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Oops - thanks

Posted By: tam on 2007-12-26
In Reply to: This is the... - tam

Subject: Oops - thanks

I usually type out the numbers - thanks

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Subject: oops

I hit "enter" before I typed anything, sorry.... anyway, the way I'd do it?

he was given one day's notice.

she was given 10 days' notice.
Subject: oops

sent this before posting the question!  CT scan of abdomen and pelvis with s/l teevo? contrast -- ? 
Subject: Oops

You are right, but q. b.i.d. is that correct??   
Oops, that would be just lol
Subject: Oops, that would be just lol

oops, I see you got it already :) (nm)
Subject: oops, I see you got it already :) (nm)

Oops...here it is...really
Subject: Oops...here it is...really



Good luck!!!!!

Oops..just saw you already got it...nm
Subject: Oops..just saw you already got it...nm

oops...try this
Subject: oops...try this

Subject: oops...sm

I just looked up adenosine cardiolite and found that it was a chemical stress test. I am wondering now if JST would be *TST* for thallium stress test, or EST for exercise stress test. It has to be some kind of stress test. sorry about other post.
oops, sorry, I keep using nm when I mean sm!
Subject: oops, sorry, I keep using nm when I mean sm!

Subject: oops

ugh...sory for the double post! i got an error on the first one and thought it didn't work...
Subject: oops

that typo in there should read sutures:)
Oops, I did a boo-boo
Subject: Oops, I did a boo-boo

Well I did that wrong. I have noted the spelling of Advicor for future reference. Thank you very much. I am going to have to get the Quick drug book.

Where do you order it from.
Subject: Oops!

Didn't see any other replies when I wrote that.

Sorry for the redundant post.
Subject: OOPS...

Told you I knew it was a stupid question.  I figured it out.. duh he was talking about disc level.  Sorry.

oops. I think you are right...could that be --sm
Subject: oops. I think you are right...could that be --sm

Phago, as short for phagocyte white blood cells??
Subject: oops

I meant, could it be autonomic dysfunction? Hence the question mark.
Subject: Oops

sorry it is hyphenated.  I have been out of the loop for a while and was pleased that I at least remembered the term. 
Oops Hem-o-lok
Subject: Oops Hem-o-lok

oops, no such med! Sorry :(
Subject: oops, no such med! Sorry :(

Subject: oops

Oops, sorry, I meant sunk.  Typo. 
oops...are they the same
Subject: oops...are they the same

oops......I mean sm!
Subject: oops......I mean sm!

Oops! Should say sm no nm!
Subject: Oops! Should say sm no nm!

Oops - here it is
Subject: Oops - here it is

My bad - here it is.


Subject: Oops

I did not see that someone else answered it for you.  Oh well, better late than never :)
Subject: oops

Make that nasal incision. Who would believe I type for a living?
oops! Thank you!
Subject: oops! Thank you!

Subject: oops

that is spelled Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor
oops, you are right, sorry!
Subject: oops, you are right, sorry!

oops! lx I mean. nm
Subject: oops! lx I mean. nm


Subject: oops


Head norma. Eyes normal.
Subject: Oops

Sorry! I'm leaving it blank.
Subject: oops

I used the "fre" not the "fra"  I did find it and was able to document in my word book.  Thanks. 
Subject: oops

wow, it must be early, meant I spelled out 250 mg, two stat and one daily for four days...
Subject: Oops

Not to be terribly picky, but formatting like that would suggest 25 mg of an unknown medication or an overdose of Lanoxin with an error in comma placement. 
Subject: oops

crap...i'm sorry long day...its correct but it means rapid respirations
Subject: Oops

Sorry. FEV 25-75%
oops! 0.3 cc. nm
Subject: oops! 0.3 cc. nm

oops!...muscles, of course! :) nm
Oops, here's the link
Subject: Oops, here's the link

Oops, used same heading, need help
Subject: Oops, used same heading, need help

Sterile vaginal exam of 3 cm dilatation, 50% s/l "patient moderest through eustachian".


Subject: oops...typo

s/l densodiashapena effect, not effectg
oops-has not been hyphenating re..NM
Subject: oops-has not been hyphenating re..NM

oops - osteoporosis
Subject: oops - osteoporosis

decs-o-scan to rule out osteoprosis
Oops, more detail
Subject: Oops, more detail

Went back to my note and duh, there was more context in the last reference. Maybe should go to bed:

"... with PEG placement, currently under the care of speech therapy"

So I guess she actually ran good things together!


Thanks again!


oops, hit the return key... sm
Subject: oops, hit the return key... sm

lytes is slang for electrolytes; i don't cap stat, it's just jargon for "statim" meaning immediately
oops - never to spell out nos. even 1-9...nm
Subject: oops - never to spell out nos. even 1-9...nm

oops - esophagogastroduodenoscopy..SORRY..nm
Subject: oops - esophagogastroduodenoscopy..SORRY..nm

Oops! I meant thanks, of course
Subject: Oops! I meant thanks, of course

oops - typo in my name........*lol*....nm
Subject: oops - typo in my name........*lol*....nm