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Think you just need Trendelenburg position (head down) here. nm

Posted By: passing thru on 2006-01-16
In Reply to: help please - kaliegh

Subject: Think you just need Trendelenburg position (head down) here. nm


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maybe Trendelenburg position???
Subject: maybe Trendelenburg position???

semi-Fowler position one similar to Fowler's position but with the head less elevated
Subject: semi-Fowler position one similar to Fowler's position but with the head less elevated

Could it be head upright "bed" position? (nm)
Subject: Could it be head upright "bed" position? (nm)

he remained in a s/l jostlest head tilt position. TIA
Subject: he remained in a s/l jostlest head tilt position. TIA

Yes, This should place the patient's head in the sniffing position with the nose pointing up. ...
Subject: Yes, This should place the patient's head in the sniffing position with the nose pointing up. ...

Subject: Trendelenburg's

Patrick's test, maybe Ely's test, Spurling's. Here is a website with common tests.

listen for orthotopic position (meaning normal or usual position). nm
Subject: listen for orthotopic position (meaning normal or usual position). nm

Trendelenburg limp
Subject: Trendelenburg limp

is there a position s/l Dutch? left lateral decubitus position?
Subject: is there a position s/l Dutch? left lateral decubitus position?

Procto position probably short for proctoscopic position. nm
Subject: Procto position probably short for proctoscopic position. nm

QA Position
Subject: QA Position

Does any one know of a full-time QA position that's open?

[Sorry Administrator , if this message is in the wrong forum; didn't know where to post this message.]


QA position
Subject: QA position

I have been transcribing over 10 years and am thinking of applying for QA.  Anybody have any similar experience and suggestions/comments on their experiences?  I work for MQ and get paid by the line -- have no idea how they pay their QA - is it by the report, hour or ??  Thanks so much!
or perhaps "W" position.
Subject: or perhaps "W" position.

I know that does not start with a P but that is usually what they say to avoid, the W position where they sit with knees folded back and feet to the sides. And they tell them to sit in the "indian" position to correct it.

Hi, thanks, that was one of my sounds like that I added to my comments when I sent it in. I guess they call the surgical table the "bed" now, maybe? I still think it is the same as reverse Trendelenburg (from the olden days when I worked in an OR), but I was not there now, right? Thanks and when I find out I'll let you know. Sometimes I feel so old and deaf! (But then again he was not the best "enunciator" on the block either).
Maybe one-position?
Subject: Maybe one-position?

Subject: Position

Yes, it is a beach chair position.
Subject: Position

Head upright recumbent position.  Just check this out.
s/l HS position?
Subject: s/l HS position?

spot of tenderness just outside anal verge on buttock at about 5'clock in an HS position. 
s/l pedrosal position for TAH

 Gotta get that Stedman's! 

The dorsal position.
Probably just saying "in the dorsal position."
No cap. It's just the way they position the patient. nm
Subject: No cap. It's just the way they position the patient. nm

maybe DISI position
Subject: maybe DISI position

Yes, Rose position. You got it.
Subject: Yes, Rose position. You got it.


9 o'clock position
Subject: 9 o'clock position

? supine position
Subject: ? supine position

Young boy is having surgery on toe. Placed in s/l calva supine position. It almost sounds like he might be saying careful or covered or comfortable. Any ideas? Thanks
dependent position
Subject: dependent position

hanging down to the side
Surgical position
Subject: Surgical position

Lap chole and after the second set of trocars were placed he states, "The patient was then placed in the head upright _________ position." Sounds like beta,  Is this the same as reverse Trendelenburg?  He continues on with the rest of the case.  Somebody save me here.  I think I need a Miracle Ear. 
nevermind... it is a position
Subject: nevermind... it is a position

He says more than once "amigo" position.
Subject: He says more than once "amigo" position.

s/l "semi fal er" position
Subject: s/l "semi fal er" position

For left temporal sebaceous cyst removal, patient placed in "semi fal er" position



Position of mass - help?
I know if we're doing a location of something on the body, we type 1 o'clock.  I have a mass at one-thirty.  How is that typed?  Thanks!
one one position in hip surgery?
Subject: one one position in hip surgery?

A lateral incision was then made for the guide for the locking nail into the head.  This was a helical nail of 110 mm, was able to be put in after putting the guidewire in into the _____ position reaming the outer cortex and then packing the nail, again having good bone in the head portion. 

dictates one one, but not sure how this should be written.  11, 1-1 ??


I don't think they usually use lithotomy position (sm)
Subject: I don't think they usually use lithotomy position (sm)

for TAH, do they? Maybe "dorsal supine position" ?
Right-sided position? nm
Subject: Right-sided position? nm

captain's chair position?
Subject: captain's chair position?

Should captain be capped?   I can't verify this anywhere.

can you hear Fowler position in there? nm
Subject: can you hear Fowler position in there? nm

Can you hear frogleg position? nm
Subject: Can you hear frogleg position? nm

Perhaps pigeon-toed position? - nm
Subject: Perhaps pigeon-toed position? - nm

Use s/l-PETS while in kneeling position? nm
Subject: Use s/l-PETS while in kneeling position? nm

There is a beach chair position.
Subject: There is a beach chair position.

I have that in my ortho all the time.
Mass at the 11:30 position of breast
Subject: Mass at the 11:30 position of breast

Is that how you would format this? I know that general it would be 11 o'clock position, but I have never ran into a doctor using 11:30 (or similar)
hyperflexed position when driving
Subject: hyperflexed position when driving

yellow sim low lithotomy position?
Subject: yellow sim low lithotomy position?

beach chair position?
Subject: beach chair position?

Doing an OR for shoulder surgery... ever heard of a patient being put in a beach chair position?
amigo position in wheelchair
Subject: amigo position in wheelchair

too late I know! Anyway, this word is usually position. sm
Subject: too late I know! Anyway, this word is usually position. sm

They usually say "position is well maintained"
Maybe valgus or varus position?
Subject: Maybe valgus or varus position?

folly factory level position
Subject: folly factory level position

After flexible cystocopy, patient is positioned in the "folly factory level" position with the right side elevated......this is a right-sided nephrectomy...


Any ideas?

patient placed in a prone position on a s/l pro-neez. nm
Subject: patient placed in a prone position on a s/l pro-neez. nm

Back in the day, taught 8 o'clock position (nm)
Subject: Back in the day, taught 8 o'clock position (nm)

No, he's doing surgery and places from supine up into the ? position, Thanks anyway.
Subject: No, he's doing surgery and places from supine up into the ? position, Thanks anyway.