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I have had two different docs say draw test--sm

Posted By: DumDum on 2007-05-15
In Reply to: Dunno, but it's always drawer for the knees. nm - Never heard of draw test. nm

Subject: I have had two different docs say draw test--sm

and I checked on line first. there is a draw test, but I thought perhaps it was the same thing as drawer test, just pronounced differently by different docs.

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Draw Test vs Drawer Test
Subject: Draw Test vs Drawer Test

for the anterior cruciate ligament or posterior cruciate ligament, I have heard draw test and drawer test.  are they the same thing?? 
Might be saying 'drawer' although you usually hear this as draw sign or test. nm
Subject: Might be saying 'drawer' although you usually hear this as draw sign or test. nm

it's Lachman test, but many docs say Lachman's test.
Subject: it's Lachman test, but many docs say Lachman's test.


she can draw a clock
Subject: she can draw a clock

maxillary s/l draw
Subject: maxillary s/l draw

Maxillary S/L draw elicits no tenderness.

Patient fell on her face.
The one who wants "same" will draw attention
Subject: The one who wants "same" will draw attention

and could cost the hospital points. Lose enough points, lose accreditation, lose federal funding.
We will draw a Prolactin leverl as well as an s/l effen H and LH. I don't even know if i am hear
Subject: We will draw a Prolactin leverl as well as an s/l effen H and LH. I don't even know if i am hearing

this right.  thank you
Duh, draw a person makes complete sense.
Subject: Duh, draw a person makes complete sense.

It's one of those days! lol Thanks so much.

Happy Halloween!
patient with parkinson's disease asked to draw an *aquamedy* circle??? Thanks. nm
Subject: patient with parkinson's disease asked to draw an *aquamedy* circle??? Thanks. nm

A Lachman test is a medical test used for examining the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) in the knee
Subject: A Lachman test is a medical test used for examining the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) in the knee

Patient has a positive drawer test and s/l wobble test (knee pain)
Subject: Patient has a positive drawer test and s/l wobble test (knee pain)

thanks so much!!!
Do not post test questions on the MTStars website. Take your test honestly.
Subject: Do not post test questions on the MTStars website. Take your test honestly.

There is an empty can test and a drop arm test for assessing the shoulder. Cannot reference
Subject: There is an empty can test and a drop arm test for assessing the shoulder. Cannot reference

"arc" test.
Kemp test is a lumbosacral nerve root impingement test
Subject: Kemp test is a lumbosacral nerve root impingement test

Found a Purdue test on Google...sounds like a dexterity test.
Subject: Found a Purdue test on Google...sounds like a dexterity test.

The Dix - Hallpike test (also called Nylen - Bárány test). Link for you.
Subject: The Dix - Hallpike test (also called Nylen - Bárány test). Link for you.

Colton-Born test? typing for PT, test for hypermobility.. SM
Subject: Colton-Born test? typing for PT, test for hypermobility.. SM

It could be cottonborn, carltornborn, I have no clue.  Have looked everywhere.  Have an ortho book but nowhere to be found.  She keeps saying it in every note.  Just started her today. Any help would be appreciated.
there is a heel test to test for bone density. susan
Subject: there is a heel test to test for bone density. susan

shell test or shelf test of hands for arthritis
Subject: shell test or shelf test of hands for arthritis

Which one is correct. It sounds like the doctor is saying shell test. This is for arthritis of the hands. Thanks.
(I'm not TAKING a test - the word is a kind of test!) ;) - no mssg
Subject: (I'm not TAKING a test - the word is a kind of test!) ;) - no mssg

Test.. s/l Auto 80. Possibly some type of stool test. TIA!
Subject: Test.. s/l Auto 80. Possibly some type of stool test. TIA!

s/l Griener's test or Grinder's test, doing ortho, any idea?? nm thanks!
Subject: s/l Griener's test or Grinder's test, doing ortho, any idea?? nm thanks!

Fukuda test - this has been bugging me all day but I got it! It's some sort of a stepping test
Subject: Fukuda test - this has been bugging me all day but I got it! It's some sort of a stepping test

I believe it would be Watson and Ballet test, they are the names the test is named after. nm
Subject: I believe it would be Watson and Ballet test, they are the names the test is named after. nm

Yep, it's okay. Docs say that often. nm
Subject: Yep, it's okay. Docs say that often. nm

Thanks...sometimes I think these docs should...
Subject: Thanks...sometimes I think these docs should...

type themselves for once and listen to some of the things they say. I bet they would think twice after that...:-)
Some docs
Subject: Some docs

actually dictate ABGs in this manner.  They say a number then slash then another number then slash, etc.  That is how they want it transcribed.  Just make sure your numbers are correct and you are set to go!
should say *my* docs
Subject: should say *my* docs

like the docs who are always ...
Subject: like the docs who are always ...

... putting "metatarsal" in the hand dictations. Plantar may be technically okay, but it seems like if he were more careful he would say palmar.
Our docs
Subject: Our docs

usually say normocephalic.
I have docs that use it
Subject: I have docs that use it

but my account is not crazy weird picky, either.  I haven't heard of it being unacceptable.  If it's worth your time, I'd question QA about it and ask her why she changed it. 
I have docs
Subject: I have docs

who add extra letters to lots of words, if it make them easier to pronounce. Kind of weird, but it happens.
Subject: Docs

make up lots of words...they make lots of mistakes (ergo malpractice insurance)...they even misspell lots of words. If we have to deal with their ineptness, they can deal with blanks. JMHO. :-)
With some docs..
Subject: With some docs..

that wouldn't be a stretch at all but a very good guess. :-)
Is a Schirmer's test used to test for ankylosing spondylitis?
Subject: Is a Schirmer's test used to test for ankylosing spondylitis?

There is a Maigne test - a new test for vertebrobasilar insufficiency...nm
Subject: There is a Maigne test - a new test for vertebrobasilar insufficiency...nm

chiropractor- he says Codman's test and s/l jurgesens test?
Subject: chiropractor- he says Codman's test and s/l jurgesens test?

Speech Therapy Test s/l 'Wisp-in' Test?
Subject: Speech Therapy Test s/l 'Wisp-in' Test?

Wisp-in test? 

Yergason's test? Load and shift test?
Subject: Yergason's test? Load and shift test?

Does it s/l either of those? Just ideas.
The Phalen's test is a test for carpal tunnel--sm
Subject: The Phalen's test is a test for carpal tunnel--sm

syndrome and involves the wrist. It is a pressure test, but the doctor would hold the distal or proximal phalanx in the performance of that test while compressing the wrist and waiting for numbness to occur. I would like to hear the rest of your sentence before saying for sure what you are hearing is Phalen's.
test of ankle instability Cotton test?
Subject: test of ankle instability Cotton test?

Stedman's Orthopedics has a Coton test.  Can't find Coton test on Google but do find Cotton (cotton?) test.
Weber test and Rinne test for hearing. NM =)
Subject: Weber test and Rinne test for hearing. NM =)

Rinne test and s/l 'Web' test for vertigo?
Subject: Rinne test and s/l 'Web' test for vertigo?

did a s/l Codd test to test the sydesmosis - cannot verify. Thanks.
Subject: did a s/l Codd test to test the sydesmosis - cannot verify. Thanks.

neurologic test, s/l Nalarn-Burnae test
Subject: neurologic test, s/l Nalarn-Burnae test

It's not the docs I'm concerned about, or QA, when it comes to my...
Subject: It's not the docs I'm concerned about, or QA, when it comes to my...

work as an MT,
You don't add in mg or mcg, etc. unless it's dictated. The docs know
Subject: You don't add in mg or mcg, etc. unless it's dictated. The docs know

that's how my derm docs like it - sm
Subject: that's how my derm docs like it - sm

same with T zone.
ONLY if your QA, account, or docs want it to be so. Not everyone
Subject: ONLY if your QA, account, or docs want it to be so. Not everyone

The docs are correct. (nm)
Subject: The docs are correct. (nm)

the docs are incorrect
Subject: the docs are incorrect

there must be ownership to use an apostrophe. The word Smith does not show ownership to anything.

If the sentance read Dr. Smith's patient, then yes the apostrophe is used.