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Rats. trying to type "plural" instead of my usual "pleural" and goofed anyway. Sorry.

Posted By: Txczech on 2006-01-11
In Reply to: All my refs have meatus as plurall also. SM - Txczech

Subject: Rats. trying to type "plural" instead of my usual "pleural" and goofed anyway. Sorry.

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Not sure, but the usual sentence I type....
Subject: Not sure, but the usual sentence I type....

using modified Seldinger technique and after infiltration of 20 mL of 1% lidocaine solution for local anesthesia, 2 mg of Versed and 60 mg of fentanyl were administered intravenously prior to the procedure for sedation and pain control. Hope this helps!
that would be "plural" forms...nm
Subject: that would be "plural" forms...nm

Well duh on me!! Think you got it. I goofed. nm
Subject: Well duh on me!! Think you got it. I goofed. nm

Sorry, I thought it was something like TaperLoc etc. Goofed this one!! nm
Subject: Sorry, I thought it was something like TaperLoc etc. Goofed this one!! nm

Rats..now I see it right there.. Thanks!
Subject: Rats..now I see it right there.. Thanks!

Rats!. Will keep lookin. nm
Subject: Rats!. Will keep lookin. nm

Rats. Thought I had it. SM
Subject: Rats. Thought I had it. SM

You can go to this site and click under hypertension and it will give you a great list of drugs. I am thinking it is a combo drug since the Micardis is also a combo etc. I keep trying to get Prinzide out of that. Sorry, must be a bad day for my "ears" !!!  Good luck.



Rats. Never thought of that one. Sorry. nm
Subject: Rats. Never thought of that one. Sorry. nm

Rats: No comma, 1:100000 nm
Subject: Rats: No comma, 1:100000 nm

Rats. If it was a CXR I would think loculations, but it is an exam. Sorry. nm
Subject: Rats. If it was a CXR I would think loculations, but it is an exam. Sorry. nm

Rats, he just said it again, and he is such a picky dictation person. nm
Subject: Rats, he just said it again, and he is such a picky dictation person. nm

rats. I tried to spell benzoyl and missed the peroxide. Sorry.
Subject: rats. I tried to spell benzoyl and missed the peroxide. Sorry.

It seems some rodent poisons kill the rats through internal bleeding. Sounds like they're
Subject: It seems some rodent poisons kill the rats through internal bleeding. Sounds like they're

I really don't think it's the usual stuff, but thanks.
Subject: I really don't think it's the usual stuff, but thanks.

Way to go Tx1 You're right on as usual.
Subject: Way to go Tx1 You're right on as usual.

thanks for all ur help =] ur awesome as usual
Subject: thanks for all ur help =] ur awesome as usual

Yep, sure is, thanks! As usual, I owe you one - or 2 this time! NM
Subject: Yep, sure is, thanks! As usual, I owe you one - or 2 this time! NM

The usual drug name is
Subject: The usual drug name is


[ Pronunciation: kloe TRIM a zole ]

Brand Names: Mycelex Troche
The usual terminology is
Subject: The usual terminology is

in terms of titrating CPAP pressure.  Maybe you can get the word titrate or titration in there.  Maybe it's just a misspeak and he means as the pressure of CPAP went up. 

Only found the usual...
Subject: Only found the usual...

Kendall TED, anti-embolic, compression...nothing that s/l gilt.  Sorry

not just saying iron 325 mg a day? usual dose.
Subject: not just saying iron 325 mg a day? usual dose.

Is that a usual statement for that account?
Subject: Is that a usual statement for that account?

Are they talking about code status? as in Code/Cor Status:  Full Cor.

usual NB/infant dose is up to max 0.1mg/kg body wt q 6 hrs 30 min ac. SM
Subject: usual NB/infant dose is up to max 0.1mg/kg body wt q 6 hrs 30 min ac. SM

Metoclopramide for the Treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux ...Three studies tested response to 1 dose of metoclopramide, ... Dose-response study of metoclopramide in gastroesophageal reflux in infancy. ...
pediatrics.aappublications.org/cgi/content/full/118/2/746 - Similar pages

National Women's Newborn Drug Protocol - Metoclopramide Pharmacology0.03-0.1 mg/kg/dose by slow IV infusion over 30 minutes, ... Indications. Impaired gastric emptying and gastrointestinal motility. Gastroesophageal reflux. ...
www.adhb.govt.nz/newborn/DrugProtocols/MetoclopramidePharmacology.htm - 5k - Cached - Similar pages

Gastroesophogeal Reflux (GERD) Medications in PregnancyMetoclopramide (Reglan). Manufacturer's information on mice, rats, and rabbits given doses up to 250 times the human dose, showed no evidence of fetal harm ...
www.fetal-exposure.org/REFLUX.html - 17k - Cached - Similar pages

ScienceDirect - The American Journal of Medicine : An overview of ...An overview of reflux-associated disorders in infants: apnea, laryngospasm, ... mg/kg/dose 4 times daily) followed by metoclopramide (0.1 mg/kg/dose 4 times ...
linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0002934301008233 - Similar pages

ScienceDirect - The American Journal of Medicine : Management of ...Metoclopramide, in a dose of 0.l mg/kg/dose (up to 5 mg) four times daily, also increases ... Positioning for prevention of infant gastroesophageal reflux. ...
linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0002934399003538 - Similar pages

FIRSTConsult - Gastroesophageal reflux in children - Medical Topic ...Metoclopramide, thickened feedings, and positioning for gastro-oesophageal reflux in ... Feed thickener for newborn infants with gastro-oesophageal reflux. ...
www.firstconsult.com/fc_home/public/?action=view_article&id=1016309&type=101&bref=1&PHPSE... - Similar pages

Sorry Freebie, I've had the flu and ear infections, so I have not been on as much as usual, then
Subject: Sorry Freebie, I've had the flu and ear infections, so I have not been on as much as usual, then massive power outage and a foot of snow this weekend, so there we go!

This girl is taking a test. She is not "justme" as usual. nm
Subject: This girl is taking a test. She is not "justme" as usual. nm

triple A=AAA, but I usual expand out to abdominal aortic aneurysm.
Subject: triple A=AAA, but I usual expand out to abdominal aortic aneurysm.

These are the usual drugs associated with dysuria, maybe you can catch something that sounds similar
Subject: These are the usual drugs associated with dysuria, maybe you can catch something that sounds similar.

Drugs associated with Dysuria
Urinary Analgesic

He has noticed bigger stones passing through the s/l ostoma than the usual. nm
Subject: He has noticed bigger stones passing through the s/l ostoma than the usual. nm

I know, but on head and neck exam in review of systems, it is very usual for Dr. to make mention of
Subject: I know, but on head and neck exam in review of systems, it is very usual for Dr. to make mention of ,,,,

all the usual complaints of the specific region, as in neck, no lyphadenopathy, chest, no rales or wheezes, etc., it is a consult. What does he say about something green on the guy's head????
listen for orthotopic position (meaning normal or usual position). nm
Subject: listen for orthotopic position (meaning normal or usual position). nm

follow-up is okay for noun but usual for noun...nm
Subject: follow-up is okay for noun but usual for noun...nm

same here. Type out numbers at beginning of sentences. Otherwise type numeral if in sentence itself.
Subject: same here. Type out numbers at beginning of sentences. Otherwise type numeral if in sentence itself.

Patient with type 2 diabetes prescribed a s/l glutisone type drug. nm
Subject: Patient with type 2 diabetes prescribed a s/l glutisone type drug. nm

which is preferred ~ diabetes mellitus type II or type 2?
Subject: which is preferred ~ diabetes mellitus type II or type 2?

I get confused, how do you type out grade, class, type SM
Subject: I get confused, how do you type out grade, class, type SM

I forget which ones  use Roman and which do not.  TIA

When doctor says tib-fib, do you type it like that or do you type tibiofibular? Thanks
Siewart type I or Siewert type I
Subject: Siewart type I or Siewert type I

When I google it, I'm finding both.  Cannot locate it in a Stedman's book.  Doctor spells with "a" but you can't always go by the spellings!
How do I type this particular type of dialysis bath? sm
Subject: How do I type this particular type of dialysis bath? sm

Doc is an ESL and unclear, but it s/l he is saying "...using a 3 K 21/2 bath." I have never had this in a report and after googling, am still as clueless as I was. I cannot find it in AAMT, either. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!
acromion process - type 2 or type II
Subject: acromion process - type 2 or type II

Could it be hollowing-type or hollow-end-type? - nm
Subject: Could it be hollowing-type or hollow-end-type? - nm

how to type out Type I Aortic aneurysm
Subject: how to type out Type I Aortic aneurysm

Would you use a roman numeral for Type I Aortic aneurysm or use Type one or type 1 ... I am thinking it is Type I but I am unsure. I am new to this all. Thanks for any help.
I would type it under PLAN and type what is dictated.
Subject: I would type it under PLAN and type what is dictated.

I have had that happen to me before, and I was told by QA to not move things around in the report, maybe that is the same for you, but if I were typing this report, I would type it in the order as is dictated, even if that means typing it under the heading PLAN.  Also, his vitals were probably taken at the end of the exam as they were repeated, so it would make sense to type them again under that heading.  Hope that helps! 
Type II diabetes vs. Type 2....sm
Still running into confusion about this....which is it?  If Type 2, was this a medical community change accepted by all?
Could it be pincer-type and cam-type?
Subject: Could it be pincer-type and cam-type?

Type 2 DM or type II DM, which is correct? nm
Subject: Type 2 DM or type II DM, which is correct? nm

what type of dictation do you type?
Subject: what type of dictation do you type?

It might help to know the specialty.  I am finding a lithiasis, but I don't think it would relate to gonorrhea, are you sure it is gonorrhea? 
how to type a blood type
Subject: how to type a blood type

simple question but how is a blood type transcribed .. such as 0+ .. is there a space between the 0 and + or is the word positive typed out? Thanks for your help.
ONCOtype, ONCO type, ONCO Type, found all three...
Subject: ONCOtype, ONCO type, ONCO Type, found all three...

MRI of the C-spine - which is correct Modic type II changes or Modic type 2 changes.....nm
Subject: MRI of the C-spine - which is correct Modic type II changes or Modic type 2 changes.....nm

pincer-type nail or pincher-type nail? nm
Subject: pincer-type nail or pincher-type nail? nm

Of course you should type it. Why would you not type it? nm
Subject: Of course you should type it. Why would you not type it? nm
