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Good guess, but...........

Posted By: abby on 2009-06-11
In Reply to: More info - AJ

Subject: Good guess, but...........

The patient actually also takes finasteride. This drug clearly sounds like "fanesimide" and there is no additional info as it is in a list of meds. Thanks for the try though. I really appreciate it!!

Abby :)

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Avelox is a guess...might not be a good guess, though! nm
Subject: Avelox is a guess...might not be a good guess, though! nm

Good guess. nm
Subject: Good guess. nm

That's a good guess too. :-)
Subject: That's a good guess too. :-)

That's a good guess, it was very unclear . . . sm
Subject: That's a good guess, it was very unclear . . . sm

so, I blanked it in the report, ""_____ dialysis"", and QA filled it in with ""Q-dialysis"", so I was just wondering where they got their information from.  This is not the first time I have found a questionable QA fill-in.
It's a good guess but it doesn't really sound like that to me.
Subject: It's a good guess but it doesn't really sound like that to me.

Thanks for the try though! 
Leaving it CROIMI, but very good guess--wouldn't have thought of it. Thanks! (nm)
Subject: Leaving it CROIMI, but very good guess--wouldn't have thought of it. Thanks! (nm)

Good guess, but doesn't fit with trans..She has about 40 drugs taking with these diagnoses, sm
Subject: Good guess, but doesn't fit with trans..She has about 40 drugs taking with these diagnoses, sm

chronic daily headaches, migraines, multiple personality disorder, fibromyalgia, anxiety, depression, chronic back pain, chronic knee pain, arthritis, fatigue, chronic pain disorder, chronic pain dysregulation, convergence spasms, history of Cushing’s syndrome, and multiple medication over usage, including narcotics. 
NWMNMT:Good grief, good grief, good grief..If this is the case, the doctor should also explain
Subject: NWMNMT:Good grief, good grief, good grief..If this is the case, the doctor should also explain

the meaning in an ADDENDUM.
How do you know what the doctor meant? GOOD GRIEF, are you the know-it-all (hyphens must be put here, as it is used as a noun!) on this board? Get over yourself!

Who understands what it means without an explanation?
The MOST obvious is apparently like I understood it:
5 packs in 1 year.

Maybe the doctor really meant this, 5 packs per year, so essentially a nonsmoker.

GOOD GRIEF, get over yourself!
Glad to help. You give good me a good S/L and info. nm
Subject: Glad to help. You give good me a good S/L and info. nm

Glad to help. You give good such good S/L and info. nm
Subject: Glad to help. You give good such good S/L and info. nm

I guess it could be intravenous, but I'll turn in a blank rather than guess. Thanks!!!
Subject: I guess it could be intravenous, but I'll turn in a blank rather than guess. Thanks!!!

Good save, Hay! I never heard of this. Have a good one! nm
Subject: Good save, Hay! I never heard of this. Have a good one! nm

My only other guess would be "anger burst." Just a guess.
Subject: My only other guess would be "anger burst." Just a guess.

Good for you
Subject: Good for you

Subject: good/well

According to Webster's, good as an adjective and standard after verbs like "feel" and "taste". It goes on to say that both "good" and "well" are used to express good health, but "I feel good" may connote good spirits in addition to good health. I was always taught in English class that one feels "good," not well. If you feel well, your fingers are working correctly. Since it says that good and well are both used to express health, perhaps you can take your choice. I would write that he looks good.
Looks good to me.
Subject: Looks good to me.

THX again-- your good!
Subject: THX again-- your good!

You are good, that is it !!!! Thank you...nm
Subject: You are good, that is it !!!! Thank you...nm

looks good to me, thanks!
Subject: looks good to me, thanks!


Yep, you did! Good for you! More fun that way. nm
Subject: Yep, you did! Good for you! More fun that way. nm

So far so good for you, then.
Subject: So far so good for you, then.

re hypertension
That's a good one!
Subject: That's a good one!

Wow--ER MT you are good!
Subject: Wow--ER MT you are good!

I think this is incredibly fun trying to figure these things out!  That one had me totally stumped!
Good job! I think you got it.
Subject: Good job! I think you got it.

quite welcome - I'm not very good at the s/l- nm
Subject: quite welcome - I'm not very good at the s/l- nm

You are good, ....
Subject: You are good, ....

Thank you for both replies, above too.  I really appreciate it!
U R good
Subject: U R good

the patient does have kidney problems! Thanks!!!
good to know...thanks
Subject: good to know...thanks

good - that's what I did...Thanks!
Subject: good - that's what I did...Thanks!

Same here, good to know, thanks..
Subject: Same here, good to know, thanks..

Oh good thanks
Subject: Oh good thanks

I guess I just wasn't searching properly. I mean this is one I really would not want to get wrong - embarrassing!
Wow. This is why good MTs have
Subject: Wow. This is why good MTs have

Wow...good one
Subject: Wow...good one

I would assume that the FO part is fever of periodic pain... now the A part is another story... But you know the old saying about assuming...
Oh, very good!...nm
Subject: Oh, very good!...nm

Woo hoo! Looks good :) NM
Subject: Woo hoo! Looks good :) NM

NM up there... And it's a good day when
Subject: NM up there... And it's a good day when

that's a good one - seen in both
Subject: that's a good one - seen in both

ways, some doc offices prefer one way over other, but more than not have seen Roman numerals.
That's a good one.
Subject: That's a good one.

But, I don't think so. She was very, very clear. One of the few docs I get who is not an ESL. If I get anything back from QA I'll let you all know.
you are good
Subject: you are good

it's hard to figure out what's being said without hearing it! It's like a puzzle.
wow, you all are good!! TY! n/m
Subject: wow, you all are good!! TY! n/m

Good one!
Subject: Good one!

Thank you so much --that's a good one to know.
Subject: Thank you so much --that's a good one to know.


Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Looks good to me! :) nm
Subject: Looks good to me! :) nm

LOL. Good one. nm
Subject: LOL. Good one. nm

You are good!
Subject: You are good!

But I already knew that. :) Thank you very much.
Subject: WELCOME,WELCOME,WELCOME. Have a good day.

WOW you are good. Thanks! nm
Subject: WOW you are good. Thanks! nm

oh, good! nm
Subject: oh, good! nm

looks good, thank you
Subject: looks good, thank you

That way looks good
Subject: That way looks good