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Any chance of stroboscope or endoscope?

Posted By: Hayseed on 2007-07-31
In Reply to: 70 degree *toro _____* telescope ??? Thanks.nm - Wilson

Subject: Any chance of stroboscope or endoscope?

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sounds more like band endoscope, there is a narrow-band illumination endoscope...sm
Subject: sounds more like band endoscope, there is a narrow-band illumination endoscope...sm

that is used to see the contrasts of the mouth and throat more clearly.  Especially as this procedure started with a microlaryngoscope, which is used either in patients with narrow airways or to get a more clear picture, I would be more apt to say the doc said band endoscope. 
Subject: endoscope

could it be rigid?
Actually, it is a Weerda endoscope.
Subject: Actually, it is a Weerda endoscope.

You are hearing it correctly.  :)

"Enview" endoscope?
Subject: "Enview" endoscope?

Colonoscopy report using what sounds like "Enview" or "Inviewing" endoscope. Thanks.
per Stedman's there is a Weerda endoscope???
Subject: per Stedman's there is a Weerda endoscope???

ENT report s/l back??? endoscope...Thank you
Subject: ENT report s/l back??? endoscope...Thank you

Black endoscope possibly - nm
Subject: Black endoscope possibly - nm

black endoscope possibly - nm
Subject: black endoscope possibly - nm

ENT - s/l zurick endoscope for sinus surgery NM
Subject: ENT - s/l zurick endoscope for sinus surgery NM

case is laryngeal carcinoma s/l band or back??? endoscope...please help...thanks
Subject: case is laryngeal carcinoma s/l band or back??? endoscope...please help...thanks

Operation proceeded by doing ___s/l band?? endoscope started by direct microlaryngoscope.
Subject: Operation proceeded by doing ___s/l band?? endoscope started by direct microlaryngoscope.

Any chance pt may have had
Subject: Any chance pt may have had

a tear of carotid? Not much to go on, but CARE doesn't get any hits for me.
I say just take a chance and go for it
Subject: I say just take a chance and go for it

Has a chance?
Subject: Has a chance?

Any chance...
Subject: Any chance...

He's backtracking and saying "A UA was within normal limits", rather than, "The patient's UA"?

Just an idea...gosh, wish I could be more helpful!
any chance it's mesh? nm
Subject: any chance it's mesh? nm

Any chance it could be Widex?
Subject: Any chance it could be Widex?

Any chance this could be "hysterical?" nm
Subject: Any chance this could be "hysterical?" nm

Any chance your hearing
Subject: Any chance your hearing

not really your s/l but any chance it is accupuncture?
Subject: not really your s/l but any chance it is accupuncture?

Any chance you hear TVT (as in sm
Subject: Any chance you hear TVT (as in sm

tension vaginal tape)? BTW, it's sacrospinOus.

if they by chance are testing to be CMT.....
Subject: if they by chance are testing to be CMT.....

cannot use the internet or anything while testing for your CMT....we don't know what these people might be testing for, eh?

If they are allowed to use references, well fine - coming to the word board here is not using a reference, but using ALL OF US to supply the answer(s).

jes my nickel's worth.....*S*

chance it could be "decelerations"?
Subject: chance it could be "decelerations"?

No chance it could be Celebrex is there?
Subject: No chance it could be Celebrex is there?

That one is for arthritis (NSAID). 
Any chance you can hear
Subject: Any chance you can hear

sewing ring?

Still looking.
any chance he is saying Lanoxin? (nm)
Subject: any chance he is saying Lanoxin? (nm)

No chance in Haides it's this is it? (sm)
Subject: No chance in Haides it's this is it? (sm)

His patient history is notable for pulmonary emboli (or embolus) and right lower extremity DVT.

Chance fracture
Subject: Chance fracture

Could it be Lodine by chance? sm
Subject: Could it be Lodine by chance? sm

This is used for pain management a lot of times. Just a guess.
Any chance it could be bupropion?
Subject: Any chance it could be bupropion?

OMG -- LMAO -- ESL by chance?
Subject: OMG -- LMAO -- ESL by chance?

any chance it could be trigone?
Subject: any chance it could be trigone?

Any chance it's "dorsal"?
Subject: Any chance it's "dorsal"?

Does he have cancer by chance? sm
Subject: Does he have cancer by chance? sm

I found this in my Stedman's Abbreviations and Acronyms book:

methyl-CCNU (semustine, 5-fluorouracil, and Adriamycin (docorubicin)

Hope this helps.
By any chance, is she having a repeat
Subject: By any chance, is she having a repeat

C-section? If so, maybe spurning active labor, i.e. scheduled C-section.
Does it sound like these by any chance?
Subject: Does it sound like these by any chance?

(cefotaxime, ceftriaxone)?  Just a guess...
any chance he's saying miotics?
Subject: any chance he's saying miotics?

those are the drugs that constrict the pupil.
Is that a long E by any chance?
Subject: Is that a long E by any chance?

Thanks; never got a chance to reply last night.
Subject: Thanks; never got a chance to reply last night.

will put it on my new terms (for me) list. 
Tam, any possible chance this could be "serum iron?" nm
Subject: Tam, any possible chance this could be "serum iron?" nm

Do you by chance hear neurolytic?
Subject: Do you by chance hear neurolytic?

well,if it means several things, you have a chance of
Subject: well,if it means several things, you have a chance of

Per BOS, it is acceptable to use standard abbreviations in body text (like I&D'd) but not in diagnosis, impression, plan, recommendation, operative header, etc.
Hmmm. He's not saying "denudations" by any chance? sm
Subject: Hmmm. He's not saying "denudations" by any chance? sm

I'm thinking it might read:

Denudations x3, right second and fifth DIPJ, and right hallux.

I could be way off. I don't know what nucleations could be unless he has his own meaning for the term. Denudations would make sense if the patient had injured his foot (degloving) or if it were ulcers denuding the epithelium.

You can always just leave it and flag it "as dictated." That would cover you.

Wish I could be of more help.

any chance he's saying GI tract suspects?
Subject: any chance he's saying GI tract suspects?

any chance he slurred give away in there?
Subject: any chance he slurred give away in there?

Any chance it's Methylin or Metadate?
Subject: Any chance it's Methylin or Metadate?

Those are the only other methylphenidate products I can find other than the ones already mentioned.
Thanks for the update and the chance to learn something new! :) nm
Subject: Thanks for the update and the chance to learn something new! :) nm

Are you by chance transcribing a dictation of Dr. A. S?
Subject: Are you by chance transcribing a dictation of Dr. A. S?

Any chance the first word could be "reaction"? nm
Subject: Any chance the first word could be "reaction"? nm

No chance it could be "silastic implants"
Subject: No chance it could be "silastic implants"

could it?   
any chance you're hearing
Subject: any chance you're hearing

four oh size shaver, which would be transcribed 4.0 shaver?