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Posted By: Kathleen on 2008-10-06
In Reply to: 161,500. - nm

Subject: Leukemia?

Does the patient have some sort of leukemia or other disease that would drive the number up that high?

That number is more in line with platelet count.

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you mean ALL as in leukemia?
Subject: you mean ALL as in leukemia?

acute lymphoblastic or acute lymphocytic leukemia?   the 3B may be the stage....IIIb

Subject: Leukemia

doc says s/l 'preventilative leukemia' with BUN of 48.

Is this a correct term? Thanks

drugs for leukemia
Subject: drugs for leukemia

sounds like metosontrone and BP 16???
a classification for leukemia maybe?
Subject: a classification for leukemia maybe?

This is a patient with IgG s/l coppa emga who is being followed in the leukemia clinic.  I'm thinking coppa may actually be kappa, but I don't have a clue what the emga is!!!  It may sound more like emguf.

Any ideas?

lymphoblastic leukemia
Subject: lymphoblastic leukemia

received post chemotherapy radiation with 14 treatments to the chest for a total of 2,520 s/l "ray"
myelocystic leukemia
Subject: myelocystic leukemia

Pt had myelocystic leukemia and died.
chemo for leukemia
Subject: chemo for leukemia

sounds like "Tripla 7",   tx!
(s/l) walking strong?? leukemia
Subject: (s/l) walking strong?? leukemia

Thanks in advance.  If can help ASAP, would appreciate it.
Asparaginase? used to treat leukemia
Subject: Asparaginase? used to treat leukemia

acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Subject: acute lymphoblastic leukemia

in post chemo radiation for a total of 2,520 s/l red/rod, divided in 14 fractions to his anterior mediastinum
acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Subject: acute lymphoblastic leukemia

s/l Beltin protocol and s/l L tin protocol
ALL in remission (leukemia) and they do use ARC chemotherapy also
Subject: ALL in remission (leukemia) and they do use ARC chemotherapy also

There is Elspar injection (for leukemia)?
Subject: There is Elspar injection (for leukemia)?

no leukemia, pmh only lists hypertension and MS
Subject: no leukemia, pmh only lists hypertension and MS

Word parts for leukemia

I am a little frustrated,

How is the term leukemia broken down into its' word parts? Where do the (/) slashes go?

Patient with acute myelogenous leukemia.
Subject: Patient with acute myelogenous leukemia.

The patient was enrolled on a clinical trial comparing standard 7 and 3 with standard 7 and 3 plus s/l Jenesens.  He was randomized to the s/l Jenesens arm.



Pain scale in leukemia patients
Subject: Pain scale in leukemia patients


Is there a pain scale that is commonly referred to for leukemia patients? I'm doing a clinic note on a patient, and in the PE section, I hear something that sounds like ecot 0 (zero). The first thing that pops into my head is Ficat, but I don't think that's what it would be. I often hear doctors mention the pain scale rating right along with the vital signs, and that's where this is dictated. I'm googling and researching this, but I'm not even sure where to look. Any suggestions?

...otherwise. CHOP protocol is used for lymphoma, not leukemia. nm
Subject: ...otherwise. CHOP protocol is used for lymphoma, not leukemia. nm

I think I found it. ALL - acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Thanks anyway!
Subject: I think I found it. ALL - acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Thanks anyway!

maybe something like prevalent lytic lesions of leukemia? nm
Subject: maybe something like prevalent lytic lesions of leukemia? nm

s/l Larsen (?) protocol for acute lymphocytic leukemia
Subject: s/l Larsen (?) protocol for acute lymphocytic leukemia

Found a leukemia site with normal values for kids 160,000 - 500,000. nm
Subject: Found a leukemia site with normal values for kids 160,000 - 500,000. nm

Clofarabine is used for treating certain types of leukemia in children and adolescents who have had
Subject: Clofarabine is used for treating certain types of leukemia in children and adolescents who have had at least 2 previous treatment regimens of medicine.

I can find a Binet scale for grading leukemia. Search further to see if it applies here. nm
Subject: I can find a Binet scale for grading leukemia. Search further to see if it applies here. nm

another guess - could the artron be Intron? for hepatitis, leukemia, lymphoma, melanoma....etc. nm
Subject: another guess - could the artron be Intron? for hepatitis, leukemia, lymphoma, melanoma....etc. nm

I vote for Horski's -- myeloblastic -- check out leukemia type diseasese /nm
Subject: I vote for Horski's -- myeloblastic -- check out leukemia type diseasese /nm

sorry, it's not the leukemia clinic. It's the lymphoma/myeloma clinic. I'm still stumped!
Subject: sorry, it's not the leukemia clinic. It's the lymphoma/myeloma clinic. I'm still stumped!