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Can we have the sentence with that phrase in it, please? Thx. nm

Posted By: Mother's Little Helper on 2007-09-19
In Reply to: Help! s/l coapt tie injections?? - rmb

Subject: Can we have the sentence with that phrase in it, please? Thx. nm


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what's the sentence or phrase?
Subject: what's the sentence or phrase?

what is the phrase/sentence ? nm
Subject: what is the phrase/sentence ? nm

Please give phrase/sentence. nm
Subject: Please give phrase/sentence. nm

Please give sentence or phrase. nm
Subject: Please give sentence or phrase. nm

Can we have the sentence with the phrase in it? Seems very out of place. nm
Subject: Can we have the sentence with the phrase in it? Seems very out of place. nm

What is the exact phrase/sentence? nm
Subject: What is the exact phrase/sentence? nm

Please give exact sentence/phrase. Might help. nm
Subject: Please give exact sentence/phrase. Might help. nm

Please give complete sentence or phrase. nm
Subject: Please give complete sentence or phrase. nm

Please give us more, complete phrase, sentence before and after etc. nm
Subject: Please give us more, complete phrase, sentence before and after etc. nm

Please post the entire sentence, or phrase before and after term.
Subject: Please post the entire sentence, or phrase before and after term.

Subject: phrase

Sometimes hear pulses or DTRs are equal and strongA?
help with phrase
Subject: help with phrase

I'm probably just being thick, but I've heard a phrase over and over and I'm still not sure about it -- "phantom steel" incisions. I can't seem to find it anywhere, or anything that sounds like it. Help please. TIA.
help with phrase
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I believe this is Pfannenstiel incision, I have many, many bad days!
what phrase comes before that?
Subject: what phrase comes before that?

Subject: phrase

? pulses synchronizes with his femoral pulses



Need help with phrase
Subject: Need help with phrase

Good respiratory effort.  She does have a dry, non-productive cough. No wheezing, rales, or rhonchi.  No ___________________________ s/l nasoflank or duractions.

Need help with phrase
Subject: Need help with phrase

Thank you so much!! I think that's it.  Thanks again!
What comes before the "C" phrase? nm
Subject: What comes before the "C" phrase? nm

What is the phrase? nm
Subject: What is the phrase? nm

What is an example of the phrase ? nm
Subject: What is an example of the phrase ? nm

phrase help
Subject: phrase help

Could you be hearing peroneal axonal neuropathy?
What comes before and after that phrase? nm
Subject: What comes before and after that phrase? nm

What phrase comes after the S/L? nm
Subject: What phrase comes after the S/L? nm

Do I phrase this this way.......
Subject: Do I phrase this this way.......

The nose was then packed with Merocel packs of the Kennedy type,
The phrase itself? sm
Subject: The phrase itself? sm

I just type air fluid gas exchange or the abbrev, AFGE or AFX.
Phrase help please . . .
Subject: Phrase help please . . .

This is from a physical therapy doctor.  There is no sounds like "rib spring" discomfort?  Have you heard of this term before?  I cannot find it anywhere. 

Help with a phrase please
Subject: Help with a phrase please

on an op note - cardiology - sounds like "rule track" was placed and the left pleural cavity entered.
thanks! Never that phrase before
Subject: thanks! Never that phrase before

What is the phrase? nm
Subject: What is the phrase? nm

Subject: phrase

cervical CAT scan showing some mild spinalosis at C5 6,
help with phrase please
Subject: help with phrase please

History of present illness:  Diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, ??? (no idea) thrombosis with pulmonary ??? (sounds like embolite)

Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks :)

We have a new phrase being used
Subject: We have a new phrase being used

by a resident for controlling hemostasis in surgery.  Arixtra _____ powder (s/l paopowder).  Any ideas???? 
Phrase help
Subject: Phrase help

transcribing "posterior pharynx shows 2+ tones" sounds like next work is enlarge. 
phrase help
Subject: phrase help

transcribing "sensations in tact in all extremities with mild s/l filoment testing."  Can anyone let me know what s/l filoment is? 
Phrase help.
Subject: Phrase help.

s/l 'amnestic 'true' event'.

This is an a report regarding a patient who had anmesia after a fall. Could 'true' be correct?
Subject: phrase

Gait and Stance: Shuffling noted with decreased rate arm swing. Maybe very slight retropulsion. _____ noted in the left upper extremity.
What is the phrase? nm
Subject: What is the phrase? nm

Help with phrase please
Subject: Help with phrase please

Hello everyone,

I am  working on an orthopedic dication.

The sentence is:

"Patient has no tenderness over the other areas of her back two fists percussion, and has negative straight leg raising sign today."

Does "two fists percussion" make any sense?!

Thanks! :)

What is the whole phrase, before and after? nm
Subject: What is the whole phrase, before and after? nm

Phrase help
Subject: Phrase help

saline plus 20 of KCl at 78

is the ྊ' supposed to be typed that way or differently?
Phrase (I think) help
I was just brought back from work release to be put in a different BOB (I am still pretty new.  I know this means Book of Business but no one has explained to me what this means.  I am guessing this is a new team on a different account) and the client profile on this one is completely different so I am not always sure what I am listening to or hearing.  For this doc, he is doing an ER transfer and after Chief Complaint he says 51-50 medical clearance.  Anyone out there, can you give me a clue what this is and how he may want it in there?  Just like I typed it? 
Subject: Phrase

Hello, has anyone ever heard of Heart: No edit sounds, or at least that is what it sounds like.
Ophthalmology Phrase
Subject: Ophthalmology Phrase

Help!  I can't find a phrase and am hoping that some of you can help me out. 

Dictated:  "Conjunctival ptosis repair, both eyes, conjunctival _____ 8 mm right eye and 9.5 mm left eye."

S/L ameliorectomy?  Anyone know this term?

What immediately follows this phrase? nm
Subject: What immediately follows this phrase? nm

The phrase "as well as"
Subject: The phrase "as well as"

I'm never sure.. for example,   The patient has hypertension, as well as coronary artery disease.  Is the comma necessary?
Not familiar with this phrase
Subject: Not familiar with this phrase

In surgery, surgeon said he

elevated the pectoralis major with the serratus anteriorly in  one __________ swoop.   The word in the blank S/L "fell" ... it a mastectomy...  TIA!

right leg varicosities? What comes after that phrase? nm
Subject: right leg varicosities? What comes after that phrase? nm

help with French phrase??
Subject: help with French phrase??

The doctor dictated ....The mass was removed (and spelled this by physician) "en call".  Can only find in the Surgical Word Book "en cull".  Is any familiar with this phrase? 

Thank you in advance!

What is the exact phrase? nm
Subject: What is the exact phrase? nm

What is the exact phrase? nm
Subject: What is the exact phrase? nm

Weird phrase
Just had a doc say: Lungs clear to IPPA. It's a first for me, but Google had hits for it, so I'm sure it's common. But how odd to say during the physical exam that lungs are clear to INSPECTION, palpation, percussion and auscultation.

I think of looking carefully when I hear inspection. So it sounds like he somehow took a peak at her lungs. Was he using a bronchoscope for this physical exam (no way - because he'd have documented that carefully so he could charge for it, LOL).

Now I'm off to check and see what OneLook says about inspection. Oy.