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A1c hemoglobin

Posted By: biding time on 2008-12-20
In Reply to: SL A1c "ecofine" ? thanks. n/m - Kit

Subject: A1c hemoglobin

or hemoglobin A1c.  I've typed that many, many times.  It's a test for diabetes

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Is it Hemoglobin A1c, or hemoglobin A1c?
Subject: Is it Hemoglobin A1c, or hemoglobin A1c?

Subject: Hemoglobin

I am sorry it is hemoglobin A1c
Subject: hemoglobin

Do you have a lab book?
Hemoglobin A1C
Subject: Hemoglobin A1C

Hemoglobin A1c test is used as a standard tool to determine blood sugar control for patients with diabetes.
No not hemoglobin...sm
Subject: No not hemoglobin...sm

Ending sounds with __glosis.

Maybe hemoglobin?
Subject: Maybe hemoglobin?

There is a hemoglobin Q
Subject: There is a hemoglobin Q

Subject: hemoglobin

I got it.  Thanks anyhow!
Subject: hemoglobin

hemoglobin A1c 7.2%.  Normal is below 7%. 
it's actually hemoglobin AIc with an" I " not a " 1 " even though there is a hemoglob
Subject: it's actually hemoglobin AIc with an" I " not a " 1 " even though there is a hemoglobin A2

s/l eno objecting hemoglobin
Subject: s/l eno objecting hemoglobin

Dr. ____ requested I see this patient regarding a 'eno objecting' hemoglobin.
probably hematocrit and hemoglobin...
Subject: probably hematocrit and hemoglobin...

Sorry, appears to be hemoglobin...nm
Subject: Sorry, appears to be hemoglobin...nm

yes. hemoglobin and hematocrit.
Subject: yes. hemoglobin and hematocrit.

check hemoglobin A1C and s/l DMP or BMP?
Subject: check hemoglobin A1C and s/l DMP or BMP?

you have it correct! hemoglobin A1c over 12
Subject: you have it correct! hemoglobin A1c over 12

Most people/clients don't want us using the greater than or less than signs < and/or > - it IS client preference so read your CP first but the dictator said hemoglobin A1c over 12 and that's what I'd give the dictator. 
is it morbid hemoglobin?
Subject: is it morbid hemoglobin?

please help with the ff. underline words: 1. Heart: regular without atrophy or murmur. 2. Bowel sound were active throughout GYN.  3. Morbid hemoglobin 10-15. Thank you!


Could he be saying H&H (hemoglobin/hematocrit)
Subject: Could he be saying H&H (hemoglobin/hematocrit)

Please Help Hemoglobin dictation
Subject: Please Help Hemoglobin dictation

The phrase sounds like:

"Hemoglobin A1C7.2%" Any ideas

The hemoglobin A1c test (also called H-b-A-one-c)
Subject: The hemoglobin A1c test (also called H-b-A-one-c)

possibly anything associated with hemoglobin liberation?
Subject: possibly anything associated with hemoglobin liberation?

probably means HGA1c (hemoglobin A1c) - nm
Subject: probably means HGA1c (hemoglobin A1c) - nm

Does *stat* hemoglobin A1C make sense?
Subject: Does *stat* hemoglobin A1C make sense?

Doc dictates: Laboratory evaluation: s/l stat hemoglobin A1C 6.5% ... and then goes on to dictate rest of laboratory results.
upper levels (for hemoglobin or hematocrit) ? nm
Subject: upper levels (for hemoglobin or hematocrit) ? nm

It's hemoglobin A1c & BMP, basic metabolic panel
Subject: It's hemoglobin A1c & BMP, basic metabolic panel

I believe it would be "reduced hemoglobin A with an increased A2 fraction"
Subject: I believe it would be "reduced hemoglobin A with an increased A2 fraction"

Those are the hemoglobin and hematocrit levels but you wouldn't put those words in there unless
Subject: Those are the hemoglobin and hematocrit levels but you wouldn't put those words in there unless

hemoglobin is lees than 9 or is becoming trans _____________ dependent. Thanks. nm
Subject: hemoglobin is lees than 9 or is becoming trans _____________ dependent. Thanks. nm

WBC 9.5, hematocrit 33.7, hemoglobin 10.8. BUN and creatinine 42 and 2.6. Troponin was negative.
Subject: WBC 9.5, hematocrit 33.7, hemoglobin 10.8. BUN and creatinine 42 and 2.6. Troponin was negative.

for low hemoglobin question of oozing or s/l ecliperation? was brought up
Subject: for low hemoglobin question of oozing or s/l ecliperation? was brought up

Blood type and screen is *O positive negative.* Hemoglobin... sm
Subject: Blood type and screen is *O positive negative.* Hemoglobin... sm

Ok, I'm wondering if I'm missing something here... Should be either O+ or O-, not both as stated or am I totally in the dark here?
LABS: hemoglobin 13.2, platelets 237, amylose 18 and lipase 5, TSH 0.6, S/L?charcoal slides 168?
Subject: LABS: hemoglobin 13.2, platelets 237, amylose 18 and lipase 5, TSH 0.6, S/L?charcoal slides 168?