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?JP (Jackson Pratt) drain?

Posted By: middle child on 2009-06-09
In Reply to: A s/l JPN had been placed at the time of surgery and only had . . . - MSmt

Subject: ?JP (Jackson Pratt) drain?

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Jackson-Pratt drain
Subject: Jackson-Pratt drain

Jackson-Pratt drain
Subject: Jackson-Pratt drain

Usually this means Jackson-Pratt (as in drain)
Subject: Usually this means Jackson-Pratt (as in drain)

the doc is running it all together. it is Jackson-Pratt drain nm
Subject: the doc is running it all together. it is Jackson-Pratt drain nm

Subject: Jackson-Pratt?

Jackson-Pratt I know. I even had my ICU nurse hubby listen. He's not saying JP. I've tried
Subject: Jackson-Pratt I know. I even had my ICU nurse hubby listen. He's not saying JP. I've tried to make it sound like that. :-)

seton..a fabric guide or drain thru a part. Sometimes misused when meaning a drain. nm
Subject: seton..a fabric guide or drain thru a part. Sometimes misused when meaning a drain. nm

LOL! I thought it may actually be a drain that s/l "aspirin" as the patient had a drain.
Subject: LOL! I thought it may actually be a drain that s/l "aspirin" as the patient had a drain.

Pratt definition
Subject: Pratt definition

Pratt's symptom

rigidity in the muscles of an injured limb, which precedes the occurrence of gangrene.

so maybe this would work here. Platz wasn't in my stedman's ortho word book
s/l Jackson Hewitt device
Subject: s/l Jackson Hewitt device

Stumped. Sounds like doctor is saying: "Jackson-Hewitt" device was used to bring the Gore-Tex sutures through the abdominal wall......

Any help is GREATLY appreciated!!


GP Drain
Subject: GP Drain

GP drain status post cholecystectomy 
Could it be JP drain? sm
Subject: Could it be JP drain? sm

Jackson-Pratt drain
Subject: drain

What kind of a surgery, ortho, gut, vascular?
s/l batubeter drain
Subject: s/l batubeter drain

TKA:  ........swelling and air in the soft tissues and a vacuum-type [batubeter] drain. 

Drain sites?
Subject: Drain sites?

cigarette drain?
Subject: cigarette drain?

type of drain...help!!
Subject: type of drain...help!!

Hi All!

Has anyone heard of a "JetAc" drain??? Doctor says it so quickly and I've looked everywhere for anything like this. Your help would be so appreciated! Thanks!

type of drain
Subject: type of drain

A 19-gauge s/l Taxial mini drain?
There is an Axiom drain?
Subject: There is an Axiom drain?

Tomey drain
Subject: Tomey drain

Is Tomey drain correct for cholecystitis? Patient did not have a cholecystectomy, but instead had a "Tomey" drain.
cholecystostomy drain.
Subject: cholecystostomy drain.

Cholecystostomy drain-- not Tomey-- sorry

cholecystostomy] drain
Subject: cholecystostomy] drain

A clamping drain for transcutaneous laparoscopic cholecystostomy]
manovac drain?
Subject: manovac drain?

S/L manovac or hemanovac drain.  Can anyone help?
Manovac drain
Subject: Manovac drain

A _____ drain was then placed in the subcuticular tissue.  This is an exploratory laparotomy for an ovarian mass, fibroids etc.  I know Hemovac but this sounds so much like Manovac or something like that.

autovac drain?
Subject: autovac drain?

I need your assistance please. The dictation is a total knee arthroplasty and is as follows:  "Closure was then performed over a 1/8-inch (s/l autovac) drain." Would this be correct? If so, would autovac be capitalized? 

Is it Auto Vac drain?
Subject: Is it Auto Vac drain?

#10 JP drain would be correct and
Subject: #10 JP drain would be correct and

suture numbers are 2-0, 3-0, etc. JP stands for Jackson-Pratt drain.
Blake Drain
Subject: Blake Drain

10-mm  flat Blake drain?
JEDI drain?
is there such a thing as a JEDI drain?
Can you hear "JP drain" ?
yes - pain pump AND drain
Subject: yes - pain pump AND drain

There is a 'Shirley Wound drain'
Subject: There is a 'Shirley Wound drain'

incise the pustule and drain the pus out
Subject: incise the pustule and drain the pus out


help - type of surgical drain
Subject: help - type of surgical drain

Procedures: appendectomy, partial omentectomy, abscess drainage, phlegmon debridement.

A 15 *blay* drain was left in place.


No a ventricular brain drain. nm
Subject: No a ventricular brain drain. nm

? some sort of sump drain
Subject: ? some sort of sump drain

Okay, this surgeon is dealing with a very purulent abdomen and kind of said this in a weird way, like he was going to sneeze or cough when he said ?shriv? then port then sump drain.  "Drains placed:  ?Shriv? ?port? sump drain placed through the left abdominal wall into the liver abscess all the way to the base and sutured up against the diaphragm to secure its position with a Vicryl suture." 
Medi-Vac drain - sm for link
Subject: Medi-Vac drain - sm for link

jedi drain - figured it out!!
Subject: jedi drain - figured it out!!

Not sure this is still of interest to anyone, but had a type of drain I was desperately trying to figure out. There was a post at some point about a jedi drain, but it must have been deleted because I could find it in the search but no actual post. Very disappointed because the drain I was trying to find sounded like "7 omay jedi drain" and I kept trying to see if I could find the post and any replies archived somewhere! Anyway, the actual name of the drain: 7-mm J-vac drain. Whew!
able to drain a s/l serosinguinal and exudated? from the area.
Subject: able to drain a s/l serosinguinal and exudated? from the area.

Per Stedman it is not capitalized, seton drain
Subject: Per Stedman it is not capitalized, seton drain

Hemovac drain? What specialty and what is the sentence?
Subject: Hemovac drain? What specialty and what is the sentence?

s/l sollicer closed suction drain
Subject: s/l sollicer closed suction drain

This is for a liposuction report if that's any help.  Thanks!
HELP! s/l feed me drain mes (mes meaning s/l pleural of me) - sm
Subject: HELP! s/l feed me drain mes (mes meaning s/l pleural of me) - sm

Hi, I think I'm having one of those days.  Help!  This is the context: 

The wound did not grow MRSA, but did grow MSSA which was sensitive to nafcillin. The reason, however, to switch __________ to vancomycin from nafcillin is due to the fact that the patient has MRSA growing in pleurocentesis fluid.

Blank s/l "feed me drain mes"  oh boy. 

the drain had minimal output and was "DC"......does this mean discontinued? nm
Subject: the drain had minimal output and was "DC"......does this mean discontinued? nm

Ventricular drain placement. Standard landmarks were used and
Subject: Ventricular drain placement. Standard landmarks were used and

measured 10 cm posterior from the s/l gamela and 3 cm lateral to rt mid-pupillary line.
Eye surgery: s/l "lateral councel Mirasel drain" nm TY
Subject: Eye surgery: s/l "lateral councel Mirasel drain" nm TY

Brain drain..I should know this, but....Is there a drug called Amoxilate? sm
Subject: Brain drain..I should know this, but....Is there a drug called Amoxilate? sm

I have looked through all my books and googled, and now I am coming to the experts. The doc plainly says Amoxilate 75. I can amoxil, amoxicillin, and related variations, but no Amoxilate. TIA

p.s. I misspelled the drain inside my post above - a typo. NM
Subject: p.s. I misspelled the drain inside my post above - a typo. NM

I found reference to a Shirley sump wound drain nm
Subject: I found reference to a Shirley sump wound drain nm

msn live search box with "cathalon drain", your spelling and it asked ----
Subject: msn live search box with "cathalon drain", your spelling and it asked ----

"did you mean calhalon drain?" I clicked that and up came all the sites with this drain mentioned.

you can do this with msn search or google - BIG help. I find 98% of everything like this but you helps to specify drain, catheter, or the like.

post total knee replacement surgery sl Gish drain?
Subject: post total knee replacement surgery sl Gish drain?

as transferred back to the ward in good condition with a Gish drain in place