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Thanks alot!

Posted By: WIMT on 2007-04-23
In Reply to: Of note, levothyroxine is mcg, not mg, at least - at the strength you indicated.

Subject: Thanks alot!

I'm kind of a newbie - I need to learn to look out for that, even when the doc dictates mg.

Thanks again.

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thanks alot
Subject: thanks alot


Thanks alot.
Subject: Thanks alot.

Thanks alot!!
Subject: Thanks alot!!

Thanks alot
Subject: Thanks alot

I have a doc who says alot of the same thing as --sm
Subject: I have a doc who says alot of the same thing as --sm

what you have listed, and the sentence reads, "The patient has good distal pulses, good capillary refill. Sensation is intact bilaterally." so perhaps it would be *good distal pulses*? Just a thought. good luck
thank you, that helps alot
Subject: thank you, that helps alot

That definately looks alot better. THANKS!!!
Subject: That definately looks alot better. THANKS!!!

why are you responding to your own question? seems that happens alot on here..very
Subject: why are you responding to your own question? seems that happens alot on here..very

perhaps TSH, P and T sound alot alike.--nm
Subject: perhaps TSH, P and T sound alot alike.--nm

what was I thinking??? Your right is was spreading!! thanks alot!!!
Subject: what was I thinking??? Your right is was spreading!! thanks alot!!!

That is it --- thanks alot! Medication on this same report ??onfultracin b.i.d. and V triapine????
Subject: That is it --- thanks alot! Medication on this same report ??onfultracin b.i.d. and V triapine????

i'll listen again, this guy runs words together alot
Subject: i'll listen again, this guy runs words together alot

part of his dictations are clear as a bell, then some of it he talks so fast & almost mumbles thru.. thanks will listen to see if that might be it
Owen silk(s) (sutures). Hear it alot on foot surgery. nm
Subject: Owen silk(s) (sutures). Hear it alot on foot surgery. nm

is it barro trauma or barrel trauma...thanks alot
Subject: is it barro trauma or barrel trauma...thanks alot