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Thanks, just found that. Now why couldn't he just say Platinol since he said BEP?

Posted By: ss on 2008-01-10
In Reply to: I think the P is for Platinol, brand name for cisplatin NM - sassee

Subject: Thanks, just found that. Now why couldn't he just say Platinol since he said BEP?

MAN O MAN O. Just one of those days I guess. LOL

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at 1st, couldn't find in any med dictionaries then found online - n/m
Subject: at 1st, couldn't find in any med dictionaries then found online - n/m

I think the P is for Platinol, brand name for cisplatin NM
Subject: I think the P is for Platinol, brand name for cisplatin NM

I guess I am supposed to know that cisplatin is also Platinol. LOL
Subject: I guess I am supposed to know that cisplatin is also Platinol. LOL

I do not type hematology/oncology reports that often and if I knew every drug and what it was for and their brand and generics, I would be the MD not the MT. LOL Have a good day. Thanks again for your help.
It couldn't
Subject: It couldn't

be just itchy? Seems like that's the only thing that could make sense!
Now why couldn't she just say that? LOL.
Subject: Now why couldn't she just say that? LOL.

Sorry I couldn't help though
Subject: Sorry I couldn't help though

Thanks so much! I can't believe I couldn't think of that!
Subject: Thanks so much! I can't believe I couldn't think of that!

sorry I couldn't help with that...
Subject: sorry I couldn't help with that...

I have never heard of anything like that before associated with Achilles tendinitis and I have been typing ortho for years, but you never know, there's always things we don't know and are learning! 
Couldn't that possibly be
like you said, areolar dermal junction -- meaning where the pigment meets the regular skin?
I had this one just the other day that I couldn't find.....
Subject: I had this one just the other day that I couldn't find.....

Thanks so much! I couldn't find it.
Subject: Thanks so much! I couldn't find it.

That's it! Thanks! Don't know why I couldn't hear that...
Subject: That's it! Thanks! Don't know why I couldn't hear that...

Thank you!! No wonder I couldn't find it...
Subject: Thank you!! No wonder I couldn't find it...

in my medical dictionary. I was looking under mid...
Thank you so much!
well, QA couldn't get this one either. We left it for the doc. Thanks again!
Subject: well, QA couldn't get this one either. We left it for the doc. Thanks again!

Could be. Thanks, I couldn't find anything about that.
Subject: Could be. Thanks, I couldn't find anything about that.

Your welcome :) I couldn't find
Subject: Your welcome :) I couldn't find

Sometimes I'll do variations on google.  For example, kom instead of com and things like that.  The first one (Keppra) I found on a drug site, but I couldn't find the second one.  Sorry!  Have a great day!! 
couldn't be just scraping, could it?
Subject: couldn't be just scraping, could it?

You're welcome, sorry I couldn't get more of it.
Subject: You're welcome, sorry I couldn't get more of it.

Thanks. Couldn't survive without all of you MT's.
Subject: Thanks. Couldn't survive without all of you MT's.

Thx. My brain just couldn't seem to go there. Thx again! nm
Subject: Thx. My brain just couldn't seem to go there. Thx again! nm

Couldn't find much
Subject: Couldn't find much

First, it's my day off and I'm spending it looking up words...but if I have the time I think it's fun.  Okay, all I could find were Autologel - Cytomedix and Autologous Platelet Grafting - SafeBlood Technologies and it seems Cytomedix is suing Safeblood.  Sorry I couldn't be more help. 
ah, C and S. That's why couldn't reference! Thx.
Subject: ah, C and S. That's why couldn't reference! Thx.

and you couldn't have explained it this way before?
Subject: and you couldn't have explained it this way before?

You may be right, but your delivery leaves a lot to be desired.
Thanks. I couldn't document it anywhere. sm
Subject: Thanks. I couldn't document it anywhere. sm

What's your reference?
Yes - thanks! I can't believe I couldn't find that!
Subject: Yes - thanks! I can't believe I couldn't find that!

Thank you! No wonder I couldn't find it...(sm)
Subject: Thank you! No wonder I couldn't find it...(sm)

I spelled it with almost everything but an A!  Thanks again.
Thanks! This doc is such a "flyer" that I couldn't get it right. Thx again :)
Subject: Thanks! This doc is such a "flyer" that I couldn't get it right. Thx again :)

Thanks, couldn't find it anywhere.
Subject: Thanks, couldn't find it anywhere.

Yes - Thank you. Couldn't get past the "v".
Subject: Yes - Thank you. Couldn't get past the "v".

I couldn't figure that out either...characters and????...nm
Thank you so much, for the life of me I couldn't remember that.
Subject: Thank you so much, for the life of me I couldn't remember that.

Excellent post. Couldn't have said it better myself! nm
Subject: Excellent post. Couldn't have said it better myself! nm

I couldn't agree more, Hayseed! --sm
Subject: I couldn't agree more, Hayseed! --sm

love the *colon fetish* thing. I have a doc that would have me putting commas after every other word. I ignore them, but just because he says them bothers me. I have no verbatim accounts either and I think it would drive me bananas if I did! But then, I may get more lines if I put in everything the doc says and the way he says it... lol. I hope you get the proper response from your QA! Have a good rest of the weekend...lobstering! (just kidding).
Thanks you both for the reply - couldn't find that one. = ) nm
Subject: Thanks you both for the reply - couldn't find that one. = ) nm

TY - couldn't reply last night
Subject: TY - couldn't reply last night

I do believe this is what he meant, but he was definitely saying mescaline and I couldn't put tha
Subject: I do believe this is what he meant, but he was definitely saying mescaline and I couldn't put that

I finally put a message to QA that I thought it was meant to be mesalamine. I'll leave it up to them.

I hated to send to QA but what are you supposed to do when the doctor is very clearly dictating something and you know it isn't correct? I was afraid if the office listened to the blank, they would report me back to the MTSO as leaving a blank that they clearly heard.

Oh well... Again, thanks all. I really do appreciate the help.
definitely an accent but couldn't tell ya what kind
Subject: definitely an accent but couldn't tell ya what kind

blank it....QA it, I couldn't find it either
Subject: blank it....QA it, I couldn't find it either

Thqnk you very much - I couldn't find it anywhere!
Subject: Thqnk you very much - I couldn't find it anywhere!

Yes, doc did say both introitus and "extroitus". Thanks.
A late thanks, but a thanks nonetheless! Thx, an ESL, and I just couldn't get this one. nm
Subject: A late thanks, but a thanks nonetheless! Thx, an ESL, and I just couldn't get this one. nm

source please? I couldn't document. nm
Subject: source please? I couldn't document. nm

Tried to hear it before already, but couldn't. Any more ideas?
Subject: Tried to hear it before already, but couldn't. Any more ideas?

Thank you. I have it in my shortcuts and still couldn't figure it out.
Subject: Thank you. I have it in my shortcuts and still couldn't figure it out.

Thanks to you both, I knew it, but couldn't remember.
Subject: Thanks to you both, I knew it, but couldn't remember.

Yes, that's it! I knew I heard it before but couldn't get it from (sm)
Subject: Yes, that's it! I knew I heard it before but couldn't get it from (sm)

the way he was saying it.  Thank you!
couldn't find compound but
Subject: couldn't find compound but

after reading the above discussion did find neural and the following statement in my office's edition of Stedman's Med Dict.

Avoid forming incorrect compounds, such as neuroformamina instead of n. foramina.

I've been doing it wrong all along.  Thanks for helping me clear this up.

I couldn't find it either. Think I would blank it.
Subject: I couldn't find it either. Think I would blank it.

Thanks, Patty. Couldn't get the spelling right. nm
Subject: Thanks, Patty. Couldn't get the spelling right. nm

Couldn't find Nershal anywhere and he
Subject: Couldn't find Nershal anywhere and he

definitely is NOT saying tennis. I have been putting inertia straps??? But he has said it more than once and it does sound like Nershal. Thanks
Hey Patti - are you sure it couldn't be "Slow-Mag" ?
Subject: Hey Patti - are you sure it couldn't be "Slow-Mag" ?

My money is on 0.25%. Couldn't figure out what BOS said, so....
Subject: My money is on 0.25%. Couldn't figure out what BOS said, so....

I would type it 0.25%. The BOS said something about making percentages a fraction of one. So that would make your 25% injection 0.25%.