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What truth? You have watched too many war movies. SM

Posted By: ? on 2005-07-10
In Reply to: Your ignorance is showing... - don't like the truth, huh?

The trauma to the Vietnam veterans was as much from the way they were treated when they returned home and the war protestors they listened to when they were dying in the fields as from the war.  Many MANY books have been written about this.  Educate yourself.  As far as calling people "pukes" I won't even comment on that.  You make all liberals look bad.  Please stop it.

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    Two movies....

    Saw two movies lately that had lots of unsettling resemblance to what's been happening in our country in the last few years -- All the President's Men and Good Night and Good Luck. 

    In particular, the steadfast denials of any corruption or wrongdoing by the big men in power (Nixon), and the paranoid accusations and witch hunt to serve a personal agenda (McCarthy).  Ick.  Why do cultures/humans seem unable to learn from their own history?  Why are we doomed to repeat our mistakes?  Just rhetorical questions here.

    Please name the movies
    I think you have been watching too may movies,
    they don't have to kill anyone to get those.
    Don't go to the movies or watch TV and maybe they will
    Wow....you're watching too many movies hon!
    Never said anything about indoctrinated and embedded. I said he is a Muslim, raised by Muslims in a Muslim country, taught Islam as his religion until he was grown, and the list goes on and on. He knows Muslim teaching is not open to Christians or Jews AT ALL; matter of fact, they teach hatred of Christians and Jews. If he were a Christian, he would not pass up the opportunity to honor our day of prayer, but the fact that he will "hide" in the white house as if it's not important, especially in this economy, is just a sure fire way of kissing up to his Muslim brothers.... he doesn't want to insult them..... Heaven forbid!!!
    Wow....you're watching too many movies hon!
    Never said anything about indoctrinated and embedded. I said he is a Muslim, raised by Muslims in a Muslim country, taught Islam as his religion until he was grown, and the list goes on and on. He knows Muslim teaching is not open to Christians or Jews AT ALL; matter of fact, they teach hatred of Christians and Jews. If he were a Christian, he would not pass up the opportunity to honor our day of prayer, but the fact that he will "hide" in the white house as if it's not important, especially in this economy, is just a sure fire way of kissing up to his Muslim brothers.... he doesn't want to insult them..... Heaven forbid!!!
    You people watch too many movies.

    Sheesh.....I forgot about the sleep deprivation.  I do believe I suffer from that with my kids, work, etc.  So I do sympathize but really don't see that as torture.  Oh...and let us not forget the bug.  LOL! 

    The reason those people are in Gitmo is because they were either captured or they had their names turned in by fellow terrorists, etc.  We didn't just go out rounding up guys in turbines and torturing them until they confessed to being terrorists.

    You should stop watching so many scary movies! Geez.nm
    The truth sounds rude when put bluntly but still is the truth. nm
    !!!! hahaha
    Liberal truth vs. Conservative truth.
    I watched this ....
    interview. It was downright scary but Dean has pegged so many people so well...describing the followers of authority, no matter who or what gets hurt...the ones who will march off the cliff right behind their leaders  because they are **right**  (no pun intended), the people who hate liberals ***who is just about anyone who disagrees with them*** and this from John Dean. This explains so much about the things I read in places that shall remain unnamed.  When asked about fascism Dean said we are not there now but we are closer than we have ever been. Again, I wonder if we can last until 2008. Hopefully 2006 will give us a little relief.
    I watched it all the way through.
    I hope you did too, because it puts this whole mess directly at the feet of the Democrats.

    The bill was effectively killed by the Democrats, and it was not McCain's choice not to take it to the floor for a vote. The Democrats on the committee voted against it to a man, none of them voted for it. So, it was dead, and taking it to the floor would have been an exercise in futility. However, if it had, it is obviously how McCain would have voted.

    Obama did not "weigh in" on the issue, did you note?

    This video is an indictment of the Democrats. Every time I think about the culpability and where we are now and how smug and superior they all act, like they had nothing whatsoever to do with it...I want to hurl. Preferably on their expensive Italian shoes!
    I just watched
    the time for campaignin movie again and it cheered me up :)



    BTW, if you actually watched Fox

    instead of just pulling up blogs by people who continually bash Fox and spin things to make Fox look bad.....you would know that they did show the full clip including Obama wanting someone who will follow the constitution, etc.  However, no matter how you look at it....someone in that position is there strictly to follow the constitution, etc.  Empathy isn't something that really should be desired for one in that position.  People are naturally going to empathize with certain things but for that to be something you are looking for.....I don't know.  IMO, it just doesn't have it's place behind the bench.  Justice needs to be served and the constitution needs to be followed.....empathy needs to be checked at the door.

    Once again people.....Fox is totally kicking other networks butts in ratings.  Why don't you actually turn off MSNBC or the We Love Obama Network and think for yourself.

    Okay, now I watched the video
    and all I can say is I don't know what that guy was on, and I don't even know his show, but I don't think he's going to replace Bill O'Reilly in the top spot anytime soon.  Maybe Jon Stewart, but not Bill...uh uh...  He is funny.  I'll give him that!     
    Thanks. Watched it last night, and
    they have the entire program on there too.  Didn't have time to see it all but intend to watch it when I get the time.  Thanks again, very kind of you to direct me there. 
    I watched in on youtube.com...sm
    She is a good speaker, very influential, and her voice needs to be heard in the Arab community. However, nothing she said convinced me that war in Iraq has brought stability there.
    I watched Hardball too
    I saw the gentleman that you are talking about. I almost can't watch those shows anymore because it is so scary. I have a feeling that the candidates will have to discuss this issue more and more as the time goes by. Our economy is on the verge of very big trouble and the rising gas prices are a significant part of that. Hopefully, people will start demanding that the candidates come up with a plan.
    watched the SP interview

    I felt very uncomfortable for her.  She was clearly out of her depth and Charlie really give her general questions, not detailed-oriented questions he could have asked.   The blank look she had at "Bush Doctrine" was the worst; the way she tried to get a hint from Charlie about what he was talking about was squirm-inducing. A commentator noted she agreed with Obama's policy on Afghanistan rather than McCain's.  I am hoping that voters will view her sympathetically as an uniformed foreign policy neophyte who simply cannot cram the vast knowledge required to deal with potentially explosive affairs in a few weeks time.  I am hoping voters are willing to give her a few more years to grow into a national position.  I am hoping voters will not put our children at risk by electing someone they "like" to be understudy to a man who is clearly being worn down physically by this campaign. We need well-informed, knowledgable leaders.  If voters want to reward people for service and likeability, they can do so with the numerous reality shows where viewers vote for candidates.



    watched a documentary

    on SP last night.  Did you know she went back to work 2 days after giving birth to little Flip?  Have mercy, any of us who have been blessed with children (not punished by them as Obama would think) knows that all the uterine tenacles have not even been detached in that short of a period.  I hope she wore a big old set of bloomers on her first day back.


    I just watched whatever channel it is that has
    channel working on my TV tonight. (No cable). Coverage seemed pretty unbiased, each person had their say, no eye-rolling by commentators or anything along those lines. I thought it was pretty good for a first debate. Not enough nuts 'n' bolts for me on either side, but ah, well. Hopefully that'll come later.
    I watched a little of MSNBC afterwards
    and they were calling it a tie. I figured they would have just called it for Obama. I am a liberal-leaning moderate and do watch MSNBC so I am well aware of their bias, but I was refreshingly surprised to see them be fair on this one.

    On another note, any other libs out there been watching the Rachel Maddow show on MSNBC? She is great, totally unabashedly liberal, but funny and not in-your-face confrontational. Really smart too, Stanford and a Rhodes Scholar. Yikes, I sound like a commercial!
    You have GOT to be kidding. Have you watched....
    any of the video from Ohio? "have you registered to vote?" "No." "Well, here register. Here's your ballot, you can vote today. Here's the bus. Let's go."

    watched it the first time
    didn't change my mind. Too many inconsistencies.
    Anyone who watched her on Couric knows that and
    Her town of Wasilla, tiny as it is, has 42 meth labs. Good job.
    I just watched this. Can honestly say it was
    I just watched it on this link
    He was funny in this and poked fun at himself.  I think that's a strong character trait.  I agree with you, sbMT!
    Fox news and CNN. I just watched it.
    It is just now coming out.  It surely will be a big hit tomorrow.  Some of the news reporters could not believe it and had to listen to it a few times.  Could not believe their ears, they stated.  It will ruin our economy for sure, they stated.  God help this country. 
    If you had watched his rallies on a

    NEUTRAL TV station, you would have been informed. I knew what McC wanted, I saw O's rallies, and that's why I didn't vote for him.

    That's part of the problem. Too much one-sided media for the O, none for McC. Sickening.

    I've watched all the others.

    ABC, NBC, CBC, CNN, CNBC, MSNBC. Any others I haven't thought of?

    Most are the same; well, except for CNBC which is mostly stock and financial news. All the others report their one-sided take on the news or don't report it at all.

    FYI: I watched most of the stations
    I didn't stick to just one. I found MSNBC to be the most one-sided, and that includes NBC. Hours devoted to the O.
    Have you ever watched Fox News? (sm)

    I'm not talking about the COMMENTARY programs. I'm talking about the real news. Or do you listen only to the commentary programs that down Fox all the time? Are you brainwashed as to what you WANT to hear or do you really want to hear the truth?

    Truthfully, you ought to take a look at a GOOD news program that is fair and balanced. Your eyes might be opened to the truth.

    Early in the campaign, I only watched your so-called balance news and switched over to Fox out of curiosity because everyone was down on it...and guess what? I found them to give fairness in reporting. So...here I am watching now. They are equal in reporting between Obama,dems,  and repubs.

    Plus they are usually first in reporting world news while other stations spew the same-old-same-old and only an hour or two later cut in with "breaking news" that Fox already has the handle on for hours.

    I will always come to Fox News first if I want to know what's going on in the world.

    You have watched Fox News? Hmm..
    I watched GMA last week and they

    had 3 American born Mexicans on whose parents were deported because they were illegal. The eldest girl is now supporting her brother and sister (how?). They want the law changed that if the children are born in America, even if the parents are illegal, they get instant citizenship.

    They were so sad because they only see their parents once a month. Well, you are right. My first question was why the children didn't go to Mexico with their parents? You don't have to answer that. I know that answer.

    I try to look at both sides of the coin, but there's no way I can feel sorry for illegals putting their children in this position.

    The truth, the whole truth and nothing but...It's probably the biggest...sm
    reason why I am voting democrat...they seem more honest than the the republicans and it looks like people are starting to get smart and *bailin' Palin*... We don't need to keep hearing her *greatest hits" version of her acceptance speech over and over and McSame's POW story...that was then, this is now...we need REAL change and we need it NOW. I don't need someone to push the red button, I need someone to fix the economy!
    Truth? The truth is she is nuts!
    You've watched his show?

    Unless you are a 24/7 member (which I highly doubt due to the fact you hate him so much) how could you WATCH his show....it's a radio show?  I think you're confused.


    Has anyone watched the HBO show on Central SM
    High School in Little Rock?  It is the 50th year of the desegregation of that school.  It is a very intesting show and I wondered about others thoughts of it. 
    I watched about half of it. Very funny.

    I don't watch the show often, but I always enjoy it when I do, so I might just start watching more.  I watched his comedy special on HBO the other night and laughed my butt off.

    Who watched last night's debate?
    Looking for feedback of what you thought of last night's debate.  I found it highly entertaining to say the least.  HIllary was very strong and showed herself well.  Obama seemed to talk a lot but didn't say much.  Kerry drives me nuts, and I have come to the conclusion that if Kucinich had more of a personality, he would probably beating out Kerry.  I think the one that impressed me the most was Biden.  Anyone?
    No problem. Glad you watched it.
    I was totally riveted with it too.  I find it difficult to watch films about the war or any tragedy, but this film was so good I didn't want it to end.  I actually watched all the bonus footage too, which was very informative.  A must-see movie for sure!
    I watched mccain forum

    and what I saw was that when asked the question when is someone rich?  He was unprepared to answer.  He was off his talking points and tried to answer it.  To him, one has to make 5 mil a year to be considered rich.  He realized quickly what a boner he had made, smiled and said that would become a joke.  The joke is how many people still consider repubs to be concerned with anyone but the wealthy.  They are it rich; you should be too. If you are not, you are on your own.



    Have watched him a long time....he says
    The last thing I watched that was current was....sm
    Hustle, back in 2007. Never was into the reality shows, or any current sitcoms.

    Maybe a movie on dish once or twice a year....I'm not kidding....

    I work too much....big sigh.....(and no, I'm not sam...heehee)
    Just watched him with Pres Bush and
    Obama in the White House, definitely no droop, no change at all in his appearance.
    should have watched good morning
    actually biden may have answered questions and he didn't need palin to point out they were not factual.... good morning america sure did though.
    I watched a whole thing on China

    and how we can buy things so cheap at Walmart because the Chinese work for little money.  If the things we bought at Walmart were actually made here in the USA by Americans.....it would be a lot more expensive because Americans demand higher paying jobs.  That is the thing.  We are kind of screwed both ways.  Do we keep the job here in American and pay a heck of a lot more money for things we get cheap now or do we continue to keep China in business by sending our jobs over there.  Kind of a double-edge sword when you think about it. 

    I personally think that we should bite the bullet and pay more for American made goods so we can keep jobs here in America.  The more we want cheaper stuff, the more we will be buying stuff made in China and the less jobs we have in America.

    I've watched clips of
    Barrack Obama at the Chicago Obamafest.  As per usual, Obama gave no definite answers to some lingering questions but each time he made a statment about doing something the crowd would chant "yes we can."  I didn't think much about it at the time until they kept doing it and it suddenly hit me......it was like Bob the Builder.  Can we fix it.....YES WE CAN!  LOL! 
    I watched this last night and thought
    Stewart was absolutely spot on. This interview ranks right up with his Crossfire appearance.
    You must have watched all of Obama's appearances, lol sm

    That is why you are mesmerized by his most recent words like "INHERITED" like he has never worked for the government, and him and the democratic controlled government are not to be held equally accountable.  You also cannot see what is coming and he still has you thinking he is going to fix what he was a part of screwing up.  He is coming on TV so often to plant in people's minds that borrowing money and spending money will help the country, not put us into bankruptcy. 

    I just wish somebody had the guts to say to Obama what this guy in England said: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=94lW6Y4tBXs

    Details:  http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090325/ap_on_bi_ge/eu_eu_us_economy




    Yep, I've watched his show...(sm)
    and laughed all the way through the drama.  Other than that, all I can say is that its pretty sad when the commentator of a news show winds up being the headline because of ridiculous stunts.