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RE: Otherwise, the remainder of the forms were completed

Posted By: 121212 on 2005-09-22
In Reply to: Otherwise, the remainder of the forms were completed - Was/were. Doesn't WERE sound better here????

Subject: RE: Otherwise, the remainder of the forms were completed


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Otherwise, the remainder of the forms were completed
Subject: Otherwise, the remainder of the forms were completed

Remainder was completed.
Subject: Remainder was completed.

You are absolutely right. The word, "remainder" is the subject ("of the forms is just a prepositional phrase"), and the verb/adverb should always go with the subject, not its modifier(s).
Was completed. Remainder is the subject here and is singular not pleural. nm
Subject: Was completed. Remainder is the subject here and is singular not pleural. nm

with completed s/l Circ in 1992...
Subject: with completed s/l Circ in 1992...

Hepatitis B series with completed s/l Circ in 1992 without subsequent titers drawn.

Thank you,



laminectomy was completed with s/l 3 and 4 Garrisons?
Subject: laminectomy was completed with s/l 3 and 4 Garrisons?

Venogram completed on "Semi"
Subject: Venogram completed on "Semi"

Would SEMI be an acronym for special electromagnetic interference ?
I reviewed each chart in detail as well as completed worksheets Please SM
Subject: I reviewed each chart in detail as well as completed worksheets Please SM

in accordance with 1997 HCFA Guidelines for-new-um documentation. This is a letter sent to a health plan regarding a recent office chart audit. Any help would be appreciated.
Pt with cervical spine pain. She has completed her CT myelogram as well as s/l tunnel gram.?? tia
Subject: Pt with cervical spine pain. She has completed her CT myelogram as well as s/l tunnel gram.?? tia

48-hour pH test completed and extensive *physiatry* to view the findings which demonstrated
Subject: 48-hour pH test completed and extensive *physiatry* to view the findings which demonstrated

She states that she is unable to eat, continues to lose weight, and is having bouts of vomiting.  She did have her 48-hour pH test completed and extensive *physiatry* to view the findings which demonstrated that on the first night when she had vomited after her procedure, there were some episodes of breakthrough acid; however, the following day when she was tolerating a diet and had her AcipHex, her pH was well controlled, above a pH of 4, essentially the entire time.  Therefore, I discussed with the patient that her chest burning does not appear to be correlated with breakthrough acid of any significant degree and suggests the possibility that a lot of her chest pain and burning may be related to her anxiety and depression.
how about completed "circuit" in 1992 nm (series-parallel circuit for treatment of HepB) nm
Subject: how about completed "circuit" in 1992 nm (series-parallel circuit for treatment of HepB) nm

that would be "plural" forms...nm
Subject: that would be "plural" forms...nm

Avalox comes in various forms (sm)
Subject: Avalox comes in various forms (sm)


Injection 400mg, 400mg/250ml
Solution 0.5%
Solution/drops 0.5%
Tablet 400mg

What are the combining forms?
Subject: What are the combining forms?

I can't find anything even when I separate it out like the OP said.  I would like to learn what this word means if somebody could help me out.  Should it be xanth with an h instead of just xant? Even trying that, I am still stuck.
correct forms
Subject: correct forms

Staph aureus (notice Staph is capitalized; a period is not necessary)

postop (no period)

When you have a 2-word bacteria name, the first word is capitalized generally. The second word is generally not capitalized.

A Stedman's manual for Infectious Disease words is quite useful for these words.

Escherichia coli

I could go on... But I won't because I'm tired and the Canadian is helping me feel no pain... ;)

use of bilateral with pleural forms
Subject: use of bilateral with pleural forms

That's always ben a puzzle to me too, but I think that either way might be acceptable. The qualifying adjective (bilateral) suggests an "augmentation" was performed on both sides, and more often than not, MDs will dictate singular nouns following bilateral. Sometimes, though, if it sounds strange, I will use the pleural, i.e., one of my docs says "bilateral lower extremity" which I change to extremities. Would be interested in further input or if AAMT has a directive on this.
I'm finding this in all forms, too, but I think it's a brand name.
Subject: I'm finding this in all forms, too, but I think it's a brand name.

Hmm..just found Octocaine on a search. Comes in different forms. nm
Subject: Hmm..just found Octocaine on a search. Comes in different forms. nm

quick, fill-in-the-blank forms used by
Subject: quick, fill-in-the-blank forms used by

ER doctors that serve as documentation of a visit. Dictation is not mandatory and billing can be scored off the information written on the sheet. Don't know the formal name as I only heard it referred to by that name at one Trauma Level I hospital.
plural forms of bronchitis or otitis
Subject: plural forms of bronchitis or otitis

If a pt has had multiple dx of bronchitis or otitis, how are these words shown in their plural form?  Thanks.
EMG study moni uniwave forms?
Subject: EMG study moni uniwave forms?

EMG study revealed normal extertional activity, absence of abnormal spontaneous activity, normal moni uniwave forms.???  First time doing EMG.  I was doing okay up until this point.
Eponymic forms per AAMT-dropping the 's
Subject: Eponymic forms per AAMT-dropping the 's

AAMT says to drop the possessive form with eponymic terms such as Down syndrome, Tinel sign, Lachman sign, etc.  However, when used without "test" or "sign," do you add an 's.  i.e. "He has a negative Tinel's," or should it be "He has a negative Tinel."  Another one is Speed sign. It sounds wierd to put "He has a negative Speed."  Thanks so much!!
Fluid on top of a container forms a meniscus
Subject: Fluid on top of a container forms a meniscus

due to surface tension and adhesive properties of water. It is a slight concavity of the top of the fluid collection.
I would combine it and give the doc what they're saying. Combining forms is done often enough. nm
Subject: I would combine it and give the doc what they're saying. Combining forms is done often enough. nm

The singular and plural forms are decubitus. No decubiti. And
Subject: The singular and plural forms are decubitus. No decubiti. And

Wow! Thank you so much for the quick and helpful answers. p.s. Can it be fungal forms?
Subject: Wow! Thank you so much for the quick and helpful answers. p.s. Can it be fungal forms?

As long as combining forms make sense,
Subject: As long as combining forms make sense,

you can combine just about anything.
I always use combined forms ie. posterolateral, but would depend on your account i suppose. nm
Subject: I always use combined forms ie. posterolateral, but would depend on your account i suppose. nm

Dictates, we are working on (s/l) "preos" forms since the patient cannot afford Cymbalta. nm
Subject: Dictates, we are working on (s/l) "preos" forms since the patient cannot afford Cymbalta. nm

..subclavian and vertebral arteries were patent with normal wave forms *proximately* and
Subject: ..subclavian and vertebral arteries were patent with normal wave forms *proximately* and

antegrade flow.  Does this make sense?  Thanks.