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In RXList, it classifies these drugs as oral hypoglycemics.

Posted By: Shannon on 2008-01-02
In Reply to: Oral hyperglycemics (sm) - tiff

Subject: In RXList, it classifies these drugs as oral hypoglycemics.

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BI-RADS score, Lauren!!!!! It classifies mammography results comprehensively.
Subject: BI-RADS score, Lauren!!!!! It classifies mammography results comprehensively.

Aacck = correct that report

for drugs phonetic guessing, etc. I do Drugs.com
Subject: for drugs phonetic guessing, etc. I do Drugs.com

worth a dry, can also search part of drug ie *threx
Go to RxList
Subject: Go to RxList

For your first one, since your other post mentions it is probably for BP, you therefore know the letters are probably HCTZ, right? So at RxList, in the search box, type in *hctz and check out all the combo BP drugs to find the one that starts with a C that is fairly close to your s/l.

For the second one, type in roce* and see what comes up.
Rxlist.com nm
Subject: Rxlist.com nm

rxlist sm
Subject: rxlist sm

I use RxList. Also handy because you can search with just a few letters, if that's all you can decipher at the moment.
Subject: rxlist.com

Letairis - ambrisentan tablets, endothelin receptor antagonist
also rxlist.com
Subject: also rxlist.com

problem with rxlist.com

Is anyone else having problems finding drugs on rxlist.com now that they have updated their site?  I can type in *utin and get 116 results none of which are anywhere close to *utin.  Is there a way to fix this or any other sites to try for drug lookups?


looked at rxlist.com and
Subject: looked at rxlist.com and

medicinenet.com and all they showed is sotalol
Per rxlist.com - 3/4 grain.
Subject: Per rxlist.com - 3/4 grain.

another good one is rxlist.com...:) nm
Subject: another good one is rxlist.com...:) nm

You might want to check RxList. It shouldn't
Subject: You might want to check RxList. It shouldn't

be hard to find for yourself there. I hope you are keeping a notebook of new terms as they come up. These are just learning tips for you.
see inside for RXlist link............SM
Subject: see inside for RXlist link............SM

I don't like the new rxlist. I used to use it religiously but not anymore...nm
Subject: I don't like the new rxlist. I used to use it religiously but not anymore...nm

micafungin sodium on RXlist
Subject: micafungin sodium on RXlist

Humalog! That's it! I looked on rxlist - did not see there
Subject: Humalog! That's it! I looked on rxlist - did not see there

RxList is a good site. It shows:
Subject: RxList is a good site. It shows:

Brand Name: Tarceva Tarceva Patient Info
(or erlotinib) CheckRx!
Generic Name: erlotinib

rxlist.com has a "fuzzy search" and will sometimes bring up
Subject: rxlist.com has a "fuzzy search" and will sometimes bring up

Subject: http://www.rxlist.com/script/main/hp.asp

Maybe Sildenafil (Viagra)...RxList shows...
Subject: Maybe Sildenafil (Viagra)...RxList shows...

that this can also be used for PAH, which makes sense for the text you posted. Re-listen and see if you hear that. Otherwise, I would leave it blank. 

I'm not sure if you're a new MT or not (and I don't want to seem condescending if you're not) but just in case you are, I found this by:

1) Googled 'pulmonary hypertension treatment'
2) 'Sildenafil' grabbed my eye as having the essential sounds that the mushmouth used (LOL)
3) I looked up Sildenafil on the RxList.com medication site to be sure it was used
4) Again, I highly suggest you re-listen to the dictation and be sure that you hear 'Sildenafil'. .

(PLUS, I also learned something new today...that Viagra has other uses -- I absolutely love learning something new).

Two good drug sites - rxlist.com and
Subject: Two good drug sites - rxlist.com and

using a reliable drug website such as Rxlist will clarify if generic or brand name. sm
Subject: using a reliable drug website such as Rxlist will clarify if generic or brand name. sm

When in doubt, it is crucial to check if drugs are generic or brand name to ensure we type them correctly.
Patient is to use s/l mycolog cream. Not finding anything definite on google or rxlist. thanks
Subject: Patient is to use s/l mycolog cream. Not finding anything definite on google or rxlist. thanks

Subject: oral?

oral contraception?
Oral Surgeon Help?
Subject: Oral Surgeon Help?

1.             Bilateral sagittal split osteotomy with advancement and rigid fixation utilizing ____________ 2 mm placement screws. 


Hello..filling in for ortho surgeon.  Sounds like Sin these screws...any help?


With a #15 blade a 3.5 cm incision was made over the external _________ridge.  A subperiosteal dissection was carried out laterally, adjacent to the ramus and anteriorly along the ramus of the mandible. 


Sounds like baked ridge in the mouth? 

Oral mucosa...
Subject: Oral mucosa...

oral contraceptive help
Subject: oral contraceptive help

S/L Vesigin with 11 refills? 
could be oral Metacardia but I don't know
Subject: could be oral Metacardia but I don't know

oral contraceptive...s/l Em-ply-hon.. thank u
Subject: oral contraceptive...s/l Em-ply-hon.. thank u

oral contraception
Subject: oral contraception

The patient is taking an oral contraception which sounds like LUNEL FE. It is not on my contraception list has anyone ever heard?


oral contraception
Subject: oral contraception

There is Lunelle, and there is Loestrin Fe.
Might be saying oral gentamicin ? nm
Subject: Might be saying oral gentamicin ? nm

They do have oral Zofran. Maybe that is it. nm
Subject: They do have oral Zofran. Maybe that is it. nm

Oral hyperglycemics (sm)
Subject: Oral hyperglycemics (sm)

I got a doc who refers to diabetic medications as oral hyperglycemics.  He will say this several times in a report and sometimes it sounds like hypoglycemics.  By the time he has said hyper or hypo 1000 times in a report, I get confused.  It should be oral hyperglycemics correct?  TIA
Oral contraceptive...
Anyone know of a birth control sounds like Avion, I can't find anything like it. 
oral contraception
Subject: oral contraception

I believe it is an contraception that s/l Tris-in-trex 28
s/l other on an oral decompression???
Subject: s/l other on an oral decompression???

ESL doctor- Past history:  Illnesses and surgeries:  Appendectomy, age 12.  Other on an oral decompression traumatic amputation of left hand index finger at midphalanx, long and ring finger at the proximal phalanx, middle finger at the second phalanx.

Not sure what highlighted is and if it is a thought of it's own or part of the amputation thought!

s/l oral ray intubation.
Subject: s/l oral ray intubation.

zygomatic complex repair
oral ray tube
Subject: oral ray tube

SoRThere is an oral RAE tube. Sorry about previous message. I goofed.
oral surgery
Subject: oral surgery

This is a wisdom teeth removal, and I have an entire sentence that  I cannot make sense of:

PREOPERATIVE DIAGNOSIS: ___ impacted teeth (s/l down #17 and #32 ____ incision R) space.

Everything in parenthesis is a guess, the only words I could clearly discern are not. Please help!

The abbrev for that is NAC so maybe saying IV NAC? or oral NAC? nm
Subject: The abbrev for that is NAC so maybe saying IV NAC? or oral NAC? nm

calcitrate oral
Subject: calcitrate oral

Calcitrate Oral Uses

This medication is used to prevent or treat low blood calcium levels in people who do not get enough calcium from their diets. It may be used to treat conditions caused by low calcium levels such as bone loss (osteoporosis), weak bones (osteomalacia/rickets), decreased activity of the parathyroid gland (hypoparathyroidism), and a certain muscle disease (latent tetany). It may also be

oral ray tube
Subject: oral ray tube

It is a RAE tube -
American Drug Index has sinografin. Buy a drug book or use rxlist.com
Subject: American Drug Index has sinografin. Buy a drug book or use rxlist.com

Roxwell oral solution
Subject: Roxwell oral solution

Not very clear but sounds similar
Seasonale - oral conraceptive ...
Subject: Seasonale - oral conraceptive ...

www.rxlist.com is a great website to search for drugs.
normal oral flora? (nm)
Subject: normal oral flora? (nm)

something still not right; s/l oral affis ulceration
Subject: something still not right; s/l oral affis ulceration


I thought I had it, but I keep replaying and it really sounds like

oral affis ulceration; add Famvir and Magic Mouthwash.


oral aphthous ulceration nm
Subject: oral aphthous ulceration nm

oral aphthous ulceration - nm
Subject: oral aphthous ulceration - nm

would it be 50 mg oral glucose load???
Subject: would it be 50 mg oral glucose load???
