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Hmmm...guessing at sampling position to get what she needs instead of "fishing" for it?! :) n

Posted By: Need some kind of a laugh today on 2005-10-02
In Reply to: She was given guaiac cards (times three) with directions on ZAMPLAC POSITION. - OMG what is this???

Subject: Hmmm...guessing at sampling position to get what she needs instead of "fishing" for it?! :) nm


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Hmmm....spray to shrink? Usually you hear it being applied to pledgets. Guessing here...nm
Subject: Hmmm....spray to shrink? Usually you hear it being applied to pledgets. Guessing here...nm

sl "ebus" sampling for a paratracheal mass
Subject: sl "ebus" sampling for a paratracheal mass

listen for orthotopic position (meaning normal or usual position). nm
Subject: listen for orthotopic position (meaning normal or usual position). nm

is there a position s/l Dutch? left lateral decubitus position?
Subject: is there a position s/l Dutch? left lateral decubitus position?

Procto position probably short for proctoscopic position. nm
Subject: Procto position probably short for proctoscopic position. nm

semi-Fowler position one similar to Fowler's position but with the head less elevated
Subject: semi-Fowler position one similar to Fowler's position but with the head less elevated

You steered me on the right path...after listening and listening, It is sampling acquisition. LOL
Subject: You steered me on the right path...after listening and listening, It is sampling acquisition. LOL

Hmmm...could be. Probably is.
Subject: Hmmm...could be. Probably is.

Lactic acid level was 1.1
hmmm...a.c.? nm
Subject: hmmm...a.c.? nm

hmmm, not sure, but thanks for trying!
Subject: hmmm, not sure, but thanks for trying!

Subject: Hmmm.

The only other meds I can think of that sound anywhere near that are Meclomen and Motrin.
Subject: Hmmm...

I googled and there is a HTAB LA for bronchospasms.
hmmm - can't think of anything :( NM
Subject: hmmm - can't think of anything :( NM

Hmmm.... maybe
Subject: Hmmm.... maybe

Maybe inguinal hernia, TRUS (transrectal ultrasonography) or TRUSP (transrectal ultrasonography of the prostate) ?? 
Hmmm -- I am not sure ..... sm
Subject: Hmmm -- I am not sure ..... sm

I am familiar with Venturi, grommet, Paparella. I can't find anything close to sounding like "dutcher".
hmmm, if it is EGD, then the
Subject: hmmm, if it is EGD, then the

whole word is esophagogastroduodenoscopy (scope of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum).   Do ya think that's it? 


Subject: Hmmm

I think this must be it. The patient is a 72 yo in the ER with diarrhea so I have no clues as to her past medical history. Ugggh, hate it when docs spell also.
Thanks to both of you.
Subject: hmmm

Thank you for you honesty and encouragement.
Subject: hmmm

Not saying Valcyte by any chance? 
Subject: hmmm

nope he isnt ESL, but he does shmoosh his words together sometimes.  I will relisten to it and see if that it what he says.  Thanks.
Subject: hmmm

No search results for: "levoryl"

Did you mean: levoxyl ?

I guess I'll just leave Levoxyl alone. 

Thanks :)

Subject: Hmmm


could it be anti-CCP?


But that would still leave the P to be determined. I also would like to know if he spelled PENT or if he said it.
Subject: hmmm...

That makes sense b/c of the renal failure... i'm thinking the doc is misspeaking... i clearly hear the PLEX part... i think i'll be leaving that one blank ;)

Thanks!!  :)

Subject: hmmm....sm

I can only come up with some wild guesses at the moment, such as:

get formolent = ___ for a minute


get formolent = get 4 ____

as in "the wound bed was allowed to ___ for a minute to control some bleeding" or "the wound bed was allowed to get 4 ____ to control some bleeding"

I wish I could be more help...
Subject: hmmm...

Could he/she be saying: Appendectomy, "apparently" 3 D&Cs, tonsillectomy.  It doesn't really make sense with the parentheses, makes it sound like the patient had 3 D&Cs at the time of the appendectomy. 
Subject: hmmm...

The only thing that comes to mind is that he is possibly saying "OC", meaning oral contraceptive.  I'd have to blank him if that's not what he says. 
Hmmm....ridges? Got me...nm
Subject: Hmmm....ridges? Got me...nm

Hmmm..maybe serpiginous SM
Subject: Hmmm..maybe serpiginous SM

Don't know if it fits...sorta sounds like it.

Creeping; denoting an ulcer or other cutaneous lesion that extends with an arciform border; the margin has a wavy or serpent-like border.

hmmm...maybe "pathogenic"...nm
Subject: hmmm...maybe "pathogenic"...nm

Hmmm....autism? nm
Subject: Hmmm....autism? nm

hmmm - see reply
Subject: hmmm - see reply

Actually after listening to that one at least 50 times, I could get nothing else from it.  A Cobb can be a retractor or elevator.  In this case, it was used to scrape vertebrae...I did find micro-Cobb.  But it really didn't sound a bit like that.  Macoa or Mikoa perhaps, but I tried every spelling I could think of.  Oh well...it's a mystery, and the report went to proofing, but it left me curious.  Thanks!
Hmmm, I can think of a number of
Subject: Hmmm, I can think of a number of

things, but nothing like your s/l.  Usually the doctor will address any occupational exposure such as asbestos or silica, noxious fumes, etc. which may be encountered in a factory or manufacturing environment.  Could you maybe tweak your s/l a little? 
hmmm...can't tell if he is sayin that or not
Subject: hmmm...can't tell if he is sayin that or not

because it sounds more like 'kite'.  I will blank it.  Thanks.
Hmmm.would rheumatic fit here?
Subject: Hmmm.would rheumatic fit here?

Hmmm. that looks promising..
Subject: Hmmm. that looks promising..

Here's the complete phrase:
Follow-up appointment for an excision of a fistula and an A and O x 2. (in a 6 month old)
hmmm, was that meant for my post??
Subject: hmmm, was that meant for my post??

Not sure, Harsh attitude meant for me?? I don't see any anon posts either?? All seem to have a name/initial. The written word gets lost in translation, can't possibly know what is really meant, no inflection heard.  Glad you asked though.  Perhaps it is how you are reading the posts, ya think?   My post was meant just like I said, if somebody wants it in a certain way that is the way you do it. You don't argue and trying to "be right" If you go searching to get an okay to do it another way, thid will only create problems for you.  You need to think on it.



hmmm, could be. Pt had non Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Subject: hmmm, could be. Pt had non Hodgkin's lymphoma.

definitely sounded like a "tica" at the end though.   we will see if the QA gives me the heads up.
Hmmm...stretching it with subnormal?? nm
Subject: Hmmm...stretching it with subnormal?? nm

Hmmm, I'm still thinking maybe "diastatic". Sorry can't help more. NM
Subject: Hmmm, I'm still thinking maybe "diastatic". Sorry can't help more. NM

hmmm don't know answer but is this an offshore.nm
Subject: hmmm don't know answer but is this an offshore.nm

Hmmm. He's not saying "denudations" by any chance? sm
Subject: Hmmm. He's not saying "denudations" by any chance? sm

I'm thinking it might read:

Denudations x3, right second and fifth DIPJ, and right hallux.

I could be way off. I don't know what nucleations could be unless he has his own meaning for the term. Denudations would make sense if the patient had injured his foot (degloving) or if it were ulcers denuding the epithelium.

You can always just leave it and flag it "as dictated." That would cover you.

Wish I could be of more help.

hmmm--good possibility...sm
Subject: hmmm--good possibility...sm

I had to send it back already with blanks and a note to my coordinator for some help. this sounds pretty close, as in the note to the referring physician, he mentioned a urine test for this too. It is hard to believe a one year old baby would have something like this though, but I do appreciate your help. I will let you know when I find out definitely what it is. oh, and I am hopped up on Hershey kisses with caramel, so don't feel bad! LOL. thanks again. I have a feeling this might be it.
hmmm...could you give a little more of the sentence? nm
Subject: hmmm...could you give a little more of the sentence? nm

welcome! Champed-up? hmmm... seems to be stretching it a bit :-)
Subject: welcome! Champed-up? hmmm... seems to be stretching it a bit :-)

hmmm....towels and drapes might be it - - Thanks!!!
Subject: hmmm....towels and drapes might be it - - Thanks!!!

Hmmm, maybe it is menton. Learn something new every day.
Subject: Hmmm, maybe it is menton. Learn something new every day.

Hmmm, interosseous may be the first, not sure about the second, more info?...nm
Subject: Hmmm, interosseous may be the first, not sure about the second, more info?...nm

hmmm... what's the text book way?
Subject: hmmm... what's the text book way?

I really don't know. It's a school assigned transcript looking for a I guess "Text Book" way of transcribing it. But all she dictates is
Pyscho was consulted. for her 'Hospital Course.' ... So I was confused at to whether leave it or expand.. but as I see what your saying.. because when I expand it those ways.. doesn't really make sense.. maybe they are wanting me to realized that and not expand but "" the report.
hmmm melanotic or melenic???
Subject: hmmm melanotic or melenic???

they are saying melanotic stools.. is that right??
Hmmm...meconium fluid was noted? nm
Subject: Hmmm...meconium fluid was noted? nm

hmmm . . . Trazodone could make sense
Subject: hmmm . . . Trazodone could make sense


as the patient is also on Effexor but that's a stretch.