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Correct spelling is lymphoscintigraphy!

Posted By: nm on 2009-03-24
In Reply to: lymphocintography (sp?) anyone? - Kimberly

Subject: Correct spelling is lymphoscintigraphy!

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Subject: Lymphoscintigraphy

Mapping sentinel lymph node in breast cancer by combined ...In conclusion, subdermal lymphoscintigraphy was confirmed to be an effective technique for sLN mapping; the addition of Patent-Blue dye minimally improved ...
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve& db=PubMed&list_uids=10941531&dopt=Abstract - Similar pages

Sentinel node biopsy and lymphoscintigraphy with a technetium 99m ...We have developed a combined approach using technetium 99m labeled blue dye (Evans Blue) for use in lymphoscintigraphy that may be injected as a single dose ...
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve& db=PubMed&list_uids=11812962&dopt=Abstract - Similar pages
[ More results from www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov ]

This is not the correct spelling.
Subject: This is not the correct spelling.


please help with correct spelling for z-pak
Subject: please help with correct spelling for z-pak

I have always typed it Z-Pak, but remember being corrected on this once before.  Any help is appreciated. 
Anyone know correct spelling of: sm
Subject: Anyone know correct spelling of: sm

Slo-Fe or Slo Fe or Slow-FE?


Correct spelling
Subject: Correct spelling

donepezil is correct (generic for Aricept). Word to the wise: You can't always trust the doctor's pronunciation. :-) You always should reference terms you hear with a reliable source. I looked this up in my Stedman's Quick Look.
Can anyone give me the correct spelling for
Subject: Can anyone give me the correct spelling for

lightheadedness.  I have had 3 QA people give me 3 different ways.
The correct spelling is sulfonylurea. sm
Subject: The correct spelling is sulfonylurea. sm

Google under this spelling to confirm. HTH
Duradex is the correct spelling
Subject: Duradex is the correct spelling

Correct spelling of rear end MVA
Subject: Correct spelling of rear end MVA

What is the proper spelling of "rear end" when used in a sentence regarding a rear end motor vehicle accident? Is it hypenated, one word or two words?

Thanks for your help!!

middleschmertz? Is this the correct spelling?
Subject: middleschmertz? Is this the correct spelling?

Correct spelling of RET-AZ-O-PINE
Subject: Correct spelling of RET-AZ-O-PINE

Not able to find the correct spelling of "retazapine".
is the correct spelling for the drug K-Dur?? thank you
Subject: is the correct spelling for the drug K-Dur?? thank you

Omnipore is correct spelling
Subject: Omnipore is correct spelling

I think the correct spelling is actually Lovaza , though ?
Subject: I think the correct spelling is actually Lovaza , though ?

correct spelling for protime
Subject: correct spelling for protime

Is it Pro Time, ProTime, protime, or what?  Am confused because I am seeing it every way.  HELP!!!!!!!!  Feel like I'm having a brain hemorrhage.
Is endo bag the correct spelling? TIA.
Subject: Is endo bag the correct spelling? TIA.

correct spelling of defervesced
Subject: correct spelling of defervesced

defervesced  as per Dorland's.
Yes, and your spelling of Avelox is correct, too.
Subject: Yes, and your spelling of Avelox is correct, too.

thanks I know what it is, but i can't find the correct spelling?
Subject: thanks I know what it is, but i can't find the correct spelling?

do you have it?
Thank you
Rebif is the correct spelling
Subject: Rebif is the correct spelling

Actually, the correct spelling is listed below
Subject: Actually, the correct spelling is listed below

It should either be spelled Asperger's (with an apostrophe) or Asperger if your account follows the recommendation to drop the possessive if followed by the noun, such as in Asperger syndrome.
anon has the correct spelling for BNP...nm
Subject: anon has the correct spelling for BNP...nm

Need correct spelling of Una or Unna boot

Podiatric consultation.  Need correct spelling, please

Thanks a Bunch

So why didn't you just put the correct spelling in your first e-mail? .sm
Subject: So why didn't you just put the correct spelling in your first e-mail? .sm

I actually browse the word board in my off hours looking for things I may not know, and in this case you can bet I added "Benirschke" to my word book.

I may never have it in any of my reports, but if I do that's one word I know I will have trouble finding, so it is now written in my references!!

Have a great day.
oops, inadvertently is correct spelling...nm
Subject: oops, inadvertently is correct spelling...nm

Correct spelling: sulfonylureas per Drake. nm
Subject: Correct spelling: sulfonylureas per Drake. nm

Correct spelling is Tessalon Perles. nm
Subject: Correct spelling is Tessalon Perles. nm

correct spelling is it...s/l Tubulin inhalers?? thank you
Subject: correct spelling is it...s/l Tubulin inhalers?? thank you

frons? is spelling correct? Just looks strange to me.
Subject: frons? is spelling correct? Just looks strange to me.

However, cystoscopy revealed some fine papillary frons in the region of the left orifice.
ooops yup cervicalgia is the correct spelling
Subject: ooops yup cervicalgia is the correct spelling

Sometimes I fly in here and out quickly just to help out and don't spell check. sorry!
Correct spelling is "AquADEKs," not "AquADEK"
Subject: Correct spelling is "AquADEKs," not "AquADEK"

Correct spelling for this vitamin supplement for CF patients is:

AquADEKs (with a small "s" at the end of the trade-name).

Manufacturer: Axcan Pharma, Inc., in Birmingham, Alabama.

Website for this drug is found at: www.aquadeks.com
correct spelling of what sounds like "Duradex" i believe this is an antibiotic
Subject: correct spelling of what sounds like "Duradex" i believe this is an antibiotic

thanks tons.
Slow-Mag (Drake Pharm) correct spelling, sm
Subject: Slow-Mag (Drake Pharm) correct spelling, sm

but not sure if that fits your s/l.
thank you for the correct spelling...any idea on the s/l word of sweep?? Thanks
Subject: thank you for the correct spelling...any idea on the s/l word of sweep?? Thanks

correct spelling of the stent.. Liberte or Liberty..thank you
Subject: correct spelling of the stent.. Liberte or Liberty..thank you

If you mean the spelling... both are correct per Stedman, I personally use curette
Subject: If you mean the spelling... both are correct per Stedman, I personally use curette

Forgive me for the incorrect spelling, they are correct Ommaya
Subject: Forgive me for the incorrect spelling, they are correct Ommaya

What is correct plural spelling of flu - flus or flues?
Subject: What is correct plural spelling of flu - flus or flues?

The correct spelling is also Monarc not Monarch. It's a common mistake. NM
Subject: The correct spelling is also Monarc not Monarch. It's a common mistake. NM

I need the correct spelling for the drug CALOR.. I am not able to fine it. Thanks a bunch
Subject: I need the correct spelling for the drug CALOR.. I am not able to fine it. Thanks a bunch

My appologies, Piglet's spelling is correct, mine is a typo
Subject: My appologies, Piglet's spelling is correct, mine is a typo

S/L amurate...crystals which are found in urine. I cannot find the correct spelling anywhere.
Subject: S/L amurate...crystals which are found in urine. I cannot find the correct spelling anywhere.

and this word is used all the time. I've looked it up everywhere.. at first I thought it was ameolorate crystals but that is not right either..Help..
can't find the correct spelling for s/ "bed day". Pt prescribed this and a raised toilet se
Subject: can't find the correct spelling for s/ "bed day". Pt prescribed this and a raised toilet seat. nm

Theo-Dur was capitalized because that is the correct spelling of the drug no matter what the punctua
Subject: Theo-Dur was capitalized because that is the correct spelling of the drug no matter what the punctuation is, if it was a generic drug separated by commas, then it would be lowercase.

No, this is a very clear dictator, definitely impigination (just can't find correct spelling anyw
Subject: No, this is a very clear dictator, definitely impigination (just can't find correct spelling anywhere)

is the correct spelling backbled and forebled or back-bled and fore-bled
Subject: is the correct spelling backbled and forebled or back-bled and fore-bled

Can anyone tell me if i spelling this right?
Subject: Can anyone tell me if i spelling this right?

spelling - sm
Subject: spelling - sm

You have it correct according to entering it as spelled into the sound alikes search engine provided here.
Subject: spelling

which is correct, shrivelling or shrivelling?
Subject: Spelling

how would you spell life flight or Lifeflight or LifeFlight????
Subject: Help,spelling

Mental block,plz correct spelling for "Omnipaque".thnks