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That makes sense. THANKS!

Posted By: LHMT on 2008-12-24
In Reply to: pleuritic - nm

Subject: That makes sense. THANKS!

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Makes sense, now that you say that! Thanks! nm
Makes more sense to me now
Subject: Makes more sense to me now

Aha! That makes sense!...thx! :)
Subject: Aha! That makes sense!...thx! :)


thanks, that makes sense.
Subject: thanks, that makes sense.

coffee? looks like I need some java java too !
Makes no sense to me
Subject: Makes no sense to me

Under surgical history: Gynecological history: Menarche at age 11, birth control pills for the past five to six years of a normal **pass-bearing that was 6**

This last part makes no sense to me. Is there anyone that does OB/GYN that could help me? Thank you

none of this makes sense to me
Subject: none of this makes sense to me

This is a patient admitted for a hysterectomy and salpingo-oophorectomy. Here is the sentence that makes no sense, this is an ESL, too.

A focus was then placed ** after careful** level of the angle of the mandible, probably to presented dental disease or some mandible node.


The sentence before: A PET scan showed the primary FDG-Avid located probably in the cervix, and no evidence of regional metastatic disease, no evidence of distant metastatic disease.

Thank you for any help with this mess.

Makes sense now, thank you...nm
Subject: Makes sense now, thank you...nm

SPD makes sense because
Subject: SPD makes sense because

In the hospital I use to work, the surgical department had many subdepartments three of which were called Supply, processing and distribution,  These areas were labled within surgery, I never really knew what each departments responsibilities were because I had never seen it in a report.
yes that makes sense
Subject: yes that makes sense

Yes that makes sense.  I really can't be sure, but I personally never use ...ankles bilaterally.. I use..ankle bilaterally.. because I only have one ankle on each side.

Kind of like .. The man examined the speakers on each side of the televison.(imagining there is on ly one on each side)

or                 The man examined the speaker on each side of the televison. 

I could be wrong but haven't had a complaint.

yes, this makes sense - thank you !! nm
Subject: yes, this makes sense - thank you !! nm

makes sense to me -- SM
Subject: makes sense to me -- SM

From onelook.com <medicine> Proud flesh, a fungous growth or excrescence of granulations resembling flesh, in a wound or ulcer



that makes sense...
Subject: that makes sense...

as she was being seen for possible appendicitis.  Now I feel stupid.  Thanks so much! 
Well that makes more sense
Subject: Well that makes more sense

that anything else I've thought of. Thanks! Except that sounds like a procedure. Maybe injectable glucose ??One instance is in the plan, they'll say, "IGMO sliding scale". I blanked it about 20 times because I couldn't document it but never got any feedback, so now I just type IGMO and haven't had any feedback from that either.
Makes no sense.
Subject: Makes no sense.

I don't think that makes sense...sorry nm
Subject: I don't think that makes sense...sorry nm

That makes sense :)
Subject: That makes sense :)

Aha!! makes so much sense
Subject: Aha!! makes so much sense

thanks, that makes sense
Subject: thanks, that makes sense

ok, makes sense
Subject: ok, makes sense

This makes sense. Thank you very much!!!
Subject: This makes sense. Thank you very much!!!

It makes sense but I think it is really a s - t - r - e - t - c - h
Subject: It makes sense but I think it is really a s - t - r - e - t - c - h

Some docs like to push the envelope! LOL
Yes, that makes sense with it being an
Subject: Yes, that makes sense with it being an

Sorry, makes no sense to me either.
Subject: Sorry, makes no sense to me either.

makes sense to me nm
Subject: makes sense to me nm

Thanks and it makes sense for what
Subject: Thanks and it makes sense for what

the patient is in for. Will make a note of that one for future reference.
I think it makes sense.
Subject: I think it makes sense.

I think he is just saying she that she is more prone to this, as are others in her family.

Thanks to both. BSA makes sense. Just
Subject: Thanks to both. BSA makes sense. Just

was not sure if he was saying S or F here. Letters sound so close when docs slur them together.
That makes much more sense. Thanks
Subject: That makes much more sense. Thanks

might be, it makes sense anyway
Subject: might be, it makes sense anyway

Now that makes much better sense. Thanks!
Subject: Now that makes much better sense. Thanks!

oh yes! that makes much more sense
Subject: oh yes! that makes much more sense

and they say it all the time.  Sometimes I go back and relisten and something that I could not get before is suddenly obvious
makes sense to me! nm.
Subject: makes sense to me! nm.

Oh makes much more sense!
Subject: Oh makes much more sense!

Makes sense...
Subject: Makes sense...

Thank you... that makes sense!!!! duh.
Subject: Thank you... that makes sense!!!! duh.

Now that makes a whole lot of sense!
Subject: Now that makes a whole lot of sense!

yes, this makes sense
Subject: yes, this makes sense

Yes makes sense
Subject: Yes makes sense

It makes sense (sm)
Subject: It makes sense (sm)

They are probably referring to an infected hair follicle, possibly from an ingrown hair.
that makes sense. thanks! nm
Subject: that makes sense. thanks! nm

That probably makes the most sense. Thanks (nm)
Subject: That probably makes the most sense. Thanks (nm)

That makes sense! (nm)
Subject: That makes sense! (nm)

That makes better sense
Subject: That makes better sense

but he is saying it pretty funny.  Thanks.
That makes sense. NM
Subject: That makes sense. NM

Yes it makes sense ... (sm)
Subject: Yes it makes sense ... (sm)

You also hear it stated a lot when someone has abdominal surgery - they splint when they stand up. 
Makes sense!
Subject: Makes sense!

Thank you..
yes, I think it makes sense nm
Subject: yes, I think it makes sense nm

None of that makes sense.
Subject: None of that makes sense.

makes sense
Subject: makes sense

Amiodarone and dopamine for low blood pressure and tachycardia. Dopamine is used in surgery frequently.
This is makes sense - sent to QA. THANKS ALL
Subject: This is makes sense - sent to QA. THANKS ALL

That makes sense and I believe that's it.
Subject: That makes sense and I believe that's it.