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They can't spell! And N can look like a W if hand-written. Use it

Posted By: or leave a blank. nm on 2007-08-20
In Reply to: Thank you, but she spelled - countrymt

Subject: They can't spell! And N can look like a W if hand-written. Use it


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Oh, and you need to check the anatomy of the hand. Do a google search for "bones of the hand"
Subject: Oh, and you need to check the anatomy of the hand. Do a google search for "bones of the hand".

Try this site, you can click on the bones of the hand and it will tell you what the bone is called.


The trapezoid bone is a bone in the distal row of the carpus; it articulates with the second metacarpal.

The scaphoid bone is the largest bone of the proximal row of the carpus on the radial side, articulating with radius, lunate, capitate, trapzium, and trapezoid.

Please know what you are talking about before you try to be condescending.

probably is isthmusectomy. Those two procedures go hand in hand.
Subject: probably is isthmusectomy. Those two procedures go hand in hand.

Hand surgery, lead hand?
Subject: Hand surgery, lead hand?

The hand was placed in a lead hand?  Attention directed to, in sequence, the lacerations over the DIP joints and pulps of the index, long and ring fingers.  Thanks

That is written as kU ...
Subject: That is written as kU ...

lowercase k and uppercase U for kilo units

Fragmin 2.5 kU
In *lew* of? How is that written?
Subject: In *lew* of? How is that written?


This device is being used in *lew* of surgical intervention...

Thank you so much, that is getting written down for sure.
Subject: Thank you so much, that is getting written down for sure.

It should be written out because
Subject: It should be written out because

HYD, HC, HCT (all three) are common abbreviations for Hydrocortisone.  HCT is also Hydrochlorothiazide.
one third cm written as
Subject: one third cm written as

0.3 cm ? Is this correct?
Not sure how this should be written
Subject: Not sure how this should be written

The doctor is saying:  She has had a laminectomy done, L3-L4-L5... I am not sure if there should be - or / between, neither one looks right...TIA



written in my book
Subject: written in my book

Granted I bought this book used, but the last owner wrote in "arcade of Frosche" (tunnel in the arm). I can't find anything on the Henry one though, sorry. I do try to find another reference if they were not written in by me, but I don't have one. :)
also written as torr nm
Subject: also written as torr nm

Written test
Subject: Written test

Help  New student taking a written test for possible employment.  Is " Her dorsalis pedis pulses are 3+" transcribed correctly?
written test
Subject: written test

thank you all
Per BOS - plus/minus written out unless
Subject: Per BOS - plus/minus written out unless

planovalgus is written together.
Subject: planovalgus is written together.

Your Google references are all written by a lay sm
Subject: Your Google references are all written by a lay sm

person, even one person from a Cannabis site! The MRI info was probably keyed in by a lay person also. There no reference for "brachioplexy" in any Stedman's reference, any Dorland's reference, Taber's or even in the rxlist.
Did you notice the other misspellings in the Google listings?

Brachioplexy makes no sense. It's brachial plexus, brachial plexopathy.

Best not to be facetious with an MT with over 30 years' experience, with a 99-100% QA rating at all times.

You still didn't define "brachioplexy" which is what I asked.

No wonder we're losing our work to a foreign country.

original pack sm written OP
Subject: original pack sm written OP


found it here
I have written Cypher in my book
Subject: I have written Cypher in my book

but they are always inventing new ones, too.

A six two Kirschner wire-How is that written?
Subject: A six two Kirschner wire-How is that written?

I have scoured the internet looking for K wire sizing and coming up with nothing.  Would that be a 6.2 K wire?  A 62 K wire?  Thanks for any help!
Per Medscape this is how the 10 mEq dosage is written:
Subject: Per Medscape this is how the 10 mEq dosage is written:

Take 1 tablet (10 meq) by oral route 2 times per day with food. Hope that helps somewhat.

Based on the following paragraph written by
Subject: Based on the following paragraph written by

Vanderbilt University in relationship to Troubleshooting PICC problems, in particular; "My patient's arm is red, swollen, and/or painful."
A. How does the arm look in comparison to the arm without a PICC line.
B. If redness is involved, is it a red streak up the arm along the vein tract.
C. If swelling is involved, what is the difference in the girth of the two arms.

Your sound-alike brings to my mind: gorge; as engorged. Definition: gorge, glut; especially: to fill with blood to the point of congestion. Just an educated guess though. Good luck.

Numbers are no longer written out
Subject: Numbers are no longer written out

unless beginning of sentence or 2 of them together -- two 3-0 sutures. Per the almighty BOS.
Is X-ray written with capital X or lowercase x?
Subject: Is X-ray written with capital X or lowercase x?

that would be "half percent" written as 0.5%...:)...nm
Subject: that would be "half percent" written as 0.5%...:)...nm

How is amp written for medication dosage
Subject: How is amp written for medication dosage

Factors are written in roman numerals
Subject: Factors are written in roman numerals

I found this on google and in Vera Pyle's Current Medical Terminology. This is a great book. I have found a lot in here.
I have barrel hoop written in the back of my
Subject: I have barrel hoop written in the back of my

miscellaneous notebook under signs... I had asked the doc dictating if that was what he was saying. He said yes. What you have could be correct, but I'm sorry I can't provide you with documentation to check out.
..exact number sequence for how this should be written yet. nm
Subject: ..exact number sequence for how this should be written yet. nm

renal 70/70/70 calorie diet? is this how it is written? nm
Subject: renal 70/70/70 calorie diet? is this how it is written? nm

HE probably is unaware of how it's correctly written/pronounced. I'd
Subject: HE probably is unaware of how it's correctly written/pronounced. I'd

sig written on a prescription means directions.
Subject: sig written on a prescription means directions.

Sig means directions when written on a prescription.
Subject: Sig means directions when written on a prescription.

How is this written out? T1CN1AM0 DUCTAL CARCINOMA

A trigger point injection at the right gluteus maximus trigger point was performed using mixture of 2 mL 2% Xylocaine and 1 mL 40 mg per mL Depo-Medrol.
I've always written out the word hours
Subject: I've always written out the word hours

if it's dictated.  If it's not dictated as part of the time, I don't add it.  Some dictators will just say *0-8-hundred* and I just transcribe it 0800. 
only' follow up' used as verb ist written in 2 words...
Subject: only' follow up' used as verb ist written in 2 words...

This is a followup. (noun)
This is a followup examination, (adjective)
She has to follow up in this
(verb), no hyphen.
Biopsy came back VIN 2 (II) ? Can't find for sure how is this written
Subject: Biopsy came back VIN 2 (II) ? Can't find for sure how is this written

What is the fully written out version of "chem stick"? - tia - nm
Subject: What is the fully written out version of "chem stick"? - tia - nm

RE: What is the fully written out version of "chem stick"? - tia - nm
Subject: RE: What is the fully written out version of "chem stick"? - tia - nm

Use a diagnostic tool (Chemstick) to measure for the presence of: ...
Use the indicator key on the Chemstick box to measure the pH of the urine sample
I have Chamay incision/approach written in my Stedmans! nm
Subject: I have Chamay incision/approach written in my Stedmans! nm

Lachman test results, are they written as grade 2 or II?? TIA.
Subject: Lachman test results, are they written as grade 2 or II?? TIA.

In my spellcheck it is written as cardiac wise -- two words; no hypen.
Subject: In my spellcheck it is written as cardiac wise -- two words; no hypen.

I found it exactly as you have written it "neti pot"in Stedman's Plastic Surgery Words
Subject: I found it exactly as you have written it "neti pot"in Stedman's Plastic Surgery Words

On the other hand...
Subject: On the other hand...

could be that she hadn't refreshed the page and didn't see the post by the OP
s/l C&S of the hand...sm
Subject: s/l C&S of the hand...sm

She has normal (s/l C&S) ____ of her hand.  There is no weakness.  Tinel and Phalen signs are negative.

No wounds etc.  Has to do with checking had and possibly filing workmans comp. 


could he be saying right hand?
Subject: could he be saying right hand?

On the other hand...
Subject: On the other hand...

When he states AP, lateral and oblique views were obtained of the ...


AP, lateral and oblique was obtained of the ...

Are they not the same sentence really?? SO shouldn't the second one be were?
Your welcome - its very hand. :) nm
Subject: Your welcome - its very hand. :) nm

Subject: hand/wrist

The doctor is saying what sounds like "pulp pinch" and "pea pinch" measurements.  Could that be correct?
Subject: hand/wrist

Thanks for your help. I listened again and he's saying key pinch, not pea pinch.
[diastem] of the hand
Subject: [diastem] of the hand

An IV line was established via nursing staff at the s/l diastem of the hand. Diastem is actually A word but I don't think it's THE word. This is a right upper extremity venogram.javascript:editor_insertHTML('text','');