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Anon it was NPH shunt. He said it again, but clearer. Thanks again.

Posted By: ss on 2008-08-28
In Reply to: Thanks, but just not sure. I am definitely hearing a T in there. Hopefully he will say it again. - ss

Subject: Anon it was NPH shunt. He said it again, but clearer. Thanks again.

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I'm with you, anon. nm
Subject: I'm with you, anon. nm

Hey anon
Subject: Hey anon

Sounds like you need a better attitude.
thanks anon!
Subject: thanks anon!

Dear anon
Subject: Dear anon

It seems that some people have nothing better to with their time but to post and point out what they think are mistakes. Perhaps YOU confused a ligitimate question with sarcasm. Perhaps it is YOU who needs to go back and "study" manners before YOU jump to conclusions.

Why would a man need a tampon?....= a ligitimate question.

Why would a man need a tampon, you moron!....= condescending.

Try in the future to read a question as it is written rather than pointing a bony finger.

This board is here for HELP; not for you to act as if you know it all. If you do know the answer, then post the answer, assist your fellow MTs and shut up rather than tell people they need to study more.



No Anon - you would be incorrect on this one....
Subject: No Anon - you would be incorrect on this one....

the rule here at MTStars Word Board is nobody can ask TESTING questions.......and we are not to answer anybody testing.........

the other poster was not being rude...they were just following the rules here at MTStars....

Signed:  Just another poster.......

I found it - anon is right
Subject: I found it - anon is right

Pen-Vee K - Penicillin V is an antibiotic in the penicillin group of drugs. It fights bacteria in your body. Penicillin V is used to treat many different types of infections caused by bacteria, such as ear...

Reply to anon
Subject: Reply to anon

I am very aware of the definitions, however, the doctor was CLEARLY saying EFFUSION, therefore, I felt it necessary to verify, just in case this was something that maybe I was not familiar with.   So, thanks for nothing there anon!!  It was a simple question.  Answer it or don't, but keep your smart remarks to yourself. 
reply to anon
Subject: reply to anon

 I did that. I was thinking maybe the Dr was saying partial vet babinski? I don't know though.

still not anon is upset because they were wrong....
Subject: still not anon is upset because they were wrong....




anon: It's about gray, not gram...nm
Subject: anon: It's about gray, not gram...nm

anon has the correct spelling for BNP...nm
Subject: anon has the correct spelling for BNP...nm

thats what it was, he just said it again and much more clearer.. thank u
Subject: thats what it was, he just said it again and much more clearer.. thank u

doc says it again, only clearer.
Subject: doc says it again, only clearer.

yes, thank you. He said it again a lot clearer later on & that is it. nm
Subject: yes, thank you. He said it again a lot clearer later on & that is it. nm

never mind-said it clearer later.
Subject: never mind-said it clearer later.

Yes, that's it. She actually said it clearer later in dictation.
Subject: Yes, that's it. She actually said it clearer later in dictation.

Is there a clearer s/l later in the dictation? nm
Subject: Is there a clearer s/l later in the dictation? nm

Thanks, that's what it is, he said it clearer the second time.
Subject: Thanks, that's what it is, he said it clearer the second time.

this makes the name a little clearer
Subject: this makes the name a little clearer

The -stat is clearer than the nia-.
Subject: The -stat is clearer than the nia-.

anon, listened several times, he says axial imageses. Thank you
Subject: anon, listened several times, he says axial imageses. Thank you

Nah, numbers make it clearer. NM
Subject: Nah, numbers make it clearer. NM

Should have been clearer, Daig (name of corporation)
Subject: Should have been clearer, Daig (name of corporation)

nevermind he said it again, clearer this time
Subject: nevermind he said it again, clearer this time

It's Silastic!
You're right. Said clearer in the letter and I just located it.
Subject: You're right. Said clearer in the letter and I just located it.

Never mind, he said it clearer later in report - ranolazine. (nm)
Subject: Never mind, he said it clearer later in report - ranolazine. (nm)

Let me be clearer, your ESL is probably saying esomeprazole, you're not hearing the "eh" sy
Subject: Let me be clearer, your ESL is probably saying esomeprazole, you're not hearing the "eh" syllable.

VP shunt
Subject: VP shunt

Try this

Bactiseal shunt
Subject: Bactiseal shunt

s/l jabode shunt ?
Subject: s/l jabode shunt ?

longshot, but *shunt*? nm
Subject: longshot, but *shunt*? nm

s/l omiah shunt
Subject: s/l omiah shunt

shunt placed in a 2 yo for chemo  s/l omia, amiah, omiah ??

This is an ESL and I'm having trouble.  TIA.

Portacable shunt?
Child with kidney disease has a "portacable" shunt. Cant find my surgery book at the moment...thx!
Portacaval shunt?
Subject: Portacaval shunt?

Could be portacaval shunt?
What kind of a shunt?
Subject: What kind of a shunt?

Spiralinal shunt?

Patient has a ______ shunt with chronic thrombosis. My references aren't helping any.
s/l Alice's shunt
Subject: s/l Alice's shunt

does anyone know what the proper spelling of this shunt it.  It is not Alice at least I don't think.  The doctor just lists it in the past surgeries so I really don't have any furher information on the where abouts of it.


Thanks much!

maybe dialysis shunt
Subject: maybe dialysis shunt

Bypass shunt?
Subject: Bypass shunt?

there is a shunt muscle...
Subject: there is a shunt muscle...

There is a portacaval shunt. nm
Subject: There is a portacaval shunt. nm

How about shunt assembly? nm
Subject: How about shunt assembly? nm

shunt fraction. nm
Subject: shunt fraction. nm

s/l denver shunt?
Subject: s/l denver shunt?

prior to starting her chemo, both her _____ and her peritoneal drain were functional and draining...
yes, Denver shunt
Subject: yes, Denver shunt

for ascites? or a pleural shunt?
s/l o'myer shunt
Subject: s/l o'myer shunt

Anybody heard of this...o'myer shunt

Sentence: Patient received intrathecal chemo via an 'omyer' shunt.
? pyloric shunt
Subject: ? pyloric shunt

type of shunt
Subject: type of shunt

Consider placing a s/l portal cable shunt for draining of his peritoneal fluid. 
s/l Colaman shunt sm
Subject: s/l Colaman shunt sm

Sounds like he is saying Colaman shunt (some type of VP shunt) TIA
shunt city
Subject: shunt city

I am doing this one now and cannot come up with what it could be except shunt ascites.  Did you ever get a correct answer?
S/L Sun shunt for carotid endarterectomy
Subject: S/L Sun shunt for carotid endarterectomy

Doctor is using a shunt for cerebral perfusion. S/L she is saying "Sun" shunt, but I cannot verify. Thanks.

Never mind, it's Sundt shunt NM
Subject: Never mind, it's Sundt shunt NM