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I'm so glad you got it!, nm

Posted By: barbara on 2009-03-17
In Reply to: I went back and listened and it was fraying--you were right about "of the" and not "and" - Terri

Subject: I'm so glad you got it!, nm

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Glad we got it. Glad I could read what I wrote!! nm
Subject: Glad we got it. Glad I could read what I wrote!! nm

You are very welcome. Glad I could help. NM
Subject: You are very welcome. Glad I could help. NM

glad to help NM
Subject: glad to help NM

Glad to help
Subject: Glad to help

Glad it was the right med. 
Glad I could help :-)
Subject: Glad I could help :-)

You will notice that they say "per physician reading" a lot.  In fact, I have this short-keyed as "ppr."

Glad I could help :-) nm
Subject: Glad I could help :-) nm

Wow. Was that right? Glad to help.
Subject: Wow. Was that right? Glad to help.

Sometimes you have to go with what it "sounds like" by what you read, or your first guess!!
Glad to help.You are welcome.
Subject: Glad to help.You are welcome.

YW. Glad to help.
Subject: YW. Glad to help.

Your welcome, glad to help. nm
Subject: Your welcome, glad to help. nm

Glad to help.
Subject: Glad to help.

Glad to help.
Subject: Glad to help.

Glad you got it!!
Subject: Glad you got it!!

Glad to help.
Subject: Glad to help.

Glad to help.
Subject: Glad to help.

Glad to help.
Subject: Glad to help.

Glad OP got some help...
Subject: Glad OP got some help...

Well, certainly looks like this thread fostered discussion AND assisted the OP as well. Evidently some of our colleagues adhere to the "knowledge is power" credo and feel it's better to hoard what they know rather than help out a fellow MT. I've used this board (as a last resort after exhausting my other resources) and the help I have gotten has been invaluble.
Glad to help.
Subject: Glad to help.

Glad to help.
Subject: Glad to help.

Glad to help.
Subject: Glad to help.

Wow!! At last I got it!!! Glad to help.
Subject: Wow!! At last I got it!!! Glad to help.

Glad to help. nm
Subject: Glad to help. nm

Glad you got it!! nm
Subject: Glad you got it!! nm

Glad to help. nm
Subject: Glad to help. nm

Glad to help. nm
Subject: Glad to help. nm

Glad to help. You are very welcome. nm
Subject: Glad to help. You are very welcome. nm

Glad to help. nm
Subject: Glad to help. nm

Glad to help.
Subject: Glad to help.

Glad I could help
Subject: Glad I could help

I often am the one seeking word help, and always appreciate it when someone responds to my question.

Glad I could help!
Subject: Glad I could help!

Glad to help. nm
Subject: Glad to help. nm

Glad to help. nm
Subject: Glad to help. nm

Glad to help. nm
Subject: Glad to help. nm

Glad to help. nm
Subject: Glad to help. nm

YW! Glad to help. nm
Subject: YW! Glad to help. nm

Glad to help. nm
Subject: Glad to help. nm

Glad to help. nm
Subject: Glad to help. nm

UR Welcome, glad I could help!!...nm
Subject: UR Welcome, glad I could help!!...nm

Glad to help. nm
Subject: Glad to help. nm

glad I could help :) nm
Subject: glad I could help :) nm

I'm glad! You are very welcome!
Subject: I'm glad! You are very welcome!

Glad to help. nm
Subject: Glad to help. nm

You are very welcome! Glad to help.
Subject: You are very welcome! Glad to help.

Glad to help. nm
Subject: Glad to help. nm

Glad to help. nm
Subject: Glad to help. nm

glad i could help
Subject: glad i could help

Glad to help. nm
Subject: Glad to help. nm

Glad to help. nm
Subject: Glad to help. nm

Glad to help. nm
Subject: Glad to help. nm

Glad to help. nm
Subject: Glad to help. nm

Glad to help. nm
Subject: Glad to help. nm

Glad I could help! lol
Subject: Glad I could help! lol

Sorry I couldn't figure anything out! :)