One and Only Truth.



Sorry...this makes no sense....
I think you mean Taliban, and bin Laden is not their boss. He is AL Qaeda's boss.

That being said...they were only doing what they were told to do? We are talking Congress here. They had the evidence that this could happen, and blocked legislation that would have prevented it. Who do you think "told" them to block it?
What makes you think that I personally don't?

pub or dem, who benefited from this should be the ones financially responsible to repair it.  But that isn't going to happen and I'm sick of hearing about who's responsible for it.  What about the homeowners who applied for these mortgages that they knew they couldn't afford?  I hold them responsible.  What about the banks who gave them the loan, knowing they could never repay it, but didn't care because they were just going to sell it?  I hold them responsible.  What about the CEOs who made millions on their severenace packages when they walked away from these failing companies?  I hold them responsible.  I don't care what party they are affiliated with.  But the fact is, no one person is going to be held accountable.  As a whole, the taxpayers will be made to be responsible.

You talk a good game and some of what you say makes sense.  Unfortunately, you have to read through all the pub/dem cr@p to really get to what you're saying.  Are you going to try to tell me that not 1 single pub had anything to do with any of this?  That it all rests on the individual dems?  Come on -- that's a load of bull and you know it.

Actually, Pelosi makes it look like a
What exactly makes him a low-life, besides just
makes sense to me
makes no sense to me either
He makes $10 an hour
They only work 36 hours a week and taxes are taken out equaling $300 a week. Not his choice to work half days on Friday, its the companies. He tries to pick up odd jobs with his brother when they can, but right now they are lucky to even be building houses the housing market is so slow.
This makes me like Obama...
all the more. Thanks for posting this.
Biden will when he makes his run for
You still here? -being in the majority makes you
This makes my point below. lol. (nm)
Makes a lot of sense
Why don't we all do that??????
And this makes it less unconstitutional?...
Try staying on the subject
And that makes it less racist, because someone else said it?...nm
What makes you think he hasn't?