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There must be an echo in here.

Posted By: I'm hearing myself being repeated. sm on 2009-01-14
In Reply to: Yup - missed the point - here ya go

You've made it abundantly clear in all your posts that you are pretty good at repeating yourself over and over again and obsessing and such, but kindly make your best effort to come up with your own original thoughts next time around.

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Okay....when you say *I can echo liberal ...
Democrat's sentiments too other than the democrat part* what do you mean by that? What sentiments do you mean? For instance...this board is the *liberal* board...are Democrats liberals by liberals' definition? No? If not, what is difference? Why would a liberal say Obama is not liberal? What about him is not liberal? That is pretty confusing to me...just trying to learn.

As to *leftist,* I thought, and maybe mistakenly...applied to the far left wing of the Democratic party. I also thought, and apparently mistakenly...that Democrats were liberals...and obviously that is not true, because I was jumped on by referring to Obama as a liberal. I would be interested to know what about Obama does not classify him as liberal...
There is an echo in this forum.
This goth mentality of yours is a bridge to nowhere.
I echo Chele...s/m

I agree with everything you said.  Yes, I am for the death penalty and please don't bother trying to tell me that I said I was against abortion.  Two VERY separate issues..

I most certainly agree that an appropriate punishment for a child molester is amputation of the tallywhacker!

I echo MT's post and would add one other thing. SM
The Salvation Army above all other charities I know do more good for the poor, indigent, and unfortunate.  They do it willingly and without the fanfare of the American Red Cross.  I love the bell ringers.  Did you know that the people who ring those bells are usually unfortunate and poor and that they pay them pretty good wages to be out there?  The Salvation Army raises a tremendous amount of money from the bell ringers and it goes right back to the poor. I would love to see proof of your allegations against this wonderful charitable organization.
Is there an echo in his forum. I would swear
Still full of poop.