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I'm wondering if its just "acute" ulcerations - any more info might be helpful

Posted By: mmk on 2007-11-16
In Reply to: s/l ar que al ulcerations - sm

Subject: I'm wondering if its just "acute" ulcerations - any more info might be helpful

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Thanks for the info. I was wondering about that.
Subject: Thanks for the info. I was wondering about that.

Thank you!!! Helpful info! - nm
Subject: Thank you!!! Helpful info! - nm

more info would be helpful..
Subject: more info would be helpful..

more info would be helpful...nm
Subject: more info would be helpful...nm

helpful info - thank you
Subject: helpful info - thank you

Thank you so much. Very helpful info.
Subject: Thank you so much. Very helpful info.

The sentence or more info may be more helpful.
Subject: The sentence or more info may be more helpful.

Txczech, you always give such helpful info
Subject: Txczech, you always give such helpful info

Kudos to you on being nice all the time. JMO
what part of the body does the report reference. More info. is helpful, as
Subject: what part of the body does the report reference. More info. is helpful, as

TYVM. Very helpful. Somehow I got off track and didn't see that info when I was searching.
Subject: TYVM. Very helpful. Somehow I got off track and didn't see that info when I was searching.

The first poster was obviously correct too. I don't know why it didn't come up with that when I searched it. It has just been one of those days.
wondering then if its an apnea hypopnea index... just wondering... n/m
Subject: wondering then if its an apnea hypopnea index... just wondering... n/m

Does "acute" come before this for acute on chronic pain? nm
Subject: Does "acute" come before this for acute on chronic pain? nm

Thinking here....can you hear "acute cirrhosis of the liver?"....nm
Subject: Thinking here....can you hear "acute cirrhosis of the liver?"....nm

s/l ar que al ulcerations
Subject: s/l ar que al ulcerations

Peripheral vascular disease. Patient has 'ar que al' ulcerations and is on Keflex.
Subject: ulcerations

There is arteriolar (ischemic) ulcerations (perhaps?)
Derm help...choleste ulcerations
Subject: Derm help...choleste ulcerations

newer to dermatology, does this sound familiar? 
s/l "Swing" cream for treatment of stasis ulcerations. TIA. nm
Subject: s/l "Swing" cream for treatment of stasis ulcerations. TIA. nm

no ulcerations(throat) or sounds like "cult stunning"
Subject: no ulcerations(throat) or sounds like "cult stunning"

The throat is erythematous.  The patient has no tonsils.  No ulcerations or "cult stunning" is noted. 
Subject: Wondering...

How many of these questions are from MTs taking tests?
I*'m just wondering why all this
Subject: I*'m just wondering why all this

couldn't have been in emails by posting for help from a mentor.  If you'll notice on another forum on this website, I've pubically stated that I have mentored more than my share of newbies in the past.  BUT, if you are posting entire reports, that would concern me from an MTSO standpoint as a breach of confidentiality even IF the patient's name and doctor's names have been deleted.  I can tell it is a teaching/trauma hospital by the discharging service (so you can tell I'm not a newbie).

Also, do you know the people who run this board have to pay for the bandwidth of the posts here, so when you load it up with long reports, it costs them money.

BTW, yes, I've been in every setting possible in the health care industry other than doing procedures and practicing medicine and there wasn't someone there who enabled me and kept me from devloping my research skills.  I do think you are now trained like Pavlov's dogs to come here and ask questions rather than do a little research (which could have been helpful especially with a simple word like posttussive)...just do some research first.

Another thought I had was that you might not be working for a service yet but simply doing classwork/homework and if people here are going to do it for you, then how exactly do you feel you've earned your grade (or if employed, your salarly?)

Just making observations and not excuses.

wondering - sm
Subject: wondering - sm

Could it possibly be "Ludwig's angina" -- which can be a complication of oral abscesses. I know that is a stretch from your s/l, but would make sense.

Your question had me googling for about an hour last night -- love to try and figure out things I don't know! if you ever find out the correct word, let us know.

Have a great day.
That's what I was wondering if he..
Subject: That's what I was wondering if he..

was saying, but it sure didn't sound like that.  Thanks!

Subject: wondering

Is Potts a procedure?
yes, that is what I was wondering (sm)
Subject: yes, that is what I was wondering (sm)

if it were P0-1, they usually say P zero one, but this dictator is saying P zero TO one, so I wondered about that. I am definitely no OB/GYN expert, though, so I am not sure.
Wow...also wondering! I'd ask for them. nm
Subject: Wow...also wondering! I'd ask for them. nm

I was wondering if maybe
Subject: I was wondering if maybe

he did have an accent and was trying to say something like multiple falls and (resulting in) broken teeth or multiple falling, etc., sometimes hard to make sense of things...
thanks!! Now I'm wondering if I have been
Subject: thanks!! Now I'm wondering if I have been

Maybe I have been typing the wrong word for my plastic surgeons for 10 years....they wouldn't tell me anyway if I was incorrect...or rarely would....they always say fluctuant or fluctuance (in wounds and the ilk) - maybe they want flocculent and flocculence..I'm awful confuzzled now but thank you SO MUCH for the definition of that NEW word I learned today, flocculence....

Thanks. I was wondering about that too,
Subject: Thanks. I was wondering about that too,

but can't find anything to substantiate it. I appreciate your help!
just wondering...
Subject: just wondering...

I was just wondering if there was such a term as 90/90 only because I am not sure if he stuttered or not. :-)

He does at 90/90 have a subacromial popping sensation.
Subject: wondering

I am wondering if the doctor is just reading what the patient wrote on a form as it may be Uroxatral. I have doctors that mess up on meds all the time, because they just believe the patient wrote it down correctly.
That is what I am wondering.
Subject: That is what I am wondering.

This patient is 66 years old.  That really doesn't seem to fit, but it sounds like it.  I left it blank.
I was wondering that too, but he actually --sm
Subject: I was wondering that too, but he actually --sm

SAYS Narpac, but I guess I will have to leave a blank. I cannot find anything close to it and the man has no past medical history to speak of to give any indication as to what it is for. It is a STAT and i have to turn it in now. thanks all.
I was wondering if maybe
Subject: I was wondering if maybe

you were hearing cemented total hip replacement instead of index THR. :-)
Yes I was wondering about the 1/2 to 3/4 :-). sm.
Subject: Yes I was wondering about the 1/2 to 3/4 :-). sm.

but the "to" helped also...lol. Thanks so much for your help :-)
I don't think a comma is necessary. I was wondering
Subject: I don't think a comma is necessary. I was wondering

about having to authenticate, too.
The patient was wondering??
Subject: The patient was wondering??

The patient was wondering if she might have s/l LLT ADHD???

Thank you Deborah

Just wondering how some of you would write this.
Subject: Just wondering how some of you would write this.

He put his arm through a window and had

40 some odd stitches. 

Is it just as I put it above or are there hyphens?  Never run into this.


I was wondering if that's what she's stumbling over, it could be, thanks. nm
Subject: I was wondering if that's what she's stumbling over, it could be, thanks. nm

Just wondering if you could hear
Subject: Just wondering if you could hear

chronic obstructive pulmonary disease on your last question you posted.
No, wondering if maybe IgA that is why s/l "IJ"...nm
Subject: No, wondering if maybe IgA that is why s/l "IJ"...nm

Just wondering.... When the doc says platelet value
Subject: Just wondering.... When the doc says platelet value

of say... 350, do you leave at that or expand to 350,000.  Thanks.
I know what it means - I was wondering if that is the way it should be typed even though -sm
Subject: I know what it means - I was wondering if that is the way it should be typed even though -sm

that wasn't how it was dictated.
I'm wondering, thinking, too, it's glucosamine sm
Subject: I'm wondering, thinking, too, it's glucosamine sm

chondroitin, that maybe it's "supplement and a muscle relaxant." Don't know what else it could be.
Is the doc trying to be funny, facetious? I'm wondering sm
Subject: Is the doc trying to be funny, facetious? I'm wondering sm

how a debridement can be done with a suction. Must be really superfriable tissue! I'd give him a blank for that one.
I'm wondering if he's saying "backward" clamp...nm
Subject: I'm wondering if he's saying "backward" clamp...nm

wondering if dictator not just stuttering?
Subject: wondering if dictator not just stuttering?

Also wondering if the doctor means - sm
Subject: Also wondering if the doctor means - sm

the apex of the heart is not prominent
I wondering if they are simply saying "structural".
Subject: I wondering if they are simply saying "structural".

I don't know what else it could be other the abduction deformity which definitely sounds nothing like shoulder!
Sorry, I was wondering whether it was gross or growth...
Subject: Sorry, I was wondering whether it was gross or growth...

I'm wondering if it is "sestamibi scan."
Subject: I'm wondering if it is "sestamibi scan."

s/l radia but wondering if radius
Subject: s/l radia but wondering if radius

The plural form would be radii (right?).  It sounds just like radiA and here is the sentence in its entirety.  Some tenderness over the left trapezius muscle over the suprascapular (radius or radia or radii) and also over the posterior axillary muscles.  But since it is on the left, I thought it might be radius.  What do you all think? 

It probably is radius but wanted to check.  Thanks!